Onions is thinking Terminator should've ended with T2.
Patrish is realizing Terminator is the only film in its franchise.
Onions is thinking Terminator should've ended with T2
When will salvation get the respect it deserves?
terminator 2 is pure kino, a great sequel to a great film
T-1000 a best. A BEST
terminator 1 > terminator 2
alien 1 > alien 2
mad max 1 > mad max 2 >>>>dogshit> the other two
>Terminator 1- Horror
Horror is for söy-males and women, grow up manchild
did you just google what Terminator was you dumb piece of zoomer shit
I implore anyone to watch t2 again. It's three giant set pieces joined together by some of the most ear wrenching kid dialogue ever written.
It's propped up entirely by my pet terminator nostalgia goggles.
You got it right, make this man a mod
chad is realzing that arnold is a fucking faggot
Terminator 1 is the superior film.
>Arnold machine was a better villain than the liquid machine. The rotting corpse face was awesome, as was the skeleton in the end.
>Reese was a better good guy then the Arnold machine. Biehn playing a shellshocked soldier from the future was just so intense.
>T1 has more of an authentic feel to it. Aside from maybe one scene with so so special effects, everything in it just feels realistic. T2 is just too over the top Hollywood.
>No annoying kid.
>Sarah Connor was better as a realistic, terrified woman than as a psychotic supermom.
>The best future war scenes.
>The ending of T2 ruins the cool future that is presented in T1. (T3 fixed this even though it sucked.)
I still liked T2, it’s a good flick, but I feel a sequel should have shown the war instead. No time travel, just the war, with massive battles like the ones we got a glimpse of in T1. And not like T4, that one sucked too. But like something of the quality of Private Ryan except in the future vs the machines. It could have worked as a two part series with T1.
ascension is realizing they all sucked and Arnold has never been in a good film
>mad max 1 > mad max 2
how the fuck can you get it so wrong.
Hello, woman.
I say T2 is the better action movie (it narrowly edges out Predator as the GOAT for me), but you hit the nail on the fucking head.
Sarah Connor's terror is fucking palpable. Michael Biehn's performance is so damn good. The Terminator simply captured the feeling of being hunted by a relentless killing machine so perfectly.
based. only kids, gays and women like t2
onions is enjoying movies
patrish is shitposting on the internet and maybe doing heroin sometimes
cameron truly is a tasteless pleb, his obsession with kids and strong unrealistic women ruined many films, amongst them aliens and t2
meh Harlan Ellison has a few things to say...
watching movies is literally gay. you literally get enjoyment from watching other people in relationships, having sex, doing heroic things and so on. """people""" who watch films shouldnt be allowed to post on tv
Says the guy posting a fucking fantasy character.
It already does.