ITT: People who are only famous due to nepotism

ITT: People who are only famous due to nepotism

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she was available for threesomes with Harvey Weinstein

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who is she related to?

Booksmart was a legit great movie and well-directed

This bitch and Will Smith's insufferable son

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His father was Richard Harris, a very famous Irish actor. You might know him as Dumbledore in the first two Harry Potter films and Marcus Aurelius in Gladiator

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She was married to a prince.

every child of every famous person

>every child of every jewish person

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to be honest , he is a pretty good actor on his own though.

I wonder what that gay recognition software would say about her man jaw.

why are her eyes the same color as her skin?

He still probably got started due to nepotism. Plenty of great actors never even get a single role

lol , cockburn

Family owns both the NY Giants and Pittsburg Steelers

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middle bro is a solid actor though. he was good in hemlock grove, and is solid as pennywise.

>Son of Gloria Vanderbilt

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I dunno if an acting family is the same thing as a well-connected parent making their child famous.

The skars brothers seem genuinely talented

Scott Eastwood

Pittsburgh has an H in it, fella

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Like I give a fuck about your backwoods toothless city

She's very clearly stoned

no one posted jonah hill?

Ironically she has given me many cockburns.

You could post the entire tribe as one big group

Some real illuminati shit too. Look at that thing on the wall and look at her face

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t. Ohioan



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i haven't seen stellan in much but he was my favorite character in chernobyl, so i'm just gonna chalk this one up to good genetics and parenting

Nobody cared who he was until he got what, 50 y.o.?

his brother killed himself

user, he was not Marcus Aurelius in Gladiator. That was Richard Harris, might want to get your eyes checked out.

At the same time I would recommend Meditations.

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He'd make it even if he weren't, man's got talent

She put in the work, user.

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except for shia labeouf

I was talking about his father, Richard Harris. How can you not read

Day-drinking, my bad.

I think you should read the post again before giving anymore advice

Can you call her famous if I, a pleb, haven't any idea who she is?

Was she 13 on House?

yeah his dad was a solider

shes the only woman i find attractive with such a jaw.

Also, I've read Meditations a few times. Good stuff.

this guy is not even human

She's so beautiful. I feel sad knowing that ogre defiled her. There's no way any woman would like sucking him off no matter how much power he has. He's just too repulsive

this drug addled whore really made it out well for what she was

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dear reddit TIL that nepotism doesn't matter when white people do it

edit: thanks for the (You)'s!

why does she look like the joker?

Wouldn't call it nepotism, just whoring. But she was funny, I'll give her that. Rip.

yeah except her parents were well entrenched in the industry

look at his reaction when he drinks tequila. he starts shapeshifting, scary

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wtf this is satanic!!!
q predicted this!!!!

Nic Coppola and that ugly bitch with the manly eyebrows.

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smoker, not

she's gorgeous, tho

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more like, who isn't?

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fuck this mongoloid sloped forehead bitch

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if actors and actresses are not successful through nepotism, or the (((connection))), then it's because they grew up in wealthy families and can afford to live in LA working part-time or not at all so they can attend every audition they can

Source ?


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there's like dozen skarsgards, are they all related?

That's not anything crazy, its weird looking but only if you don't know that the man depicted is Saint Lawrence, who was martyr'd like that

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I don't know what it is about her face that can kill my boner despite this body and haircut that I normally adore

akhenaton tier

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she married a homosexual

Jesus Christ, that belly poking through. Meanwhile she's almost glowing. I wish I was dead.

>His residence at The Savoy Hotel in London, was costing him a fortune but, as he quite rightly pointed out, there were people paying mortgages who couldn't call someone at four in the morning for a sandwich. He could and he did.
Not that he let the apparently excellent service get in the way of a good joke.

>"It was the food!"He bellowed as he was wheeled out of the hotel for the last time

His old man was a real shitposter

The Wayans but they get a pass they've enriched my life plenty of times

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This guy

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This, eg. Sophia Coppola is the best contemporary director, and Joaquin Phoenix the best contemporary actor

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>Saint Lawrence
Looks more like Jesus.

And what's that weird white faced thing above him? It looks creepy. And what's with the severed head?
And what even is the whole thing? Is it a clock? Does it have moving parts, a mechanism?

damn we are ruled by demons

isn’t his son someone famous? maybe I’m thinking of someone else..

>it was probably holy water

she got abused though

The Steelers are owned by the Rooneys. The NY Giants are owned by the Mara's

He's literally a kike

>dad was a comedy actor and voice actor
>rubbed shoulders with famous actors of the 50s to 80s
>was a founding member of the Groudlings comedy troupe which most SNL alums and many famous actors cut their teeth

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This fat jewish fuck.

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he played in a bunch of Lars von Trier movies.

Yea Forums fears powerful nepoqt's
Insanely gorgeous

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She fucked her fans so she gets some points for that.

i guess air is free after all

At least her face is good jerk material.
This is true but no one argues it.
lol, not even worth responding to.

