I want candy, bubblegum and taffy. Skip to the sweet shop with my sweetheart, Sandy. Got my pennies saved. so I'm a sugar daddy. I'm her Hume Cronyn, she my Jessica Tandy. I want candy!
I need candy bubble gum, and taffy Get in my way punk, you're gonna get ya ass beat, nasty Do it till your dad sees, embarrass your family Just 'cause you came between a kid and his candy
I don’t care if it’s old or it’s cold or it’s covered in mold, it’s for the shorteeeeeeez, YEA
Eli Hughes
A hyperactive juice that only I can produce
Cameron Morgan
Cruisin' mos espa, in my DeLorean
Carson Turner
>I'm her Hume Cronyn, she my Jessica Tandy. What a boomer fucking reference. I had to look up who the fuck they were when I was a kid.
Jace Hughes
Remember when MC Chris cried on youtube about reddit outing him as a piece of shit? Remember when he tried to metoo one of the producers of Sealab? Kek.
Liam Thomas
No, now fuck off.
Mason Bennett
"This is your left. This is your left. This is your right. This is your right. ...You're gonna die."