ITT: Movie-related comics

ITT: Movie-related comics

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Other urls found in this thread: Novelty Library 20 Lint (2010) (repack).cbz

Jeez it's called making small talk

>religion and patriotism are for children

>Nihilistic, edgy and "intelligent"

Isn't atheism more comforting? You get to do all the awful fun stuff you want but never have to worry about getting punished for it

>mfw he's so dull-witted and unattractive that he unconsciously makes up for it by hating popular culture to feel special.

fucking redpilled

yes you ziocon

triggered manbabies

They're enlightened by their own intelligence which is why they do gay things like post in an atheist subreddit all day long


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>tfw the Wilson movie with Woody Harrelson was total shit and had 0 room for moments like pic related

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95% of the world follows some sort of religion.
95% of the world are children?

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Stop liking problematic movies

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>95% of the world follows some sort of religion.

Only in brown nations are religitards the majority. You're not a mutt are you? Oh don't answer.

>Only in brown nations are religitards the majority
Literally go outside.

if those stats are true then yeah


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>"95% of the world follows some sort of religion"
>no, only 95% of the world follows some sort of religion
What did the retard mean by this?

What about East Europeans countries like Poland, Hungary? What about Koreans? What about the west for last 1500 years?

>no, only 95% of the world follows some sort of religion
No means I reject the claim about 95% being religious you mutt brain

this is some reddit shit

fucking lmao

So you have two unconnected thoughts in the same sentence? That's even more retarded than I originally thought.

i understand the sentiment here desu

top kek

That's because you are retarded.

Even in supposedly secular nations such as Scandinavia the majority of people hold vague quasi-religious beliefs about karma, or ghosts, or hold some notion of a divine lifeforce or supreme being.

All majority atheist.
>1000 years ago when it was punishable by death to leave thechurch the majority was religious

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>you use fantasy to escape the shittiness of your life
>im ok because i escape the shittiness of my life by telling you how shitty life is

really makes me flick the old bean

I have to say that as an atheist, I find the idea of total nonexistence after death to be more comforting than the myth of an all powerful asshole judging my every action and sentencing me to suffer for all eternity because I didn't fellate its ego enough.

>it means he or she is important in his or her field
that's not what the blue check means by any stretch

You can't expect zoomers to keep their thoughts straight from word to word, gramps.

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Eastern Europe is a shithole. The West isn't a relevant example since they no longer are religious.



>People who don't go to church are explicitly atheists.


whos the midge in the bottom right

Not attending church does not make you atheist.
I haven't gone to church in 20 years and I still consider myself christian.

they're certainly not going to heaven

holy based

atheists don't like to admit it but this is exactly what drew them towards atheism in the first place

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based and kellypilled

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enjoy hell

I don't plan on being there, Satan.

>you have to go to church to be a christian
literal satan poster

you can use judeo-christian values and not believe in god


And insofar as people still believe such things anywhere it's entirely inaccurate to say secular materialists are a majority. Religious instincts are literally programmed into us. Take that as you will.

>their truly is no justice


Most Christians you'll see on Yea Forums are only Christian because it is edgy to be one these days. Their faith is false.

Yes and no. I've read a few books regarded as some of the greatest literature ever written and it's hit and miss. Catch 22 was quite good. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was a struggle to get through. Future Sapien (or whatever that recent bestseller is called) was 400 pages of Reddit level crap.

The Dark Knight was extremely well made, entertaining, and better than most other movies. That makes it worth seeing. It emotionally engaged me more than most books I read, and you can't ask for more than that.

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read the epistle of james

>i don't have any kids, let me tell you my political opinions
who would have guessed

what is even the point here lmao

read the entire rest of the bible

The Bible was written by man. It is not the word of God.
I believe that if I am a good person, I'll go to heaven. That's how I live my life.
I very much doubt God cares what I do on my Sundays.

you're right. he doesn't. at all. it's a catholic thing

classic comics had no point, they were just there to make people laugh or say hmmm

I don't adhere to any specific sect of Christianity.
They all do generally stupid shit.

that twist is next level devastation

The precedent for not taking the bible as the literal word of God is older than the New Testament or Christianity itself. Evangelicals, the zoomers of Christianity, mucked that all up.

it was inspired by the holy spirit

nah just the catholics

their entire religion is based on their belief that they have the authority to make shit up as they go along. hence the stupid shit

>it must me ok.
this typo makes the picture look dumb

Not all sects do stupid shit. Orthodox, Prots, Calvins, all of them do stupid shit.

u mad?