Cronyism counts too right?
>dad is a billionaire
>She could dropped out of college to do sketch comedy and papa paid her way
>rubbed elbows with up and coming comedy actors
>became chums with Jerry Seinfeld
>has never struggled to find work since.

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There's a fat younger brother who was in a couple of movies in Sweden who fucking sucks

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How would you not call having a famous Hollywood mom nepotism.

The Scarlet Bitch from Avengers. She became famous after it was clear her sisters would never quit drugs. I can't fucking stand her ever pouting, squinting face.

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Nepotism and being cute af

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wtf you are not suposed to help your family get a job
its everyone for himself
fuck nepotism and fuck blood relatives

this one?


Young, slim, BDH was literally perfect
what happened?

more like nopopitsm lol

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I feel like hiring your son to work for your company and manipulating the public to sell your offspring as a celebrity are vastly different things

>when user tries to simplify inherited royalism

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same retards crying nepotism are okay with children inheriting money from their parents, which is the cancer at the very core of capitalism

no, its the core of civilization
not our problem your parents fucked up

All of that income has been taxed already
What right does the govt have to inherit it from them?

Fuck off back to chapo

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lol fuck giving your well earned money to your own kids so they can have grandkids and continue your dna legacy, better give it to some nigger ngo or the state instead lmao

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capitalism is supposed to reward the very best individuals, but old money makes a joke of it, creating a monarchy of overprivileged, dumb, useless, ugly, inbreeds which own all the capital

Phil Collin's daughter
I'm sure its a pure coincidence she became famous

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dried coke in her right nostril...

but nobody complains

memba that time she snorted coke until she died then disney made her corpse dance to 'hello my baby' on the latest star wars?

shes really pretty

it's not the ominous boogey man "da gubahmend"
it's the whole of society that would profit from it
but fuck other people honestly fuck morals and set values to living in a society
human civilization is totally not dependent on society thriving after all it's about a handful of dudes hoarding all the wealth that's why the dark ages were so great

>capitalism is supposed to reward the very best individuals
no, its just having freedom to buy and sell
theres nothing else really thats your brain canon
capitalism is not a tabula rasa and inheritance are the basic core of society just like families

those eyebrows are kino fuck you low test faggot

yes pal lets have a society based on never ending consumerism and hedonism with no thoughts puts on families and legacies
truly utopia huh?
not even african tribes have that system but it will work out in this case Im sure

Rooney had never eaten pie until that one scene in Ghost Story. Imagine being so privileged.

society is an extended family, if you take out the family out of the equation say bye bye to everything
But Im sure people will cherish a society that predates every peoples wealth after they die without their blood sons having any rights


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Most girls are really pretty if they have money put into their appearance.

meritocracy is a core ideal of classical-liberal and capitalistic propaganda

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His father was Gomez Adams

The more I look at Harvey Weinstein the less I can hate him. He is some ugly motherfucker and yet he fucked some of the most beautiful women, thru scummy means or not. He is what every ugly man can hope to be, you can never be the beautiful prince but at least you can have some fun.

yes, but that doesnt mean inheritance doesnt exist
its based on equality of rights, not equality of wealth
you are one confused commie

Do you think rich people would just let the government get their wealth after they die?
It's always the middle-class that pay for ridiculous ideas like yours.

his skin changed hue briefly lol

not great, not terrible

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but her sisters are country singers?

yikes look at that fucking jaw line going back to her ears

>equality of rights
born poor, die poor
nice equalty you've got there

wtf i love nepotism now

rooney > mara

The head is presumably that of John the Baptist, and the figure would be the Virgin Mary. It's a sort of decorative triptych, though the overall iconographic program is admittedly bizarre. I don't know of any scene where angels and the Virgin honor the tomb of Christ.
I think it's just a hodgepodge of Christian imagery from someone who wasn't super educated on actual iconography.

Why do people care about nepotism in film industry? It literally has no effect on your life.
>a bloo bloo they're shitty actors

Most actors are shitty, always will be regardless.

Fuck Mara

Does your jaw not connect to your ears?
I can't even imagine what that would look like

>Why do people care about nepotism in film industry? It literally has no effect on your life.

>why do you care that the cultural elites of this country are curated to ensure a global message remains unchanged


>His parents are Nicole Flender, a real estate broker and former Broadway dancer, and Marc Chalamet, an editor for UNICEF.[6][7] His American mother, a third-generation New Yorker, is Jewish (of Russian-Jewish and Austrian-Jewish descent), and his French father, who lived in Nîmes, is from a Protestant background.[7][8][9][10][11]

>Chalamet's older sister, Pauline (born 1992), is an actress and lives in Paris.[6] Chalamet's maternal uncle is filmmaker Rodman Flender, his maternal aunt is television producer and writer Amy Lippman, his maternal grandfather was screenwriter Harold Flender, and his maternal grandmother, Enid Flender (née Rodman), is a former Broadway dancer.[6][12]

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>fuck mara
>marry rooney

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He was born with a silver cock in his mouth

You know I am going to defend her a little bit. She put in the work and Seinfeld was close to being canceled twice. Had it been canceled she would have stayed a bit character in movies.

