Ew go away

ew go away
>I read a script on tv so im the new martin luther king

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plumpftards absolutely SEETHING

Reminder that republicans are evil and that greed and cruelty are their literal only motivations

Why didn't he mention the dancing Israelis?

>gimme monies

Reminder that democrats do the exact same shit yet are viewed as the good guys for some retarded reason.

it was HER turn you filthy goyim

What was the point ? Congress was going to vote to give "sick" first responders money anway

>The federal government should pay for new yorks fire department expenses instead of the city of new york
Why are kikes like this?

Hey, It's Anthony Wiener's best buddy, Jon Liebowitz!

>not having insurance through your job when you get sick or injured while working
Holy shit...seriously America (New York)

regardless of his political beliefs, leibowitz made me laugh and can still make me laugh, unlike the rest of the current late night hosts

colbert could too but something changed when he got the late show

During the midterm elections went out of my way to try to understand exactly what the Republicans party's platform was. It sounds like a DRUMPF monologue but I literally came up with nothing, their entire election strategy was "migrant caravan" and suppressing voters. I have no idea what Republicans even support anymore other than winning elections and I guess bombing Iran.

Excellent shilling, friend.

You're kind of proving the point.


Is the point that Satan, the Lord of Darkness agrees with people who don't like the Republican Party platform?

Those guys were just having an impromptu dance session that was unrelated to the September 11th attacks; it was just a coincidence.

Oy Vey my 14 year old nephew Shlomo Sheckleberg was a first responder on 9/11 and now has migraines ! PAY UP GOY

why are americans so theatrical?

>arab terrorists fly planes into buildings
>jew lawyers are entitled to 25% of the settlement

trump is not a republican but he says he is and is the president so the other republicans have to try to get in line with him, even if it means betraying their beliefs

Because they have a large entertainment industry?

And this hilariously killed the idea of an even right of center elected official in America for an entire generation.

Yeah, sure lol

I remember you lefties saying that kind of thing when Bush was in office.

fuck off, moron


what a cunt

>A national tragedy occurs which is most likely the largest emergency event that the NYPD/NYFD/NY Medical services will ever have to face in their history
>Nation ponies up 8 trillion dollars over 18 years to send 2 million dollar cruise missiles to kill an AK wielding goat herder on the other side of the planet that had nothing to do with the attacks
>But the federal government can't provide hospice, palliative care, or any form of fiscal security for emergency services that assisted that day

Think about what you're really saying for a hot second.

City workers are a cities responsibility, kiddo.
It's ancient history. These new york jews need to pony up for their own expenses.

I really wish instead of just 4 planes the Jews had dropped 4 thermonuclear bombs equally spaced along the Bos-Wash corridor

Didn't Trump just pay 12 billion dollars to farmers because of the retarded trade wars he's creating?

It's ok when he does it.

>based trump paying america's farmers
God he's awesome.

Nice. That completely unrelated point about agricultural policy and trade tariffs is sure to win the argument about who should pay for new yorks firefighters.

Yeah, socialism is great

t. turbo virgin

>trump screws their export markets and then has to buy them off so the "real american heartland" doesn't abandon him

>when trump gets actual socialists like this guy to start making snide remarks about socialism
God he's good.

>based trump making shrewd political moves

the whole "you can't criticize my politics I'm just a comedian" defense was always cancer

It was sarcasm dumbo

>why should the feds pay for new yorks firefighters?
Good thread.

That's why I used the word "snide," Comrade Moron.

The guy gave the most patriotic speech I've heard in my lifetime (33.)

I feel angry, saddened and ashamed that this country's heros have to fight for help in their time of need.

They didn't need to ask what they can do for their country, they gave as much as one could without dying while several others who responded the same way did.

We cannot and should not ask what they can do for us. It's this country's time to return the favor.

This isn't a political party issue, these men and women came to help and possibly sacrifice their lives for THIS COUNTRY, be it red blue or any inbetween.

The stop gaps for their care are blatantly selfish and cruel and should be cast out from the system as they are the problem with this country's political system.


Wtf I love the CCP now

>reddit spacing

almost as bad as the it's "ironically bad" defense thats so popular now

yes, Trump maintaining political power is more important than a healthy and self-sustaining agricultural industry. It's third-world "el presidente" moves and you know it.

like you give a shit about white farmers you dishonest commie discord tranny, get real

American agricultural has always been propped up by massive subsidies

the entire ethanol fuel industry is literally just paying them to burn the crops

>should we do anything about Chinese undercutting manufacturing and stealing ips
>no we can’t, think of the farmers
Sometimes you need short term pain for long term gain brainlet.