>if i feel like i'm gonna go to heaven i will!
you're no better than the atheists.

He's kinda got a point but lecturing a taxi driver just trying to make small talk is a sign of arrogance and pseudo-intellectualism.

prottie cope

Just trying to steer your conversation from what you thought was objectionable fact to subjective opinions

>this is some reddit shit
Please elaborate on your statement.

Except the atheists are way up their own ass.
I however am chill and believe God forgives.

Is there some trenchant insight to that punchline or is this specimen being serious?

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not an argument


>Except the atheists are way up their own ass.
what a generalization

oraybe they saw so many "pious" people getting exposed for being pieces of shit they realized it was all a big sham and that morality can't just be something you adhere to out of fear or some misplaced sense of duty, but simply because you know it's the right thing to do.

this is like that retard steve harvey saying how he doesn't trust atheists because if they don't believe in god how do they have morals, and then cheating on and divorcing a slew of wives. of course I know plenty of religious people that are good and not just because they think they'll go to hell otherwise, but be wary of the people that espouse that shit

Whenever a serf creature attempts to make talk with me I always slip him a $5 and say ''shh no talkie talkie''


the funny thing is that the person who made this is 100% unironic

>have sex

Or you shouldn't listen to Steve Harvey because he's a nigger.

Whats wrong with Orthodox? Least you can marry there?

>i lost because i didnt play
wow i wish more people made it this easy

>it’s a LOL thread in Yea Forums

Can’t spell Yea Forums without Yea Forums huh?

ATHEISTS AND RELIGIOUS PEOPLE SUCK. Yes, I'm a Agnostic Centrist how did you know?

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Go to bed James

Chris Ware's stuff is better honestly.

Lint fucking haunts me.

>holds up papal flag

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That has nothing to do with Orthodox Christianity.
I don't know much about it. I've just heard they are corrupt as shit.

Absolutely beautiful

>implying you or any other atheist on the internet actually does any "awful fun stuff"
You people do the same thing as religious folk don't pretend you're not on societys leash

Holy fuck that was based

>when the small details make it clear the guy who drew this doesn't lift
grip too wide for anything except a snatch/snatch variant
foot stance far too close together for that

based Chadson BTFOing the roasties

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now THIS is kino

How can I be as based as this man?

>its a satire of pretentious balding basedboy neckbeards

>came out in 2010 before that was even a stereotype
Holy shit

>He's kinda got a point

>The Chad is also a cuck dating a single mom
What is the message here?

this made me chuckle. not a bad comic.

>Yea Forums brainlets won't understand this feel

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amateur hour's over

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That chads fuck whoever they want without fear of judgment from Yea Forums incels

And white countries, too

people who own cats are always so sad


the only kind of flag, honestly

>Chris Ware

oh no Yea Forums isn't ready for him

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>Bottom left
What church?

you're no better than any other religious person who thinks their particular brand of religion is the right one

take the masterpill of agnosticism, friend. Doubt is healthy for the mind

This is literally every Chris Ware comic

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>I don't have any children
we know

does this guy write about anything else?

Is he serious?

These comics are terrible.

you are like a little baby
Watch this

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t. Rusty Brown


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who's that?

take a look at this you puny worm

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How do you call someone who’s an atheist, but really wishes there would be something after death? I really would like to see my brother again....

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post the christmas one

i like his drawing style but goddamn why does this tranny rambles so much?

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Rusty Brown was originally a one-dimensional character that he made up to shit on the nerds he met at comic conventions and their penchant for collecting useless garbage and living in the past. He'd throw one-shots of it into his other releases, but it eventually ended up taking on a life of its own and developing some pathos. His dad and the bully who calls him a faggot in the calendar both have their own dedicated books that are extremely fucking depressing.

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>c-comics are for children!! I'm more mature than you because I have this opinion!!

holyshit who is even the audience for this comic?