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You mean kate you dumb fuck

Worth noting that Gloria Vanderbilt died today.

But what if the kids are losers like most of anons in here.

>Killed himself
Try sacrificed

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not protruding 3 inches out to the side it doesn't

Coincidence??? I think not.

They wouldn't be loosers if their parents ever cared for them and therefore inherit their will.

he's a cutie though

No, he has rat face

it's YOUR money, because you earned it with your valuable contribution to society, so you can spend it in whatever you please, any remaining amount should lost any value after your death
luckily your offspring inherited your good genes and learn from your advice, so they'll be able to do great by themselves. if they're worthless failures, too bad for them.

Okay I did a bit of digging and there are various much higher resolution versions of the image that let you see the detail:
Several people have pointed out Folk Catholicism / Santeria as the source of the imagery.

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Why are goyim so retarded?


>t. Retard who doesn't know what rights are

Fucking hate this guy, dune is already ruined for me because of this cunt.

it's satanic
you're satanic
stop being satanic and accept christ

Literally this
He’s basically an industry plant

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During his early years he wasn't sure who was his father.

It's the fact that she is a spitting image of Ben Shapiro mate

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>Richard Harris, a very famous Irish actor. You might know him as Dumbledore in the first two Harry Potter films

state of Yea Forums

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>rich and poor have exactly the same rights, >money entitles rich people to do shit poor people can't

It's literally a Catholic icon based on the 17th-century Virgin of Solitude statue in Oaxaca Mexico. There is not a single element in it that isn't Christian, e.g. the 'severed head' is actually the Mandylion:

t. Christian art historian

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you sick pedos will rot in hell

I heard her asshole is good enough to eat

Carrie Fischer tb h

She is Pretty Fucking Hot

She is the rightful heir to the Sudeikis family fortune

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nuclear family is a recent invention in human history, it was useful for farming, instead of packs of hunters/gatherers
anyway, you can make it work with families as well: let the money belong to a family, and when a son wants to start his own family, let him do it from zero, like everybody else

To be fair,
Cara is a decent model,
And has been OK in some of the films she has been in.

Someday, we’ll find out that Harvey was secretly gay.

I actually think the sloped forhead looks similar to some of the more similar to some Central Asian Turkish skull shapes than steritypical Jewish Skull Shape.

Cage msy have gotten his start thru nepotism, but he ran with it, and became a great actor making Kino.

The amount of shit she had to pit ip with as a child sort of means she paid her dues.
Although, alledgedly, she may be one of the largest single shareholders in Warner Brothers.

t. underage homosexual

Gwyneth did get her start thru nepotism, but her early work was decent.


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He's also a CIA agent who uses his Press pass as cover

>To be fair,
>Cara is a decent model,
>And has been OK in some of the films she has been in
t. compulsive liar

All of them

Only famous because (((Spielberg))) discovered him from some shitty home video that was shown at a (((Bar Mitzvah))). Was forced into the Han Solo role by Kathleen Kennedy because she’s loyal to (((Spielberg))) and he was crowbarring him into Star Wars one way or another. Lord and Miller try to find another actor instead. Anthony Ingruber is screen tested extensively but is ultimately told to fuck off because KK has the final say. They realize quickly that they can’t work with him and then they get fired because KK would rather spend an entire production budget’s worth of reshoots than disobey (((Spielberg))). In the end we got a shitty Han Solo in a patched together movie that was generally passable. We could’ve had Star Wars comedy kino starring a guy that people bought as Han Solo. Thanks, KK.

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ummm who?

Literally Stellan has 8 kids.

Do they also own the New York Zoo that Rooney came from?

Apparently his dad was one of the 9/11 guys or something

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Anyone trying to pretend like the piece seen in that Vanderbilt photo is normal Christian art, or is Christian in any way, is a liar or a retard. Pic related.
You are fucking dumb - no one was arguing that he wasn't.

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he has arguably surpassed his father

>one of the 9/11 guys or something
His dad literally got nine elevened

I read that Nicolas Cage changed his last name because he wanted to avoid being seen as a case of nepotism

how brave

Living in a hotel is kino if you can afford it.

Funny that Harvey was fucking Olivia Wilde while she was married to that cuckold.

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>marker for children who were sacrificed
>over the bed of her children
The true reality of this world is too much for the average person.

>no woman would enjoy it
Lana Del Ray did, but she's enjoyed getting raped by older men since she was 7.

God bless bipolar chicks.

god help us

Literally any Jewish Hollywood actors