>suddenly its a race thing
you have to go back

>colbert could too but something changed when he got the late show

he stopped playing a caricature of a right-wing talk show host, now he's just a smug liberal

wasn't it that they were already voting on the fund, so his whole speech was just for show?

do you think they can't undercut ag too? they have an army of peasants dude, it just hasn't been worth developing with american exports available. low-level manufacturing is not coming back.

what does that mean?

Attached: female nudity.webm (302x356, 82K)

China is a net importer of food.
>muh army of peasants
Which can all get outperformed by about 3 tractors. The real reason is China’s ag sector is much less optimized than ours. Everything is mechanized now, but it hasn’t reached rural China. They’re just barely getting their major cities up to modern standards.

my point is that they can shift and develop it quickly with direct government initiatives unavailable in democracies and supplement with lots of labor, like they've built massive cities, rail lines, roads, bridges etc super fast by western standards.

remember america. your tax dollars funded this shit government. you paid for them to do this.

The only thing stopping that is the 3rd world peasants you want to import.

>I'm mad that someone is using their celebrity as a force for good in order to get continued medical coverage for first responders who were lied to by their healthcare providers
When did you realize that you were the bad guy, user?

Maybe because they don't do exactly the same shit? Both parties suck, but one literally doesn't even have a platform besides going "no u" and a more sortid recent history with being assblastingly autistic.

yeah of all the shit to be jaded or skeptical over this isn't one of them. stewart has been an advocate for first responders pretty much since 9/11.

which one are you talking about?

They were crocodile tears but he was still right.

i cannot believe a man put his penis in a woman who did not want it there, i would heartily laugh if they brutally dismembered, tortured and killed her but rape is just the absolute worst thing in the world

If China needed to focus on growing more food more efficiently, they can. They don't because we live in a globalized world where the US is the #1 grain exporter.

The GOP is so far beyond corrupt that we have trumptards defending blatant attempts at obstruction and them literally trying to block the Mueller report from being available to the Senate.

Except they weren't, the motion was blocked by Republicans again, for the second time this year

>A Jew wants a slush fund for hymietown
I'm not surprised.

Let me know whem they've eradicated the escaltor monsters, then we'll talk about standards


what are you even talking about?

I'm from NY so I know how this place runs.

>Everything is the fault of Jews
>I know how this place runs
Here's a question, if Jews are so influential, why hasn't a single President been Jewish?

because you make more money not being one also a Jewish president can't say we need to protect Israel without getting to much hate

Why be the idiot who could get shot when you can be the puppet master?

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1500x1053, 90K)

What are said blatant attempts of obstruction?

Gee if there was only some super rich "progressive" city that could pay its employees instead of national tax payers....

Not surprising they rolled out king Jew again to force the goyim to pay their bill

The Mueller report was an internal document of the executive branch. The legislature doesn't have a right to it.

They just make up 3 out of 9 of the supreme court judges and something like 80 of the senators in the US, despite being what, 1 percent of the population? But yeah, definitely nothing going on there.

Obama was the tool of the NSA/CIA for 8 years and brought war and famine to millions of people in the middle east, started the "refugee" crisis and is directly responsible for ISIS.

Also he literally sent Iran, the biggest sponsor of terror, a pallet of billions in untraceable cash.

>Congress is now three times as Jewish as the US is
>Jews make up only 2 percent of the nation’s population, but have 34 representatives in Congress, or 6 percent of 535 lawmakers in both chambers

>brought war and famine to millions of people in the middle east, started the "refugee" crisis and is directly responsible for ISIS.
That sounds like only good things.

You don't see what's really happening behind the scenes, which makes you just another statistical retard like everyone else.

How is standing up to China "retarded'?

>muh 2 percent and Times of Israel opinion piece
Are you falsefagging to make /pol/tards look even dumber than they are or something?

You mean, 3 of them are vaguely related to Jews via an ancestor? You paranoid faggot.

there are people above the age of 17 who actually believe that their political opponents are motivated solely by mustache-twirling evil

>not Jewish

l a mo

You can't negotiate with despots and terrorists. You either blow them up or cut them off via embargo/etc.

Telling an employee to fire the guy investigating you and to intentionally use WH staff to sabotage his findings, user?

Subsidizing farming so that it can endure in the face of economic turmoil IS maintaining a healthy and self-sustaining agricultural industry you dumb faggot.


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No, it's not though. Why are you people so retarded? Even if it was, Barr is intentionally trying to bury it. Why that doesnt concern you really shows your bootlicking ways.

If you have better, more trustworthy numbers then post them.

So what the fuck even is your point faggot?

This. They have to go down there and fight for funding every few years.

Oh you're right, its stupidity.

yeah but he caused the turmoil you dumb faggot

Did he ask why America gives 30 billion to Israel?

