Looking for a job young man?

Looking for a job young man?
*Netflixs originals presents*

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I fucking hate this fucking goblin

*steals your fake teeth*

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Has anyone told him this is a terrible idea?

He should marry maisey Williams and they should have kids that should be stoned


Wait. What is the show about?

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>Wow fresh out of college wearing a nice suit.
>Would be a shame if someone if squirted ketchup on it.

The short version of the story is that Netflix will have a new show with this toothless retard fuck pranking looking for iobs

That faggot? I’d use her as a socket puppet and heave my seed into her

Shame, you looked like an ok kid on Stranger Things.
Guess we'll burn him at the stake now

wouldn't be the worst job interview I've had

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Dios mio, el abominacion

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I don't speak tacos

He is a rich kid, user. He doesn't understand how heavy this can be.

seems redundant it's already a joke
>apply online
>no response
>follow up
>automated rejection
>try to apply in person
>told to apply online

He will,the hard way I'm afraid

This is going to be such a fucking trainwreck and that's kind of awesome. What better way to unmask the true nature of the liberal tech companies that a Blacked-loving anti-conservative streaming platform literally coming out against working class Americans.

>Oh, it's that weird looking kid from Stranger Things

We all get the last laugh

hell ive had employers contact me as a candidate match and just ghost me
>it was just a prank bro

Yes yes, nice resume user, nice resume HOWEVER

He's about to get a double dose of reality.

based zoomer dabbing on boomer wagecucks

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What is this show called?
I suspect a Jew is behind it.

petition to fire him from stranger things

Feel better by noticing that his left eye looks downward while his left looks straight ahead. He's already been punished.

I eagerly await the first contestant that beats the living shit out of this kid.

He deserves death for this


They put out fake job ads to lure people looking for work. Tell them they got the job and have them come in their first day.

Then they prank them and tell them there's no job.

It's disgusting.

*stomach grumbles*

What's sad is that fake ads are completely legal. I used to work at Lyft, Inc. and we put out fake ads for our office all the time just to gauge levels of "interest". We even went so far as to give fake interviews to people even though we had 0 intent on hiring them. One dude drove in from 2 hours away.

Fuck, I'm so glad I quit that shit filled company. Never work for corporate America if you can help it anons.

kek I can't wait. I already see a bunch of wagecucks pissed even in the mainstream

The only strange thing here is that kid's fucking face.

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He's executive producing also which means some parasite in hollywood knew he was an impressionable kid with money and pitched him the idea about how much fun it would be just so he could get a paycheck.

That's a fairly common scam, especially on sites like ZipRecruiter
>spam 1 Click Apply to send out as many resumes as possible
>get poorly worded "corporate emails" and 1-and-done phone calls with no voice mails
>look up the phone calls
>personal phone numbers instead of office buildings
>look up the business address
>address is someone's house

The show is more cruel than that, since they'd put in the effort to look legit. All for some cheap laughs on netflix. I've talked to all sorts of social groups about it, and it's a 100% disapproval unilaterally. Who the fuck is this for?

The producers are just using him.

Hope they keep the cameras rolling when someone down on their luck doesn't take an underage shit stain side character waisting their time or god forbid they skipped out on an actual interview to go the prank one because they the fake ad promised a higher salary.

Seems like itching for a lawsuit. Are we sure this isn't fraud?

hope someone puts this lil goblin on ice

>implying people on "reality" shows aren't just actors

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I don't know, man.

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I work for a corporate business now (not fortune 500 but pretty big within our country) and the sheer amount of lies, "buddy managers" and turn over rate for not fulfilling quotas (even off by 1) is insane. These people are not human

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what if a shit ton of people started tweeting this pic to him

I feel like the glass enclosure they'll have to put him in for protection will spoil the prank.

Wagecucks btfo

Is this show actually funny or is the only reason Yea Forums is taking about this because the premise is so mean-spirited?

Rich people to laugh at peasants


yea sure reddit boy

Why does this premise upset posters so bad? If you're having a hard time finding a job with 3% unemployment then you're either autistic or lack the most basic skills or certificates required for the position you're applying for. Getting angry at a prank TV show isn't gonna fix that for you

Based Yea Forums NEETs who want to laugh at the suffering of wagecucks

its not out, but the premise is fucked. Anyone who has been unemployed/job searching can know how frustrating it can be, and even if you hate the job at least youve got the financial stability to fall back on.

