Movies that take place in a single location?

movies that take place in a single location?

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my biopic

coherence (basically)

Tom hardy in his car, Locke?

all movies take place in the same universe

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waiting (except for like 5 minutes)

Free Fire (2016)

mothafucking CLUE YO!

The Breakfast Club

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Rear Window

Same Time Next Year

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most movies that are based on plays

the ultimate bottle episode

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Surprisingly good

How was this not the first one to be posted?

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I watched this recently. Was pure kino.

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glengarry glen ross, they are either in the office or the chinese bar across the street.

man this film was utter dross. even as a 17 year old i wasn't impressed when that's the market age for this intellectual wankery

There is no intellectual anything you pretentious faggot. Its what if story.

Fucking kino right there.

Sunset unlimited and pic related, recommend both.

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Absolutely True

... but since many of the Broadway plays closed long ago, the only way to experience the story is either the movie version ... or bad HS/College renditions.

So here's 3 movie-plays that qualify. (and IMHO are pretty good as movies too.)
> Noises Off
> Deathtrap
> Waiting for Godot

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The entire film is a series of intellectual arguments trying to prove and disprove if the guy really is a caveman who has been alive since that period.

Have you actually watched the movie user?

The whole point of the movie is that you cannot prove or disprove his claim with any kind of arguments, intellectual or otherwise. I understand that you were 17 years old, but damn, you missed the point hard.


that doesn't refute my point that the entire movie was intellectual wankery, which it was. It was like watching a podcast


He's travelling from one location to another the whole film lol.

despite the fact the car is moving, it takes place entirely in one space

I saw a movie recently with a bunch of British dudes that get in a shootout in a warehouse during a drug deal, and that's the whole movie. I forget the name but it had the guy who played the Reverend Green in The Worlds End

You too user, late Cronenberg is a pleb filter of the highest level

Earth is a single location.

Yeah now you are just saying "you didnt prove me wrong though". No I cannot prove to you that an argument between educated people with a seemingly easy goal of proving the guy a liar turned out to be impossible is not "intellectual wankery", what ever that term means to you. I cannot prove it because its your artificial term that encompasses your subjective opinion. No wonder you didnt like the movie. We are done here, mate.

Deathtrap is underrated

It got relativistic in this bitch, yo!


This thread is missing a whole genre of movies that often take place in one place - Cheesy Horror movies.

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Does Cube count? It's a cube of interconnected rooms.

Noises Off and Deathtrap used to get played on my local TV channel a lot. Good memories.

Buried, rope, funny games

The sunset limited. It was alright

hateful 8

If not Circle counts.

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The Room

Dead men don't fuck, dead women don't get pregnant. Death is the most efficient means of sterilization.

Came here to post it. It was better than alright. Too bad SLJ were never match for TLJ when it comes to acting.

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this film is shit

can't believe the writer tried to get it made for his whole lifetime. the concept it terrific, but everything else is just stupid and uninspired

>lol guys, I'm actually Jesus and the Buddha

the invitation
dawn of the dead?/other zombie movies

He wasnt the Buddha and he said he was Jesus to fuck with the christian in the room. Really should have made it more obvious for brainlets.

There are flashbacks but it technically takes place in one location

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El ángel exterminador

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Decent Israeli war movie that takes place entirely inside a tank

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i loved coherence so much

dog day afternoon

This was a good flick.

secret honor

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tell me more, trenchant insight or bon mot?

How big is one location? Because there are a few that are shot on one estate: India Song, Cries and Whispers, even Salo I believe

>movies that were written&conceived by a single brain cell

That other Polanski flick about being pegged by a woman or whatever