>Half Jewish at best
>This counts because it is literally a one drop rule with /pol/tards

8% in the Senate

.>releasing something is trying to bury something

The PNAC should pay for it out of their own personal wealth

best post so far

>standing up to China
Yeah, they'll just find other people to trade with. Trump is retarded

the point is that trump's tariff war is fucking stupid, won't bring back factories and a waste of federal money.

In what universe is a blogpost written by a Zionist, reliable you gullible retard?

Both of her parents were Jews
>Joan Ruth Bader was born on March 15, 1933, in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, the second daughter of Celia (née Amster) and Nathan Bader, who lived in the Flatbush neighborhood. Her father was a Jewish emigrant from Odessa, Ukraine, then in the Russian Empire, and her mother was born in New York to Austrian Jewish parents.

TV Celebrities are the new gods.
One of them is POTUS

Literally the exact same talking points Fox pushed during his presidency. I guess if you tell a lie enough times it becomes true. Especially to 14 year old zoomer republikids on a north Korean hieroglyphics safespace.

>Republican Party platform

Since they allowed 9/11 to happen in order to create justification for the failed Axis of Evil wars

Unironically move to different country. This one does not suit you.

You realize that even according to Jews, if the mother is Jewish, they are Jewish? Big think

More or less this. Based.

Yes, and?
Are you claiming that standing up to China isn't something worth doing?

pick only one

This is about more than fucking factories you short-sighted faggot.

>a jew

He's quite literally not trying to release the report you misinformed mutt.

>they'll just find another huge market to sell to

The Mueller report wasn't buried. It was already released but as work product of the Justice Department, which is apart of the executive branch, it is within their purview to control it and keep it from Congress. If Congress wants their own Mueller Report then they can use their own investigative powers to write their own report.

no no the barista/banker economy is super healthy just ask a banker

So what?

No, YOU move to a different country you kike faggot. Why does the city of New York get to pass the buck?

they're literally developing africa and south america into future markets with huge infrastructure projects as we speak. unlike america they actually have long-term plans that they can execute by fiat.

its not a lie though, everything I posted was 100% true

Obama was the CIA's bitch boy and greenlit their genius middle eastern strategy, which included arming "rebels" who later became ISIS

Dude. Even a fucking chimpanzee can understand both parties platforms and understand the nuance of inner-party conflicts, contradictions, and the motivations behind them. Admitting this is like telling us all you’re an actual retard.

Not that guy but do you even watch the news? How could you be so misinformed?

>mfw we are watching the collapse of an entire political ideology in real time

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>the factories are never coming back stop caring about them!
>reeeee why don't you think bringing back the factories is the most important thing!
I hate you shifty kikes so much.

>Africa will totally become a replacement market for high-end electronics in our life-time

So Ginsberg is part of an elaborate kabal because she is related to Ukrainian Jews almost a century ago?

It's literally right here user.
How the fuck is this buried?

not consumer stuff, but the market overall will grow and china will own all of it. meanwhile trump can't even think two weeks ahead.

I have no issues with standing up to China. The farmer's plight is their own fault, however. They knew going into the growing season what Trump was going to do. What did they do? Planted fucking basedbeans instead of a more marketable crop. Fuck'em.

And fuck First Responders, too. I'm all for taking care of them, but this shitball basically wants everyone in their family to get a free ride until 2090. Fucking bullshit. Every day policemen/firemen/public servants are hurt or exposed to dangers. You don't get special federal help because muh NYC.

Jews working towards Jewish interests is not an "elaborate cabal".

I didn't say anything about a cabal. You said she was half Jewish and I proved you wrong. Stop moving the goalposts faggot
>Hurr durr ethnic jews don't exist
Jews are a distinct ethnic group as well as a religious one retard. Unless you can explain to me how DNA tests pick up religion

oh noooo! china is trying to have a middle class after manufacturing goods for the last several decades! we cannot allow this to happen!

If China is betting it's future on Africa, China's future looks grim indeed.

>muh russian hackers REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Yeah never mind all that military build up in the pacific and the flouting of international law.

Almost all of this is incorrect though.

It was the PNAC who said they'd need a new Pearl Harbor in order to sell their failed Axis of Evil wars that have cost the US taxpayer more than 7 trillion dollars.

>democrats gumming up the works trying to impeach trump is killing 9/11 first responders


Every Jew I'm your mind, that is even moderately successful, is working for a hivemind?

The US could be a smoldering ruin and our commitment to the terror sponsor state Israel would remain steadfast!

His point is that China is actually looking to the future, Trump is worsening relations across the world and even companies in America are turning on him and his tariffs

and south america , and central Asia - they'll buy raw materials and sell back finished goods just like Europe and the USA did in the good old days.

>Reeeee trump is bad.

