The wire vs The sopranos, which is better?
The wire vs The sopranos, which is better?
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The wire fucked up in the last season with that serial killer bullshit
The Sopranos. The Wire sucked.
Sopranos is a 9/10 show. I'm on S2E4 of The Wire and it's also 9/10 so far. But Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are both 9.5/10 don't (You) me.
Just finished Sopranos a few days ago and am now 4 episodes into The Wire. Loved The Sopranos and The Wire looks promising
kill yourself
This, The Wire being good is a meme, literally any of you autists can make a better show.
The wire
How's it suck? it had better characters and a better overall story than the sopranos
No, you had one great season, followed by half assed uninteresting seasons (exluding season 3) about people and things you weren't built up enough to care about. In my opinion, the dock workers and school kids were wildly boring and I didn't care about them. McNulty, Bunk, Stringer, and Bubbles were the only well rounded characters and even then, McNulty basically being gone all season 4 having 'gone straight' just to lose his shit over a serial killer hoax was just shark jumping. Overall, it felt like a typical network tv police procedura, other than the fact there was swearing and nudity. Apart from the first season which was fascinating trying to infiltrate the projects and trapping pay phones, I just couldn't care. It would have been better as a 3 hour movie that really dived deep into the one case of Avon. The rise of the cell phone made the literal show's title largely irrelevant. Tell me that's better than Tony's ride on The Sopranos? I started off loving Tony, and ended hating him.
you blow your father with that mouth?
top kek
>Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are both 9.5/10
The Wire is a gussied up POLICE! COPS!, POLICE COPS!, it ain't the same ballpark, not the same league ain't even the same fuckin' sport as the GOAT.
Both are pretty good. I do feel like the Sopranos had more iconic characters, although the Wire also had some for sure.
I feel like it's hard to understand Wire political/blacks vs whites dilemma when non-american.
They're both good but entirely different so I wouldn't compare them too much.
it's not unless you're braindead. I'm Finnish and I get it just fine.
Better Call Saul is better than Breaking Ass.
nah you're just not very bright
Sopranos. Nigger city isn't even close
I feel like Sopranos has aged very poorly. Don't get me wrong, it's a great show, but why did they have to fuck up basically everything involving any scene with a gun?
The worst example of this was when they finally got rid of Jackie Jr. The cinematography in that scene is fucking awful, Jackie Jr's just walking around looking like a fucking Team America character, then out of nowhere Vito the 440lbs Ninja has teleported behind Jackie Jr with a Minecraft pistol and kills him.
Also the scene where the two black guys try to whack Tony is some seriously impressive nonsense-kino. I don't understand how anyone would stretch their suspension of disbelief to appreciate that scene or episode.
I loved The Wire.
Mainly because I thought it was gonna be another shill cop show which I flat out hate and it was a nice surprise to see it wasn't that.
I watched the Sopranos up to Pussey dying. So like mid way through season 2.
Found it pretty boring and all the characters unlikable.
I should probably give it a second try considering everyone and their mom sucks it's cock but I don't know I just found it meh aside from Tony and Chris.
This. Could be close if the last season was nulled.
the black guys trying to whack Tony might not make the most sense, but it's not that unbelievable that a couple of thug niggas wouldn't act perfectly logically. I think it's still a great scene with Tony laughing his ass off when he gets away.
Plus the Godfather orange reference. I clapped when I recognized it.
Oh come on. It's an awful scene. It's not even about acting "perfectly logically", it was just shit.
what about it is shit other than the black guys acting like retards?
