Black Mirror

What a shit "season"

Attached: tumblr_inline_prvjm77dEQ1qa7yzy_500.gif (500x226, 551K)

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you scare quote like a 12yo

I want to suck on her nose until brains come out

It wasn't bad. Just lackluster. Last season had more bad episodes. Also Bandersnatch was kino.

It was way better than the last season

0.0003 shekels have been deposited into your account

hell yeah virtual gay niggers are so brave

it wasn't gay though

who cares about the black guys. we all watched for nicole beharie and Pom.

>who cares about the black guys


that episode was pretty good. At least they didn't have white girlfriends.

Attached: Black.Mirror.S05E01.Striking.Vipers.webm (960x480, 1.63M)

Disney paid them off to job and weaken Netflix further for the arrival of Disney+.

>ywn have sex with Cammy in Street Fighter VR

It's weird reading interviews about this season and realizing Miley Cyrus is actually very high IQ

Say what you will, that episode was pretty fucking original

yes, yes but who is that semen demon?

Wrecking Ball Girl

>"scare quote"

what a pleb OP

i only watched smithereens, but almost turned it off when the silicone valley wankers started getting involved.

the fuck is a square quote

i doubt it

Sarcasm indicator using American English stye quotation marks

fucking zoomers

>not the skyrim intro edit

fuck man