They built a real flying Iron Man!

They built a real flying Iron Man!

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did they do it in a cave?
with a box of scraps?

Man cave

i cant stand watching the soi boi faggot.


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> 3 seconds of flying in a 20 min video
that's a yikes from me dawg

Gravity is unironically a pretty cool company

Now I guess the process of miniaturization begins? And after that, loading weapons and miniaturizing them? Followed immediately afterwards by a Boeing acquisition and getting redacted by the military

Yea Forums on the left

fake and gay

who's "they"?

the founder of Gravity.

albert einstein?!

seek help

stay mad goyboys

werner von braun

the only interesting thing was 3D printing the armor, the flying is its own system they just rented.

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looks like robocop though. Major fail.

if you don't know it's a stupid fucking mini torbofan or "jetpack" you strap to you back that's extremely cumbersome and needs a huge fucking powerline connected to it to function and has been around since the early 2000's otherwise you can use a battery like a retard and run it for 30 seconds which is incredibly useless

The Military have looked at jetpacks already. Fuel is the limiting factor, range/flight time is measured in seconds. Also what happens to the pilot if there's a malfunction? He/she drops from the sky like a lead balloon.