ST:TNG would have been better without the mind-reading witch. The series works as sci-fi, falls apart as fantasy

ST:TNG would have been better without the mind-reading witch. The series works as sci-fi, falls apart as fantasy.

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Star Trek is basically a fantasy on a lot of levels anyway.
If humans actually got a hold of the kind of technology depicted in the show then human society would turn into something completely unrecognizable to us today.

Except she can't even read minds, that would of made her some what bearable. She can read feelings tho ;)

face it 90% of the cast of TNG are unlikeable dicks.
only Picard, Riker and Rape Gang whore are worth keeping.

Trek has always been soft sci-fi with magic tech shit, the transporters are far sillier than any telepathy. Also she was the fanservice character who only existed to show cleavage and wear cute outfits. That said, Bev was way hotter.

What did you expect? Star Trek is for children. Men watch Babylon 5

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You mean like a utopian communist society?

Hey that's the lady that ot raped and killed in DeathWish 3! Nice boobs she had,

She was supposed to communicate with the whales and dolphins in the engine room, that helped humans navigate through space because they're used to living in three dimensions.

Then the whales and dolphins were cut at the last minute so she was just left there with nothing to do.

A Bene Gesserit witch?

Betazoids were supposed to be one of the cool new species for TNG but as it turns out empaths aren't very interesting. I blame Gene, dumb shit like her character is why he was pushed out.

You’re a true three-edged sword, user.

Same with the Ferengi, who were supposed to be this terrifying capitalist anathema who would undermine the utopian Federation,

But then didn't so they had to dig out the Romulans


The best episodes are usually the ones she's not in, and the worst by far are the ones that revolve around her. She contributed nothing, her advice amounted to
>Captain, I'm detecting (no) hostility from the lifeform
I rate her below Wesley. As a matter of fact I think Wesley wasn't all that bad from season 2 onwards.

She's eye candy, you fucking faggots.

>She was supposed to communicate with the whales and dolphins in the engine room
that sounds fucking retarded, almost as bad as the "fungus drive" in discovery or whatever

Troi is far better because as boring of a character as she was, at least she added tits to the show. Plus Wesley being hypercompetent genius boy was cringe

If I'd wanted eye-candy I'd have switched over to Baywatch

I hate how she never really wore a Starfleet uniform.

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Except some of us want eye candy and interesting stories at the same time, instead of being forced to choose between one or the other.

DS9 saved the Ferengi by turning them into lovable rapscallions with a heart of gold-plated latinum. If not for that, they would have been the biggest dud in the franchise.

The best new villain in TNG was, of course, the Borg, which played on the fears people had about the potential dark side of technology at the cusp of the digital age. The fact that those fears were not completely unfounded explains why the Borg are still a cultural icon.

Non-Starfleet bitches wearing Starfleet uniforms was my fetish

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t. Inquisitor

Don't diss the Uplift saga like that

She did later. By First Contact (which she was barely in), she was a tolerable character.

Major Kira is such an underrated trekfu

I was just glad she dropped the cringe accent

TNG would have been better if Deanna Troi was nude all the time


Only by plebs

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>Will, I didn't sense any deception from her
>We both can't be telling the truth though
>It's the truth as you both remember it lol
This episode was her moment I swear, and she sat on her ass didn't do a damn thing. She made it even more confusing when you get down to it.

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>turns out the test to become a Commander involves ordering Geordie to his death

So she totally knew Geordi was a virgin, right?

>the episode where a hologram emulates her empath skills perfectly

Really makes you think.

telepathy was considered scientifically plausible for a long time, loads of scifi has eastern mystic mind over matter sorts of things

Then watch Enterprise

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She still has a personal grudge against michael winner for allegedly sexually exploiting her when filming rape scenes for death wish

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Jadzia > all

was he? i think he was said to get wild on risa during his vacations

this guy gets it

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Jadzia the biggest whore in the Alpha Quadrant who fucks Klingons and dudes with transparent skulls? Lmao

If you were a 300 year old sex goddess you'd be a shagaholic too

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bakula is the only eye candy in that image


He probably made that up dude. He was a nerd engineer who went on dates with holograms.
>Haha yeah I got so much pussy on Risa bro!

>tranny pandering

geordi is /ournig/

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Wait, so IIRC Troi isn't fully telepathic though right, she's just empathic. She can't read minds, just feel emotions. Its so wishy-washy and typical Roddenberry, no wonder her character was such a wet fart.
I mean I can appreciate why not to create a telepathic character, because it would be impossible to write around and you'd have to keep making excuses to circumvent it, but I don't think the alternative was an improvement.

i don't think there's a single troi-focused episode i liked. even her mother had better episodes

During that time a lot of people thought that mind reading and ESP could be a real thing that would eventually become scientifically explainable. A lot of scifi stories incorporated this into their world building. Star Trek, Dune, B5, Starship Troopers, Akira

Picard was cheating having her, Data and Guinan. Talk about a stacked deck

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Sure, and its reasonable that an alien or tech-enhanced individual could do that, and I'm sure that kind of character would make an interesting dynamic in a Star Trek series, but Troi still wasn't written well and she would be conspicuously absent in episodes where her ability would be useful.

Actually, look at Saru in Discovery. Now I fucking HATE Discovery for what it stands for, but Saru is an interesting creature with a kind of similar although scientifically unclear empathic ability to sense danger. He basically does the same thing as Troi on the bridge, but at least its not the only thing that defines his character. Fuck STD though.

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Troi is also defined by being a slut.

>My girlfriend? You wouldn't know her, she's from the Beta Quadrant.

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>even her mother had better episodes
OK, let's not go THAT far.

>not liking Lwaxana

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>would of
why do only Americans do this?


It is though. Its just in Starfleet life is intense and dangerous. Life on earth is probably like heaven for most people who dont care about exploring real shit and are happy with simulations.

>Lwaxana + Alexander episode
That shit was worse than entire third season of TOS combined.

I have not got the slightest clue

Gay people should stay away from Star Trek.
Watch STD instead.

If they wanted that they could just open their pants

i'm not gay

>lwaxana + odo episode

Honestly one of the best episodes of DS9, you should re-watch it

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I've been watching it not so long time ago. Literally one of two Lwaxana episodes (the other also had Odo) that weren't pure cringe.

Reminder that Mirrorverse Troi is hot

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>Saru is an interesting creature
...until the writers decided to retcon his species.

Seriously. At least half her episodes revolved around her fucking somebody.


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fuck that degenerate klingonshark

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The episodes I liked the least were the "Oh No! The Holodeck has malfunctioned and we're all wearing funny clothes!" episodes.


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>tfw Kurtzman is gone

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