Yeah, I'm thinking he's back

Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

Attached: JJ Warner.png (657x535, 609K)

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It's disheartening. I'll admit he is pretty good at making you think things he does might be good: but then you watch them and they suck. Every time they suck. And this was obvious ten years ago.

That's anti-semitic.

this whole site has been contaminated with /pol/'s mentally ill antisemitism

abrams is the most egregious hack in recent memory. total fraud

Ian Hecox.

I don't mind JJ
He seems like a genuine guy.

That JJ is a jew is only the fifth thing that's wrong with him

How does your nose become a literal cock on your face. I do not get it. That thing is not normal


So he sold the magic mystery box of his new studio partnership for half a billion dollars?

Will Warners find out that, much like the mystery boxes in his films, it is just full of hot air?

Not really, he just is very, very good at what he does: making scenes which sell movies. Abrams is, at heart, a producer, who has very good idea of what kind of scenes and ideas people are more than likely to be interested of.
He also has some amount of skill to direct those ideas so, that they come out at something that look well made, but when you stitch them together, they can end up being lackluster, as he has very little skill of directing the boring bits in between.

What does this $500 millions partnership even means? Is BadRobot relevant? I look at their twitter timeline and it's only about planned parenthood, minorities and merchandise with a Bad Robot logo. There isn't a single post about movies. I think this deal is very shady.

JJ is not a filmmaker he's a happy merchant. All his film are a marketing ploy, that's why he directs sequels to established franchises. Brand recognition is huge part of marketing, we're selling you shit you know. He's an absolutely shit director and worse writer because he has zero creativity.

No, he is a decent director when it comes to directing the scenes that are meant to be used to sell the movies, but as a whole he is better merchant, who has very little interest towards scenes that are meant to convey story.
He has skill, a lot more than he is credited, but that skill is geared more towards marketing, producing and creating hype.

He's a TV directors, his film don't belong to cinema and if by any chance a scene or two look good, there's great chances it was someone else's idea.

That's one weird Jewish nose

This, seems like a terrible idea.

How long until it's just Disney and WB left ?

Wait, are you saying it is actually not the case?

Oh man can't wait until Abrams Justice League

They should just check out Bad Robot twitter account. It's an embarrassment. I belive this annoucement is just media manipulation to sell a company that is actually bankrupt.

Attached: C0F6F537-FE1B-48CB-A35F-0E7AEB13796F.jpg (739x415, 30K)

Bullshit. He is a fantastic dirdctor of directing other people's money right into his pockets.