Isnt that the entire democratic party platform?.

user the FBI director works at the behest of the President, it's not an elected position and the President can fire them whenever they want.
Also, Rosenstein was the one that recommended his firing because Comey engaged in a literal spy campaign against a presidential candidate

Nobody mentioned Russia. Two different WH staff members admitted that Trump asked them to fire Mueller...which is obstruction.

Is white supremacy a hive mind?

That would make her half Jewish though, yes. Why are you people obsessed with Jews when there are statistically more Christians in government?

People stick together. It's not a conspiracy it's just common sense.

>t. zoomer faggot

There are "normal" conservatives in the US, Biden, Pelosi etc. are part of it. The republican party today literally just run on racism and gouging everyone out of as much money as possible.

Trump had the power to fire him personally at any time, he didn't. That's the definition of not obstruction, retard.

Lol Stewart was grandstanding . (((They))) were getting the money anyway. The place was empty because no one was bothering to vote against it .

>muh Comey spy conspiracy
Unfounded bullshit and no, a President can't dismiss a special conseul during an active investigation, into his own administration. All he had to do was absolutely nothing

reminder that the reason Americans are so fat is that farmers lobby for corn subsidies so they can just grow corn over and over and over, creating a surplus that gets processed into HFCS and stuffed into literally every food

>China is actually looking to the future
So is Trump.
>Trump is worsening relations across the world
So is China.

You don't actually have very deep opinions about this.

ZOG isn't real, the US just spends zillions defending Israel instead of taking care of its own citizens.

Only evil racist nazis think like this btw, its not like an insignificant portion of that money could have instead gone into some kind of actually effective anti-poverty measures that would have helped the people the leftys pretend to care about.

>Biden and Pelosi are conservatives
He's going all out...

Trump is incapable of looking beyond dodging indictments once he's out of office.

Reminder that only sub 100 iq mongrels need to use the word literally whenever they feel the need to explain their biased viewpoint

>Unfounded bullshit



along with multiple FISA applications into Carter Page and others, which exactly is the unfounded part you lying sack of shit?


Trump couldn't even predict how fast the tariffs would hurt the farmers lmao

He didn't dismiss the special counsel though, so....

let the holocaust be a shield to permanently deflect away the crimes of the foreign supremacist ethnostate and sponsor of islamic terrorism Israel

>and no, a President can't dismiss a special conseul during an active investigation, into his own administration. All he had to do was absolutely nothing
I forgot the part where Trump fired Mueller

China is literally investing trillions of dollars into building infrastructure between China into Europe, South america and Africa. They know they will be the dominant geopolitical power in the world in a generation and are setting up for just that. Meanwhile Trump is setting back the US as a global power by driving off all of its allies.

He only didn't because his staff was undermining him....to prevent him from committing a crime. I really don't understand this bootlicking, at least 3 different Admin members corroborated that he attempted to fire Mueller. Which opens him up to furher investigation and shows intent. Mueller even said that there were grounds to consider a legal case for obstruction, if Barr decided to move forward.

that's China's responsibility, not ours

Why should that be his priority?
Why exactly do you think the comfort of onions bean farmers trumps national interests?

Trump doesn't need employees to fire people for him, he could do it himself. You're fucking retarded holy shit. Go back to /r/politics you mentally stunted faggot

>It doesn't count if I want to commit a crime and someone stops me from doing it
Jesus fuck


Most corn goes to feed grain and ethanol.

>Obama was the tool of the NSA/CIA for 8 years and brought war and famine to millions of people in the middle east, started the "refugee" crisis and is directly responsible for ISIS.
The tragedy of Obama is that he campaigned on ending the failed Axis of Evil wars, but the zionist occupied government couldn't have that, so they instead got him to fund "moderate" terrorists to overthrow legitimate governments, even when those terrorists were defecting to ISIS at high rates with weapons, money, and training. Funny enough they opened slave markets in Libya. Obama got a peace prize for it.

Hahaha Hi china !

He literally ordered Don McGahn to fire him and only backed down when McGahn threatened to quit. Holy shit Trump wont fuck you even if you defend him on this shit site jesus christ.



>someone stopped him
literally impossible, he could've personally fired him if he wanted. Are you actually this uneducated on the powers of the President?

>muh FISA
You didn't read any of these, did you retard? Why is /pol/ so disingenuous?

>developing african market
Should somebody tell them?

>No argument
leftoids are so fucking trash at arguing

Yes that's a nice narrative, but it has very little to do with reality.

Reminder that the FBI literally pays agents to post propaganda on the chans.


At least one of you fucks glows in the dark, who wants to take guesses?

Did you even read the second half of the article?

>Trump literally snakes around looking for ways to indirectly dismiss Mueller through third parties to prevent an investigation
>Is so fucking retarded, he doesn't know how to do it himself
So either he's a poor dindu idiot who can't figure out how to fire someone, or he was intentionally looking for outs to sabotage the investigation.