>read the first seven panels
>see that fucking word vomit
>close the image

>have sex

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>that twist

Jesus Christ

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A wishful thinker.

I really just cannot bring myself to read this shit

oh my lord

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how long would it take to actually read this?

t. actual retard

They're so full of themselves. They think everything they have to say is so important and profound.

I wouldn't have trouble reading all that in just plain text, but the fact that it's a comig somehow makes it unbearably annoying to even start reading.
And I've seen it hundreds of times, I've still yet to read it.

Not movies, but I got a tv related comic right here

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who even speaks like that irl?

What exactly is the point of these comics? I assumed they were autobiographical originally but apparently that's not so. If it's not based on real life, what is it besides depression porn?

he's trying too hard to actually have a point

Yea Forums in one panel

wait this actually works

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>What exactly is the point of these comics? I assumed they were autobiographical originally but apparently that's not so. If it's not based on real life, what is it besides depression porn?
Not everything needs a deeper meaning.

would you actually say it or just think it really hard

so ugly

redditors read them and feel deep

>did the entire thing in one fucking take
an absolute legend

Some of his other books have uplifting stuff in them, which contrasts well with the depressing shit in them.

Rusty Brown is 100% misery though

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to flex on incels and neets

dumping some Heathcliff kino

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Whatever you say, Quentin.

Is Heathcliff the point where it’s so unironically unfunny it loops back round again?

>tfw jim davis beat lasagna cat at its own game years earlier

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Keep posting

heathcliff is better than you

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post the one where they're having sex

Oh i get it.
they bit his cock off.

Seems to me you religious fags are literal psychopaths, only held in check by your fear of divine punishment.
Believe it or not, but normal people have empathy. Even for strangers. Even if it doesn't gain them anything.

holy fucking based

>ATHEISTS AND RELIGIOUS PEOPLE SUCK. Yes, I'm a Agnostic Centrist how did you know?
I believe there's half a God. It's the best of both worlds.

I don't have 4chanX, so I'm not going to storytime the two or three full graphic novels (you can find them pretty easy by searching for Rusty Brown on Yea Forums). I can post the rest of the one-shots though.

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If fear of cosmic punishment is the only thing keeping you from doing horrible things than you might be a sociopath.

>Have sex
Uncounterable move.

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Oh this reminds me of the Dogscape.
Any oldfags that remember the Dogscape?

>>it means he or she is important in his or her field
>that's not what the blue check means by any stretch

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I genuinely wonder what it’s like to live with an 80 IQ
You’re on thin ice mister

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What happens next?

Last one that I have

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>I genuinely wonder what it’s like to live with an 80 IQ
like trying to create physical objects to satisfy their basal desires without realizing they could convince their own minds that they don't actually need comfort, only knowledge

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that twist was fucking brutal

The plot twist is fucking glorious

the comic is written by a 65 iq who can't condense ideas.

Thanks for the dump

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It’s humorous
Are you autistic?

what kind of subhuman would feel any kind of self worth from doing that?
it's like holding up a plate of dogshit next to the cake you just spent several hours preparing, and saying "try this!! tell me which one you prefer!!!!!!".

i don't find it humorous


>that he made up to shit on the nerds he met at comic conventions and their penchant for collecting useless garbage and living in the past

No it's a self-deprecating parody because Chris Ware is also nostalgic toy collector who hates himself.

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Classic redditor response

Why even bother drawing a comic ?

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What is it about Christians and the only thing holding them back from behaving terribly is belief in an invisible father figure? It makes me nervous to be around them.

I played an MMO and ran into Quentin once.

to my disappointment he was very mild-mannered and mundane. his character did resemble ozymandias however

that's the joke, newfag

utter shit

Atheists behave because they're decent people, christians do it because they dont wanna get punished in hell? Gotcha.

freaks talk on and on about it endlessly because they are mentally ill.

They fuck children. Avoid them at all costs

that garfield comic is kino you faggot

Chads get flexed on too

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lmao incels btfo

this shit is so depressing. what am i doing with my life?

you utter shit

Quentin is a girl now (not joking, I matched with her on hinge and “””she””” sucked my dick lol)

Pic related

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Is he just drunk?

jesus chris ware
google that fucking head but beware of telekinetic powers
what a pathetic guy

u ape

Did you tell him that you played 3ds exclusively afterwords?