Now imagine youre a desperate person looking for a way in and then its revealed that the goblin (not monster) from Stranger Things is laughing at you, saliva flying through his gums into your face and you have to take it cuz youre a little bitch ahahah

its the metaphor for capitalism

I work for a top investment firm and we don't have much of this at all.

> Show is a bad idea.
> Must be because they can't find jobs.

Also people don't exclusively look for work because they're currently unemployed retard.

>finally find a job to support my family
>this little shitweasel suddenly pop out of the "interviewer's" filing cabinet
>knife him in the face right in the gap where his teeth should be

Seriously though, after being so desperate for so long and then humiliated on tv, why wouldn't I? Why the fuck would I care about consequences? Someone gonna start a #movement against me on social media because I killed the shit goblin from their favorite tv show? Oh noes.

being unemployable is one thing but wasting an applicant's time like that is another level of douchey

The only thing that would redeem this is if they gave $1,000 to everyone they pranked.

This cringy "le ebil capitalism" brainlet commie shit needs to end. If you're not a dummy you don't have to beg for a job, if you do you're literally just a dummy. If noone wants to hire you, you have no relevant skills and noone SHOULD hire you untill you learn some. And if you think life in a non-capitalistic country is better you don't understand the first thing about history or economics. I know because I used to live in one. IT SUCKS.

I can empathize with someone struggling to find a job or make a decent living, but blaming capitalism is brainlet tier.

Triggered wagies itt LMAO

>not realising tons of corporate interests put profit over people
>buuh capitalism is the only system that works

Eh being a wagie has its perks.

Like not having to an hero because your parents died or kicked you out only to realize even a 5 month gap in work history makes you unemployable.

That is such a retarded surfacelevel statement. You are talking about capitalism and don't even understand 101 basic level shit like the invisible hand. You are literally just dumb.

>The only thing that would redeem this is if they gave $1,000,000 to everyone they pranked.

I was thinking this. Im close to suicide, im one bad day away from doing something stupid.

If this kid punked me on TV, id probably snap.

This type of attitude is why niggers think its ok to rob and steal

>le invisible hand

I know you just back from you ecom101 seminar and felt like you dunked on some dudes but you've got another thing coming

no they put the shareholder above all else. you know that marketplace where the public buy a slice of the means of production. the worst part of capitalism is the commie one

i hope there's a twist where they get a job they actually want or win some money, because otherwise this is straight up mean-spirited, and you know that's bad when i'm complaining on Yea Forums of all places


>because otherwise this is straight up mean-spirited, and you know that's bad when i'm complaining on Yea Forums of all places
Didn't you get that memo? Ever since society has gone full retard, 4chins IS the wholesome paragon of virtue online. Oh yes.

Might be the dumbest motherfucker that has ever posted here

Imagine a show where you get a call saying your parents/wife/children died in an explosion and you have to come to the morgue to identify the bodies but when you unzip the body bag that goblin from stranger things jumps out and yells "IT WAS JUST A PRANK BRO" lmao wouldn't that be funny lol?

You've just predicted what is truly going to happen soon enough. Society is being brainwashed to become 100% cruel 100% of the time.

Anyone on this show without their faces censored are gonna get paid something

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>Haha, it was fucking PRANK, bro, those were LAXATIVES, not a experimental treatment that might save your wife's life!


since fat shaming works, NEET shaming should be a thing too

>246 KB
>hopelessly depressed
>failed outta college
>one missed rent payments away from being homeless
>sent out 100 job applications, radio silence
>suddenly on the eve of the day you're finally going to kys and leave your torment behind, you hear a notif sound
>2 job offers!
>one is a min wage slave labour gig,the other is a almost decent too-good-to-be-true 9-5
>wonder if God finally took mercy upon your wretched self
>accept the more lucrative offer
>dress up in the best you have,frantically try to diguise the severely depressed down-on-your-luck visage, look your best in close to a year
>cant fail,everythings riding on this
>go to supposed job
>greeted by a toothless hobbit looking gremlin that laughs in your face and declares that you're being broadcast online for the entertainment of those far better off than you
>wagie job snatched up by another fellow NEET
>back to square 1
>last bit of humanity leaves your broken husk
>pic related

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>applying for a job

Suing the (((producers))) is the only winning move.

>On today's episode of "PRANKED: That goblin from Stranger Things edition" We've taken over this doctors office and will be giving out fake positive cancer and HIV results to unsuspecting people in for a routine check up!