Yes China is losing money in the trade war, so is the US. That's kind of the point of a trade war, you lose money in the short term for long term gain, except Trump literally does not understand how it works. He seriously thinks Americans are getting money back by increasing tariffs on Chinese items. Also your article does not disprove anything i said.

>attempted obstruction isn't a thing because you have to actually accomplish your criminal activity for it to be criminal
Never go full retard.

Africa is absolutely massive and bursting with untapped resources. Historically the problem is that it's also full of niggers, but the bugmens' lack of compassion will serve them extremely well where previous colonization attempts have failed.

That's correct.
Considering doing something is not a criminal offense. Not that firing someone is a criminal offense in the first place.

you are correct but that doesn't affect what I said, which is that there's a surplus of eatin' corn.

Ethanol is also part of the corn subsidy racket, it's retarded that we use arable land which could produce food to make something to dilute our gasoline with.


if the FISA was justified why didn't Mueller charge Page with anything lmao

>ISIS is hailed as the biggest issue on the planet for years
>Trump becomes president
>Not a peep about it since
>Every paper and news program leading with gaslighting articles about elections/russia/hacking/obstruction etc.
>3 years later and the most "informed" people are just full of the most lies.

>Leftoids leftoids leftoids
Your FISA story has very little to do with your original point though. You're just regurgitating points.

Well he literally is an actor


>entire argument hinges on the presumption that Trump can't make a phonecall
trash, leftoids are really this fucking dumb lmao
>attempted obstruction because uh... uhhh... he didn't fire someone
are you fucking brain dead?

Explain to me why he didn't fire Mueller then?

Those towers were full of jews, it being the world trade center in new york fucking city. That's why he cares and that's why the tears are real.

>Historically the problem is that it's also full of niggers, but the bugmens' lack of compassion will serve them extremely well where previous colonization attempts have failed.
Their lack of compassion is balanced out by their lack physicality. The niggers will bully them out of their countries when they get fed up with their presence.

Nice monologue, good luck in the next awards season

What the fuck are you even talking about? You're so far up your own ass you can't see how retarded you are. FISA warrants were for Page, the FBI already admitted that they tapped computers and phones in Trump tower (and incidentally, Trump) because of the warrants, this is all public knowledge.
Don't blame me for your own ignorance.

The subsidy racket, user, is that most of these farms are owned by millionaires and they don't plant anything. But because they are listed, they get $$ from the DoA to not farm.

These new grants will just allow them to fleece even more.

Are you okay?

they actually are
America doesn't have any real left, the dems are right wing and the conservatives far right

12 mangy dogs can kill a lion!

Who the fuck cares?
The fact is he did not fire him.
So why the fuck are you acting as if he did?

>Dozens of charges and arrests
>But Page though
I don't understand trumptards anymore.

He sounds like a selfish, narrow-minded asshole. That's above average for an American.

because he was innocent of any charges and decided to let it play out instead of causing a shitstorm.
if your argument is this easy to dismiss maybe you should keep it to yourself bud


China is lending billions of dollars to countries they know won't be able to pay back so they can get insane lease deals so they can set up strategic military bases around the world for just that. But keep pretending Trump is winning in 20-30 years when China is fucking everyone in the ass.

The left believes that Trump is simultaneously

1.) functionally retarded
2.) a genius who outsmarted the entire US intelligence apparatus and managed to hide his crimes from the all seeing eye

It's just not worth looking for consistency with them.

he made a mistake quitting. Trevor Noah is such a lukewarm fag it seems he can't piss off anybody

China is no lion.

But that's a whatabout...

>muh both sides are the same
Hows high school going?

>quoting the Council on Foreign Relations


Which charges were related to russia and trump?
Papadopolous went to jail for 12 whole days lmao.
Manafort for some random shit from 10 years ago, Cohen for some taxi cab medallion scam
Absolutely pathetic that you think this means anything.

jesus christ almighty pelosi just passed a pro tranny bill in the house, she is a lefty

I'll cut your fucking red throat if I ever hear you talking that trash in real life.

You don't know what that word means, are you actually this mentally retarded or is it an act? I feel like I'm talking to someone that wears a safety helmet 24/7


There you go, go wild

1.3 billion dogs running wild brother!!!

>What is Operation fast and furious
Take your head out of your ass politicians are the scum of the earth, believing in one is just asking to get ripped off.

Literally no one thinks Trumps a genius, not even his supporters, he was just as dumb as his constituency and had the same financial interests as his backers.

You're just as stupid as Republicans who have called John McCain and Mitt Romney Democrats at various stages of the healthcare debate.