No but the day after we met up I messaged her and asked about Quentin comics and she immediately unmatched me lol

He's a chad. He beats up smaller kids in school. He has sex with girls in school. He grows up to run the family business and has sex with more girls. What a total chad.

Now watch Chris Ware flex on him. Novelty Library 20 Lint (2010) (repack).cbz

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thought it was cringe and bluepilled until the twist

Not that I agree with the left at all but
>muh aesthetics
Every time

Jesus I've fallen down a rabbit hole of this shit on Yea Forums archives it's been almost an hour of me reading this shit I gotta take a walk outside or something

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Post the links.
I want to read more of this.

The most elaborate "I had sex with your mother" joke I've ever seen

We knew what was going on back in 1989.

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You're a real human being.

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Are Gen Xers more obnoxious than Zoomers?

Acme Novelty Library:

Start from #15 to get the one-page comics about Rusty Brown, or start from #16 to get the full-length comics about Rusty Brown and his friends and family.

#20 is a standalone comic about a side character in the Rusty Brown shared universe, and it might be Chris Ware's masterpiece.


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kek. cats BTFO

And yet religious people give more money to charity on average. Generosity and empathy are driven more into religious people because it's literally in their holy text.

>Sure they are filled with seething hatred for anyone who dares think differently and only do good things out of fear and shame but MUH CHARITY!
Cope harder.

>I'm only pretending to be retarded!
Alright, you fooled me.

Based and red pilled

I just never thought about it my entire life, and then I learned how completely retarded some of the stuff in the bible was.

Is that by Daniel Clowes? Kinda douchy to he honest.

the point of the comic is that Wilson is a douche

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Paying money to fund the building of a church in Africa isn't charity, user-kun.

>if i ignore all of the charitable work religious groups do then you're wrong haha take that
Good job, user! You won the argument!

I'll bet that makes up a whopping 0.1% of contributions. It's alright to admit that reading a book encouraging charity makes you more charitable than people that don't read it. You wouldn't want to be anti-science, would you?

I was about to go looking for this

Do these euphoric faggots really believe they know everything about religion.
That guys like Avicenna or Thomas Aquinas were dumbos that just needed to be told they're going to live in heaven with a cool white bearded man.

Capeshit is still capeshit, but his takes is stupid.

You'd lose that bet. Nearly all the "charity" these dopes are tricked and guilted into giving goes to "Christian" charities, and they prioritize evangelism.

>implying building a shelter and community center isn't charity
>implying that's the only charity work churches do

My church built houses in Haiti after the earthquake. Congregation members, including me, flew out to do it. We also brought food and water. That and running the church is what all the donated money went to.

>have you seen the dark knight
>nah. any good?
there, i fixed the strip

Good for you, dope. Good thing you and your fellow retards represent ALL Christians, huh? Otherwise, your pointlessly self-serving anecdote would just be a pointlessly self-serving anecdote!


>Nooo stop being generous! You're only being tricked into it!
I'd rather people be "tricked" into being generous than not be generous at all.
>goes to "Christian" charities, and they prioritize evangelism.
Since you seem to have the numbers on hand, show me what percentage goes to building churches in Africa. Then tell me what's wrong with that. One of those churches might have reformed a war criminal and lead him to raise half a million dollars to teach child soldier farming and construction.

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Good for you, dope. Go give more of your money to your pastor, I heard he needs a new Porche.

is this kino or what

almost forgot they actually made a movie. casting was shit and trailer looked retarded, i'm glad didn't waste time on that

>actually wasting space on your hard drive for this
i feel bad for you bro

Not really because then your lifespan is wasted on doing something for your body that will wither away, going from that perspective then atheists cry about how life is meaningless and repeat the ''imaginary man floating in the sky'' meme over and over while simultaneously voting democrat/watching cnn/not having children/literally believing anything the herd tells them. All because they think they're smarter than people that go to church on sunday because ''they don't like gays or people having sex, which OF COURSE there's nothing wrong, which is an opinion I came up on my own with my vast EXPERIENCE, and 0 influence''

movies featuring christians being idiots isn't real world evidence, dumbo.

hahahahahahahaha classic!!!!

is this Quentin's spiritual successor or just him

Pretty much

kek go outside bro

he's not wrong

lmao but you didnt even read it

read it all, it fucking sucks

Actual kino

My pastor lives in the church attic and drives a volvo. Has an impressive collection of shotguns though.

