There are "men" on this board who spend less than $100/week on alcohol

There are "men" on this board who spend less than $100/week on alcohol.

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Imagine drinking alcohol.

>drinking alcohol

Cringe and cirrhosispilled

I'm an NEET and I spend less than 50$ a month.

I don't even make $100 a week.

>mfw drank so much its boring now
Now if i drink i just wanna go to sleep and get heartburn for two days after

I spend like a fifth of that a week on hobo beer like Steel Reserve.

Hey, thanks for reminding me that I'd rather be drunk right now.

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I haven't made $100 in the last 4 years combines

>imagine drinking alcohol alone

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Its an alcoholic grasps for rationalizations episode.

Imagine being such pussies that you don't drink lmfao

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>alcohol? no thanks I prefer weed

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Why the fuck would I drink?
Life sucks but life with hangover sucks even more

>Drinking when you could smoke

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Name a better way to pass the time

Imagine being a child and having vices


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beer is filled with phytoestrogen and alcohol in general will increase the conversion of test to estrogen in your body. If you drink alcoholic beverages you are no better than a onions sucking numale.

I too enjoy proving my manliness by way of self destruction. Of allowing my own crucifixion.

this. getting drunk starts to suck after some years. i think that's the point were you either become a full out alcoholic and never get sober at all, or just stop drinking. i stopped drinking two months ago

>he says as he posts on Yea Forums

I don't have any disastrous life choices to wipe off my memory so no thanks.

>not doing both


Seems to be a lot of straight edge faggots in this thread.

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this. people who drink a lot tend to have fat, feminine faces and bitch tits. that's not a coincidence.

drinking alcohol with friends

too busy funding my heroin addiction

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I've pretty much given up drinking, I bought a load of kratom but it makes me throw up.

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>tfw I drink scotch and pop oxys every day


>if you don't drink, you're a faggot

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Never buy alcohol.

Does this make you feel white and a like a man?

based. I spend about $80 on it, but that's just me

Sorry but alcohol is haraam.

Very few actually, what you're observing is the result of the average age on this website plummeting.


I am the only person in my family that doesnt drink

I buy 3 fosters big cans and a 12 pack natural light every day.

Post tits

No way, no one is THAT much of a zoomer faggot


nothing beats casually sipping on a can of beer.

Of course, giving your money to Jews to ruin your life has been the white way for the last 2000 years

Alcohol is very bad and haram, so i jerk off to shemales instead

i spend 100 a day on heroin

I stopped drinking 5 years ago.
It really served no purpose in my life.

>he causes permanent damage to his body for temporary relief from his self-inflicted problems
My body is a temple. Yours is a trash heap.

you either commit to an early death, or spend the rest of your empty life sober like pic related

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I make $300 per day after taxes, but I still won’t pay $8 a drink or whatever these bars want. I pre-game before I leave the house and bring a flask, heh. Drink quality liquors on the cheap

Why? I spend that money on weed instead.

>haven't had a beer in 5 weeks

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>if I'm sober I can make enough money to get wasted all the time
>if I'm wasted all the time I can't have a job
Such a conundrum. Why can't I just win the lottery or something.

>another thread that reveals how normie Yea Forums has become

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