They disagree with your good guys, so they must secretly be the bad guys.

>if you dont preach tranny communism you're not a leftist

Do agents shill for Disney too? Maybe the feds are just rent-a-cops for whatever rich jew that needs to shill his piece of shit movie/musician

He's not a genius, but he committed treason and covered up all the evidence while the feds were tapping his phones?

You must think even lower of the intelligence community than I do.

the conservatives who are far right are those who aren't israeli zombies, meanwhile the neocons and neodems are

Yes we know the Belt and Road initiative exists.

>Mueller literally outlines grounds for obstruction, only says that it needs to be followed through by the Justice Department
>3 different accounts from staffers of Trump trying to put feelers out into the investigation, even going as far as to quote "want it to go away". Realizes that it is a Constitutional crisis if he did, since there really is no precedent for firing special counsels.
>Barr is a literal puppet who owes his job to the GOP
>redacts a few dozen pages
I just can't listen to your autism anymore, it's blatant.

The whites that COLONIZED Africa were not the same kind as the Redditors of today. Belgium is another Eurotrash hole filled with shitskins now but when they ran the Congo the king was an absolute mad lad and had literal tons of niggers killed for whatever reason he wished of.

They might be soulless bugmen but the Chinese have NO experience dealing with large masses of nigs, and they aren't popular and there's no way to hide the massacres they'll need to do to keep locals in order. I'm betting the new Africa paradigm is the West providing covert aid to anyone that causes trouble for the chinks while the chinks rage and shout and try to do the honest colonization thing.

wouldn't exist without Iraq war

so going left on a niche social issue means she's not a neolib corporatist on economic issues? Have some nuance user, it's pretty nice.
are you ok?

There is no chance McConnell and Republicans don't dream of the Obama years when they could say "black man bad" and their supporters would show up ind rives to hand the right win after win. Republicans are literally getting killed by the fact that they actually have to govern now after a decade of contrarian whining.

Let me know when the House impeaches bud, because its sooooo obvious he commited le treason and le obstruction for le russians
>wanting the investigation to go away is obstruction
>Barr is a puppet because hes not a scheming leftoid that promotes spying on US presidential candidates
top cringe

Why does /pol/ keep saying this Manafort lie? The charges directly related to the election. Not even the GOP is denying the hack...their official position supports the findings of the intelligence community. I'm not sure why you people arguing.

Leftists are either evil or stupid and there is no in between at this point

What is the context here?

Same. Life long conservative, would be fine with late night if they were funny like he used to be.

Imagine being gaslighted into worshiping the guy who

1.) covered up the FBI's fumbling of 9/11
2.) lied about WMDs in Iraq
3.) helped cover up Ruby Ridge
4.) helped the FBI frame four people in Boston to protect an informant

Rightists are either evil or stupid and there is no in between at this point

Raises an interesting question - if the intelligence community knows all, and allowed him to be elected anyway without some sort of 4d chess psyops campaign to prevent it, what's their motivation?

>literally outlines grounds for obstruction

>Why does /pol/ keep saying this Manafort lie? The charges directly related to the election
Name the charges bud

Fast and Furious is a bloated meme and a program started by a fucking Republican you zoomer

trust the plan

Attached: 152623574583568954974.jpg (3456x3365, 884K)

he's right, though. the question is can a country with no history of running things outside their borders, filled entirely with inscrutable bugmen actually manage to keep other countries on board? When the Britbongs ran the world they at least provided a massive upgrade to the countries they took over, instead of just 'oh here's some infrastructure so you can ship your things to us easier'.


dont forget
>helped Whitey Bulger drug deal and murder for decades
>got Isaac Asimovs son off with probation for the largest trove of Child porn ever found in Californian history

Nobody is even mentioning Russia.

You know, I'm having a hard time understanding why liberals are so butthurt about Trump. Do they not remeber the 2000's? We had the first invasion since Pearl Harbor then launched a war on people who had nothing to do with it, killing our own soldiers, innocent shitskins (yes, there were) and wasting insane amounts of money. It was terrifying. But now it's like the world ends when Trump sends a mean tweet. Has everyone gone full retard?

Count the number of Goldman Sachs execs in Trump's administration and you'll have your answer.

>thinking Russia controls Trump and not the New York bankers he surrounds himself with

if the case for impeachment is so airtight why are the Dems too pussy to do it?

you're not making a ton of sense bro

Why don't you look them up? I don't know what has to happen to a brain to look at a dozen arrests and federal charges and goes "look at this witch-hunt! Poor dindu neocons!"

Except its literally true, Mueller mentioned in his statements and in the report that per DoJ guidelines he could not indict a sitting president so he left that up to Congress.

>per DoJ guidelines he could not indict a sitting president

2020 will be the first election that children who were not alive on September 11th 2001 will be allowed to vote.

