Wtf this was the best Star Wars movie in a decade

wtf this was the best Star Wars movie in a decade

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Some how it was. I'll get this in before the Rogue One fans shit on it.

Rogue One was boring garbage

Truly a film in which a secondary character's pansexuality is promoted to headline status is a work of art.

Being the best star wars movie in a decade is like being the strongest tard on the playground.

Who fucking cares about the cheating black mans sexuality, it was a great film

Despite most of the other Star Wars films, it was a fun, exciting romp through the SW world and was jam-packed with old school references, which will satisfy any person who loved Episodes IV, V, VI and tolerated I, II, III.

You'll always be a faggot.

Best of the sequels (which is a low bar) but what they did to Lando was character assassination

The thing that surprised me most was that the lead that played Han actually worked out that well. Of course, his chemistry with Harrison helped with that but w/e.

Just as nu wars'll always be pandering sanctimonious trash that, like everything else disney is spewing out these days, appeals to the absolute lowest common demoninator of 'average' American retards

Rogue One>Last Jedi>Solo>Force Awakens

>what's your name son?
>and your last name?
>I don't have a last name
>hmm, so you're all alone eh? We will call you... *looks straight into the camera*
>Han Solo!

>was this the best Star Wars movie in a decade?

that shit was so terrible i killed myself

This really sets the tone and expectation for the movie because it happens so early.
If I had been in a theatre I would've been able to walk out and get my refund. As it was I simply stopped the player and deleted the file permanently from my hard drive.


its much less of a tonal slap in the face than 'who talks first' self-awarey out-of-universe jokes in the first 5 minutes of BOTH the last two MAIN films

Spanish is spoken in Star Wars?

The last jedi is literally a million times better directed

Making the best Star Wars movie in a decade isn't an extraordinary feat itself. That said, I haven't watched it.

Yeah but the editing is so much worse

It barely feel like a Star Wars movie. OP a faggot as usual.

The editing isn't worse at all it's in fact better editing than rogue one and solo

Why was Lando portrayed as a good guy he legit betrayed everyone in the original trilogy, delivered them directly into Darth Vader's hands personally he was a nigger in every sense of the word

I dont get why the normalfags decided to boycott one of the decent starwars movies instead of the awful mainline entries

>best Star Wars since Revenge of the Sith
you're probably right

>best star wars since revenge of the sith
thats the last jedi

It was fucking garbage zoomer cuck.

why do you post like a twitter twat?

Even if that was true, that wouldn’t be saying much

nu wars was a mistake, you're the fucking problem

it's the worst one they ever made

Not really a high bar.

Because people were that angry about TLJ and Disney's retarded "fuck the fans" campaign?

got 'em!

I enjoyed both Solo and Rogue One

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I was surprised how much I liked the movie but god damn that scene was bad

Alden is insanely handsome.

Kill yourself faggot scum

It kept me engaged while I was watching it and I didn't hate any of the characters. That's more than I can say for ep 7, ep 8 and rogue one

This post paid for by Disney bux.

Buy it on Blu-ray today user.

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It was real Qi'no

Attached: punch.webm (1000x401, 2.89M)

Horrible lead


why didn't he call him han alone ?

The guy playing Solo couldn't act for shit, making Lando actually have some sort of deep or romantic relationship with his cringelord SJW-parody robot pilot made no sense, and the gang of raiders looked like they all should be complaining about problematic depictions of womyn in comic books than murauding around desert planets.

In context, best really only means "marginally less shit than the competition." That said, Solo really isn't the least bad of the bunch either. None of them are. They are all equally shit. Shit made to appeal to fat, retarded neckbeards and manbabies with no standard or self-esteem.