How biased does a person have to be to defend such a shitty scene? Two people with handguns at close range, even with 40 IQ, would've done better than that. The other guy first shoots his friend in the head, then walks towards Tony, rather than shooting multiple times. It's an awful scene and you're retarded for defending it under the premise that "it's just niggers acting like niggers xdd"
>Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are better than Sopranos and Wire
I completely agree. I liked the first season and thought it did a great job established interesting, believable characters. Blueballing the audience at the end of s1 wrt to Avon and Stringer was a nice way to make us relate to the frustration of the police working the case but completely shifting focus to a new set of incredibly dull and shallow characters in s2 was a mistake. The following seasons just went further off the rails with introducing ridiculously unbelievable characters and plot lines
sounds like you can't handle a temporary expanded cast
the union workers and school kids are SO well developed in the short amount of time they're the main subject of the show, there's a reason s2 and 4 are the agreed best seasons (2 being the patrician choice)
but based on the chars you call "well rounded" it sounds like a more straightforward protagonist show is your speed
>hurr the shows title isn't relevant past the first season cuz technology so it's bad
>season 5 premieres 2020
fucking hell, at this rate banks will be dead before we finish
Kima and Jimmy were the comfiest pairing outside of Bunk and Jimmy. Both were a couple of alcoholic poonhounds.
so again, you have nothing else to say about it.
It's not unreasonable that people fuck up in high adrenaline situations. It's not a perfect scene, but the only fault really is how retarded they act.
the shield
>start watching the sopranos
>can't stop
>start watching the wire
>at least half the episode is boring and can't watch more than one in a row
you literally only dislike it because it portrays some black people in a good light.
this exact moment, when petruglio tells tony that he could have killed him at the motel the night before, and tony misunderstands and says that it wouldn't have mattered because he already told the rest of the crew what was up, was when the sopranos stopped being merely good
absolutely fucking delusional.
fuckin kekd
>Eh Vince? Why we shootin scenes first?
also the weapons and effects are shit, the amount of quick cuts is painful, acting was bad, every gun scene is pretty much shit. stop defending the scene being shitty because you can't cope someone dissing your favourite show
absolutely seething
you literally gave no argument other than people being retarded, what else can I say? I'm not delusional if I admit that it's not a perfect scene.
just rewatch the scene. it's awful
I just did, it was fine.
I'll catch it on my next rewatch of the series. Ain't a perfect show but it's a hell of a lot better than the Wire, and that's the bottom line really.
Reminder: Rawls was Gay!
1a. Deadwood
1b. Sopranos
2. Twin Peaks
3. The Wire
.9a. the leftovers
.9b. better call saul (so far at least)
Sopranos. Never a bad season.
The Wire is kino though
I'm watching The Wire for first time and I'm halfway through the last season - but this feels like a different show.
And I don't mean that in the good way that season 2 did. In the sense that it feels very sensationalist and convoluted with the serial killer stuff and Omar coming out of hiding. It feels like I'm watching Breaking Bad or something, when the first four seasons felt like a documentary at times.
bb and bcs dont have the rewatchablity that sop and wire has
What? They're not good and you can't understand them.
Tbh BB has rewatchable rating to me
you're a legit retard. Just use subtitles.
>2. Twin Peaks
Sopranos sucked
I dont like soap operas, so for me, its the wire
The Sopranos had characters who just murder each other all the time because they're dickheads, with no depth or complexity of motivation.
The Wire on the other hand had cool, interesting, and complex characters like Omar, Stringer Bell, and McNulty who acted believably. You could enjoy their adventures when they had affairs, worked out deals, or crossed the line. And it always meant something when they did.
It's not even a contest. The Sopranos is overrated shit, and The Wire is an amazing urban adventure that will make you cheer for your favorite characters.
wow I hate rewatching bb and bcs now!
well im sold
it was boring as fuck I made it 4 seasons in and gave up
Like 3 interesting things happened
I like them both, but I'd say the characters in The Sopranos are much deeper in general. The Wire is not nearly as character-focused.
You trolling?
some people are just like that.
Probably the PLOT wasn't high-flying or compelling enough and he forgot to pay attention to anything else.
I found my enjoyment of the sopranos go down when they introduced Tony's sister into the show.
Sopranos is better written from a structure standpoint, Wire has better written characters.
Both shows are great at building large arcs; Wire is consistently better at finishing them, even if they aren't as good as the well-executed ones in Sopranos.
I've watched The Wire 4 or 5 times, maybe more. I've never finished Sopranos.