They haven't forgotten, they were never there.

Who better to lead the failing zionist circus? Every circus needs a clown.

She's cute. Kinda just goes to show that libcucks are into tranny faggots.

>Why don't you look them up?
I asked to you name the charges on Manafort that were related to the 2016 election, you can't because they weren't related to the election but to laundering and other things going back into the mid 2000's you dumb lying fuck.

Name the charges now or forever know that you got BTFO

Because it will literally never pass the senate and it would just convince retarded trump voters that it somehow exonerates Trump.

Because they are worried about wasting political capital before the 2020 election.

>its clearly laid out obstruction!
>b-but my side is literally too scared to do anything about it

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It's a little late to close that barn-door buddy....

Are you pretending to be misinformed?

Hypothetical scenario here: A US senator says "the US could be a smoldering ruin and our commitment to a foreign country would remain steadfast" is this treasonous? Conflict of interest? Criminal negligence?

Republican women might eat up ZOG horseshit but you can bet they are top tier breeding material

OK, so now handwave the other dozen charges and federal sentences?

Treason unless they're talking about Israel. Saying anything else would be antisemitism.

Bold choice being an "I don't give a fuck about nothing" tryhard on the internet. See how that works out for you.

its another reddit is seething like the retards they are again.

Attached: ORTHOPAEDIC.png (868x874, 713K)

What charges specifically? Can you name them?

Not even Reddit. FBI and Mossad agents arguing with each other.

Tradthot civic nationalists (read fuck lots of black guys) are NOT top tier breeding material

it's soft neo-colonialism. No need for questionable "massive upgrades" to offset being ruled by force when it's not actually a colony/invasion.

No it's the truth.
Quote the specific guideline.

damn you're really deep in the closet you projection homo

I don't care if he gets impeached, I just want you to wake up to his blatantly terrible behavior. The fucker just said a day ago that if he was offered info on a running candidate during an election, he's go for it. Which is textbook illegal. I don't know what he has to do to get on your bad side, war with Iran? Trade war with China? Nothing?

this same poster thinks East St Louis needs more federal funding

It's called having standards, you should try and find some.

>It's quite literally the first ten pages of the report

>The fucker just said a day ago that if he was offered info on a running candidate during an election
It was illegal for Hillary to accept information from British and Ukrainian intelligence during the 2016 election?

The republican platform is Freedom and self-responsibility. The democrats are just gibs.

ching chong bing bong

>The fucker just said a day ago that if he was offered info on a running candidate during an election, he's go for it. Which is textbook illegal.
You mean like what the government did to him during 2016 using a dossier compiled in a foreign country using fake info (used to justify a fraudulent wiretap)? Why would he say something like that? Is he setting up his enemies to take the position you just took?


Literally the first line

if the case is so airtight then the dems would've done it already lmao
stay mad retard
>The fucker just said a day ago that if he was offered info on a running candidate during an election, he's go for it.
didn't Obama's personal law firm pay Fusion GPS which paid a foreign agent, Chris Steele, along with multiple 5 eyes intelligence agents for info on Trump and his associates?

Jon Stewart (Formerly (((Leibowitz))))

How can anyone in their right minds deny this?

You are literally whatabouting though.

>You are literally whatabouting
no I'm not? the argument was whether they tapped Trump and his associates, the records show they did. Are you seriously this fucking dumb? Please refrain from using your reddit buzzwords as an argument

you can't defend his statements, huh?

Libtards BTFO ones again.


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Why would we have to? It's not a crime, moron.

>The indictment or cnm inal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions

but this whole investigative process and smear campaign totally doesn't right?
Get fucked.

These people don't care about the constitution.

That wasn't the argument though.

>its only bad if trump does it
its called pointing out hypocrisy, thats why Trump said it lmao, the make you admit that its wrong but only when its not your side doing it.

cao ni ma bai gui

(it is)

>The fucker just said a day ago that if he was offered info on a running candidate during an election, he's go for it. Which is textbook illegal.
How is this illegal?

>Narrator: it wasn't.

Yes, accepting information from a foreign government to advance your political position in an election is illegal, and Trump word for word, said it would be fine for him to do.

I feel like I live in a bizzaro world when I talk to Trumpfags.

the post I was replying to was making that argument you dumb fuck, holy shit why are you such a dishonest faggot? I think you know you're wrong, thats why you rely on reddit buzzwords and non-arguments.


It's saying the text is too large to copy paste so I'm putting it here.

What the fuck is your point though? That's its not a big deal?

