Not all heroes wear capes

Not all heroes wear capes

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But it's trash

>Not all heroes wear capes
I think only Thor wears one in this movie.

imagine how much of a slavecuck you have to be for corporation conglomerates like Disney and the likes to work your ass off a barely above minimum wage job for 10 hours and then proceeding to spend the proceeding 6 hours of your free time watching a fucking kids flick before going back to bed and repeating this inane cycle ad nauseam

God bless capitalism eh? Truly the best system for (((free))) men

This guy unironically needs Jesus

why does he have to see it?
cant he just buy up all the tickets?

>Agustin Alanis
But of course he's a shitskin

>noooo, why are you spending your money on things that you enjoy?!
Please stay in Yea Forums and never leave.

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Oh look, it’s Yea Forums represented in human form

The right can’t meme.

Because he's mentally ill and doing it for the attention.

rent free

There is no movie on this Earth, no matter how good, you can watch over a hundred times this close together and enjoy

bet he sucks cock too


dumb americuck

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It wasn't as good as infinity war. I didn't really enjoy it as much

The movie was a 6/10 at best. I rarely rewatch movies and I would go insane if I watch any movie that number of times.
You have to be mentally ill to do a thing like this.

Even my absolute favorite movie I've only seen about 6 times, you gotta space out your rewatches
When you watch something too many times, it loses impact.

Have sex AND dilate, marveltranny

Dr.Strange wears too

That's technically a cloak, though.

Probably only did it for the fame after hearing about the guy who did the same for IW

This is unironically a sign of autism

Hating corporations is right wing now?

What are the odds this person is completely made up and doesn't exist? Is there any requirement for clickbait to be in any way factual?
he's surprisingly good looking for autistic capeshitter
no homo

I've only seen my favorite movie around 8-9 times and it's been out for well over 40 years now.

>As long as someone claims they are enjoying something nothing they do should be criticized ever

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