OH N--

OH N--

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why did this make me laugh

It was revenge for Billy Batts, and a lot of other things. And there was nothing that we could do about it. Batts had an N-word pass, and Tommy didn't.

All he had to do was go home and get his fucking shinebox.

Real greaseball shit.

>Batts had an N-word pass, and Tommy didn't.

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Thanks Satan

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I've seen at least 3 posts today that end in 666, one of them my own and there's been two crows fucking with the screen on my window for some reason. I think Satan is trying to tell me something.

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He's telling you to clean your fucking windows you dumbshit

Why would someone wanna become a made man if it involved getting shot in the back of the head?


racist comments aren't tolerated here

watching Wolf of Wall Street instead
vert drunk

They Banned him, they fucking banned him..
*Smashes N I G keys on keyboard*

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what was going through his head at this moment?

kill yourself nigger
also do not bother banning me as I will just evade it anyway

Im proud of you my ______________R

A bullet

You survive a bullet to the head you're made, you fail you get demoted to formerly alive. You eat noodles covered in ketchup like a fuckin nobody forever

Fucking kek

His tax policy

If I wanted to break your balls I'd tell ya to go get your crime statistics

why is he getting shot with a squirt gun


Supposedly the real life Jimmy had Tommy whacked as well so he didn't have to share the lufthansa loot.

come to think of bobby ain't really that good of an actor. most of his good roles(minus the recent ones) apart from the boxer are psychos. Not really character actor like on the level of DDL and streep. Don't like the bitch's opinion but she can act.


I actually jumped a little the first time I saw that.

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Casino >>>>>>>> goodfellas


why did vito do it

Why would Tommy accept the invitation if he knew he was going to get shot in the head? is that how you become a made man? but how do you become a made man if you get shot in the back of the head.

Shouldn't he have seen this coming? He'd probably been involved in a few of these assassinations himself.

He forgot to augment his skull with a metal plate

this. that's why he says OH NO, because it slipped his mind

I think that's the second most memorable time Joe Pesci gets whacked at the end of a gangster movie with Robert De Niro in it.

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same director, same plot

I still don't underatand how a water gun killed him, was the gun pressurized?

What did he expect though? He didnt kill some random, he killed a made man. That wasnt going to go away.

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Looks like that bullet did your brain some good

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