Take a deep breathe and repeat after me

"I was misled by a charismatic snake oil salesman to think that he was worthy to occupy the white house. I understand that I should have practiced better due diligence before giving this con artist and swindler the powers of the white house. I will ensure this never happens again by voting for someone trustworthy next time and not a Russian backed huckster. Everyone makes mistakes and this is my honest acknowledgement that I made a mistake and that I will do better in the future. My mistakes do not define me"

You want to cite that law?

>“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,“ wrote Ellen Weintraub, chairwoman of the FEC. “This is not a novel concept.“

I will not participate in this struggle session! I do not consent!

I admit it was wrong for Hillary too you whatabouting tard. That isn't the point here.

The investigation was on Trump during his presidential campaign, he was not president at the time. It only later expanded when new evidence was discovered. You are so far up Trumps ass you cant even see straight. But sure let the US grow weaker by the day when fucking Xi Jinping will rule the world in 15 years.

>Yes, accepting information from a foreign government to advance your political position in an election is illegal
It clearly isn't.

nothing to do with the 2016 election
conspiracy to defraud the US government is tax evasion you dumb cuck.


Trump tard tactic number 1 - Always pretend to be a huge fucking dumbass.

I'm trying to make you understand that YOU shifted the argument in that direction, which was in effect a goalpost shift.

It wasn't just Hillary, it was the Obama administration, the weaponized intelligence and law enforcement agencies (CIA/FBI) etc

What was done against the Trump campaign was unironically Watergate x 1000

>It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,
They're talking about money you fucking kike.

>random Democrat political appointee says it's obviously illegal two days ago, doesn't cite any statute or precedent


>what is the FEC

I support trump because I support chaos. I support trump because the rotten corpse liberals turned the US into the past 50 years needs to be destroyed and Balkanized. This is revenge for stinking up the White House with a nigger for 8 years. What are you going to do about it? Even if you impeach Trump or win in 2020 we will just vote for someone even more radical 4-8 years later to punish you again. The only way you will EVER stop is is if you kill us and our families, and I would much prefer to die than to live in the democratic necrotic corpse of "America" filled with 3rd world nigger scum and their tranny elites.

>Fast and Furious is a bloated meme and a program started by a fucking Republican you zoomer
Nigga what?

>poster claims trump being wiretapped was unfounded
>prove that he in fact, was wiretapped
jesus christ you are such a dishonest faggot, stop posting.

Not exactly a rocket scientist are ya?


COUNT TWELVE: False Statements

Prosecutors allege that between November 2016 and February 2017 that Manafort and Gates conspired together and caused others to make false statements and conceal crimes against the United States. The penalty for this count is up to five years in prison.

Show me the court that said your preferred interpretation of those words is correct.


There are lots of dating sites for Trump supporters. My theory is that normal guys really desperate to get laid use these sites to bang retarded girls.

Attached: wallwall.jpg (640x635, 65K)

Information isn't money you fucking faggot.

Women in the country HATE black men, user. Are you fucking retarded? My cousin's daughter got told to stop playing with a black doll kek

Not a law making body. You want to cite a statute or a court case that sets a precedent, rather than one cunt's opinion?

>the sky is green
>what about the blue color in the sky when you look at it?
>muh whataboutism!!!!

>random Democrat political appointee
Appointed by Bush. But whatever right?

Which statements were about the campaign or Russia?
Your quote says nothing about what the lies were in relation to.

Based Alabama user

No it wasn't, what the fuck are you on?

A). fuck courts
B). Show me the court that says yours is correct.

>Weaponize the entire government against your political opponents
>someone points it out
>wtf stop whatabouting!!?!!

Did you go to Trump University?


Careful bro, Mueller was appointed by Bush too. You're dangerously close to shattering the dialectic.

College is for fags.


no witty comeback just stuttering like a retard? Seems about your speed

1) why would I bother citing a court if you'd just ignore it anyway?
2) i never said that a court has ruled that information is a thing of value under the statute, learn to read. the point is that it is not a clear cut and settled issue, and "INFORMATION IS NOT MONEY LIBTARDS BTFO" is a bullshit argument.

Politifact. Shit dude, you got me. Next you'll hit me with a Snopes link.

Every major presidential candidate in your lifetime has accepted information from foreign governments on their opposition. It isn't a crime and none of you leftist crybabies thought it was before 2016.

>i love the uneducated

Attached: trump-laughing-e1505931597282.jpg (700x420, 47K)

Drumfptards, ladies and gentlemen

But that niggers left nutsack provides more value to humanity then you and inbred warren of redneck scum will ever provide for centuries.
>kill us and our families
This can be arranged faggot, especially since you love chaos so much.
In fact since you say you are willing to die, why not spare us the trouble and just kill yourself? Its clear you're not happy and we're definitely not happy so be the bigger man and just fucking neck yourself already.

>what a cunt
I agree, he's a real cunt. No wonder he ended up working on Fox news.