>Girlfriend's son
Fucking faggot.

What the fuck is a volvo


something like 90% of charitable contributions go toward maintaining the existence of the charity that accepted them.

A fancy German car.

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Sup manbaby?


Couldn't make it halfway

Ive stopped the time, 8 fucking minutes. Who the fuck has an attention span of 8 minutes?

... it took you eight minutes to read less than 250 words?

> Expected le angst teen meme
> get shit explanation


Seriously, between 10 to 30 minutes depending on your reading speed. But its not even worth to, a lot of word to say nothing. The art is nice

>dude who would read for 10 minutes???
>t. man who spends every waking moment staring at his phone

Fuck off, the problem isnt that the text is long but that is total bullshit. Why waste all that space for stupid words. Theyre not recounting their adventures, they complained of being controlled by players to do the horrible things going on adventures are, about the patriarchy. Seriously reading that i couldnt help but imagine the tranny projecting

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Holy shit Berke Brethed was an anti-semite? My god I feel good about being a Bloom County fan.

And ? What the fuck is your problem, if you want one less bullshit to read i advise you dont read this shit i mentioned. I really feel like its a waste of word, doesnt mean i spend all my time reading shitpost on Yea Forums. What the fuck is wrong with you people assuming what an user could do. You know nothing about anyone here so stop inventing things about them. What the fuck you complain about someone who dont want to read a lot of bullshit and you respond to it with more bullshit. Whats the point ? No not because i complain about something being shit that i automaticaly like whatever other shit you believe i do. And even if i liked shits you dont like it doesnt change my opinion that this comic is shit with lots of words to say nothing

Why has it been so long and there are still retards who don't understand this comic

Friend, there's a lot wrong with the writing in that comic. The structure is awkward and clumsy and it isn't saying anything interesting or creative. Its literary diarrhea. But the only complaint you can come up with is "OMG WHY SO LONG DUDE WORDS THAT WOULD TAKE HOOOOUUUURRRSS TO READ"

Where's the joke?

What the fuck happened to his head?

its misery porn

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>This file was uploaded from Israel on January 30, 2013

the jews literally did this

you will never be /ourguy/ quentin

What the fuck are you retarded ? Tge only thing i said is that it isnt wortb the time, dont mean i only think its problem is its lenght but the meaningless of it, it doesnt deserve to be deconstructed. An anons asked how long it will take to read it, i answered an estimate and added that i think its not worth the read. All the rest is you extrapolating in the most stupid way, as the retard you are

that looks like over 2000 words

The guy who made this comic probably did so without an OUNCE of irony, despite is perfectly summarizing the type of person the author/artist is

>Leftist pseudo-intellectuals think they are "too smart" for patriotism and religion because that's what their Marxist tenured professors and butt-buddies on r/latestagecapitalism and r/chapo told them, which doesn't make them "smart" but instead makes the a cuck
>Leftist pseudo-intellectuals think media is inherently worthless due to being popular and their pretentious cinemababy indiefilm wank is somehow better
>Leftist pseudo-intellectuals are fat, doughy, neck-bearded soi-boys with zero social-skills that embarrass themselves in public on the regular

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>Only in brown nations are religitards the majority.

Holy SHIT the level of delusion you Fedoratards live under.

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... the character is specifically written to be an insufferable douche.


It’s the only way to go, you can’t 100% definitively prove the existence or nonexistence of the divine

What the fuck is even going on

what the actual fuck

This criticism is old

>even in the shitposting fantasy the theater is empty


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>Pull cab over
>"Yeah, I am going to have to ask that you get out of my car."
>"H-Here? But this is a bad neighbourhood!"
>"Well I hope you are a good runner."
>Waves at a gang of nig-nogs across the street.
>"Hey! This cracka called you a bunch of niggers!"

Simple as

It's okay to beat assholes to death.


Rick-and-Morty Syndrome on full display here.

Pretty insane desu

Can I read all of these online? The spin offs too.