What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
they meant reddit
I still don't get it
dont sneed open feed
Don't open your heart to me, i'm already dead inside
As a bait conaisseur, I rate this a solid 10/10. It baits people towards answers pertaining to the subreddit /r/dontdeadopeninside, in other words, it baits the word "reddit".
It is very likely of responses and can be plausibly denied. It is the perfect bait. Compared to wine, I would liken it to the 1961 Chateau Petrus.
It was a weird production design choice to do it that way though. Was it taken directly from the comic book or something?
>knowning that subreddit even existed
The door didn't even fucking say anything in the comic, it was just an ominously barred door
It means you shouldn't strive for death through suicide and instead open yourself up to the world and live life to the fullest.
An ESL janitor was trying to warn people that the doors opened from the inside, and it could be hazardous to try to push them open only to catch a door to the face.
It means that if you are not dead, you can open the doors and come inside. Unfortunately the zombies didnt follow these instructions so it didnt work
It's ESL. "Don't dead" means don't die and "open inside" means look inside yourself (like open your mind) for the answers.
is this loss
the door isn't locked or held shut by anything...
I swear when I played The Last Of Us, there was a scene with this door. Or something similar.
This is a fairly common occurrence with zombie media.
The retarded nepotistic interns wrote the messages on the door separately before putting them up and nobody bothered to fix it.
It's an invitation
"Don't get yourself killed, open and come inside"
it says dont open dead inside you fucking retards
use your fucking head fucking retards
What does it say?
that's not how you read the retarded one here is you
pretending to be smart aint gonna make you look less retarded, retard.
It means if you don't want to dead, you should open the door and go inside
try reading left to right like an american instead of up-down or whatever your weeb moon-runes magmas have in them
>Mfw Rick is dead in the comic now
What does dead don't inside open mean?
It's philosophical. It can mean many things to many people.
They were trying to tell you to keep an open mind and treasure that little bit of almost childlike naivete that makes you trust other people and approach new things without prejudices.
Don't dead = You only are truly alive
Open Inside = if you're open minded
Maybe it's a question on the very nature of zombies. About how they can keep moving despite rotting from the inside and outside. About how you have to destroy their brain to stop them, despite it being a very squishy organ that would already be heavily decomposing adn pretty much destroyed long before they'd reach the point where skin and flesh fall off the bone if you give them a light nudge.
"Don't dead open inside?" as in "Wouldn't the dead body cells literally disintegrate (open up) due to natural processes, meaning we could wait out this entire epidemic if we just barricaded ourselves up for a few months?"