They're both problems that solve themselves after 30-40 years.

i've had them call me and THEN ghost me afterwards

i seriously think they just wanted to hear my voice and decided solely on that

only a fucking retard could somehow twist this so that Netflix, capitalist titan, are actually lefties
>b-but, their SJW messages
It's all a ploy pea-brain. And now they're doing their victory lap round the proletariat. They're sick american imperial capitalist pig dogs through-and-through

>muh invisible hand
This is why Americans should never comment on politics or economics. It's not their fault, its their education system's

>3% unemployment and dropping
Soon to come:
>Trump's economy is killing our prank show!

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>implying hardcore leftists aren't capitalists

We should make a deal if you guys stop ruining the internet with popups that tell people what everyone knew 15 years ago.


Lot's of employed people are still job searching to find a better position with more money.

the way those "scams" work is that there is no real job, but multi-level-marketing pyramid schemes and wire-transfer frauds. They're not fucking with applicants, they're trying to scam them
This isnt even a scheme, it's just fucking with people

>"Alright Mr.Neetwick, we're very impressed with your empty resume, lack of social skills and slovenly appearance! You've got the jo-
>"NO....NOOO I needed that Subway job you little FUCK my tendies and tranny porn don't pay for themselves *whips out shotgun*
>"No pleath no don't do it man I wath juth kidd-*BLAM*
>Netflix logo appears *BADUNNN*

How did this even get so far down the pipeline? You can't find a single soul that thinks this is even close to a good idea.

People who work in the media are psychopaths who don't actually understand real life or human emotions

Some boomer definitely approved this

It's why Netflix is so in debt. They'll literally give anyone a million dollars to make a TV show if you tell them there will be at least one scene of interracial sex.

It's some real 'why don't poor people just buy more money' shit.

Fucking kek, you got me now mutt boi!
What a good joke! And since my wife is prolly gonna die and I have nothing to lige for, why don't you look down this gun barrel and tell me if the bullet is explosive or just a simple,trustworthy, piece of lead.

>Be employed in a comfortable job with good co workers
>See an ad for a better payed position
>Get an interview
>Congratulations you start next week
>Hand my notice in
>First day in new job

Netflix loses money you fucking brainlet

they copied more or less watched this show
and decided they will copy it but instead of having the magician they will have the ugly kid from Stranger Things come out and say PRANKED after they've messed with them

no shit, all capitalists haemorrhage money then beg the state to intervene

The company loses money, but the people at the top are making bank.

>things bargaining is exclusive to capitalism
>calls others brainlet
Loling @ (You)
Go back to your shit heap nation, retard

I think NF is preparing to do some steep price jumps in the near future, eliminating legacy rates too for people resubbing. Shows like this can be used as a weapon against people bitching about the price, calling them unemployed poorfag schmucks.
Let the data centers burn imo

In some Arab country they had a prank show where they made Paris Hilton or someone similar believe her plane was crashing and she was going to die.

You fucking idiot. First off, most of the public cannot afford shares in public companies, at least not on the scale to actually make anything. Second, SH prioritization is quite literally the reason trickle down is impossible. Please read up on Ford v Dodge from a century ago

It’s 4chans job to punch at boundaries to keep people humble. When society has gone so far off to one side as to be insane, it’s this pissholes job to reign it back in with mockery and retardation on such a level it makes glowniggers false flag the board for warrants.

3% unemployment means jack shit when all those jobs are just starbucks


literally nobody:

netflix: let's have a prank show where we make fun of the unemployed!

>graduated college a month ago
>applied to almost 200 jobs
>resume has 5 relevant internships
>only 4 interviews
>0 offers
>will to live rapidly fading
>passion for field almost totally gone

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>one month of searching

heh, cute.

should have made connections at college, dummy

>His collage friend's dad doesn't own a big Pharma company where you interned and eventually got a job at
heh chump

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>find liberal arts major
>convince him Wall Street now needs empowered POC consultancy services
>offer him a six figure job straight out of college
>let him work his first month
>wait until he goes full retard taking loans, putting a down payment on a place and a car, you know things he'll 'be able to afford now'
>wait a few days
>it's just a prank bro

You have to go back.

>liberal arts major
He's already in a mountain of debt.

some people try to find jobs in their field or that aren't totally soul-sucking.
also, pranking desperate people down on their luck looking for a job is cruel.

>Lol the joke is that it's almost impossible to land a career these days unless you personally know higher-ups who can nepotism your ass into a position!
>Well Mrs. Stilman, it looks like things are actually... turning up! It's going in remediation, and as long as we keep it up, you might just be playing in the yard with your children, looking back on this whole cancer thing like a bad dream...
>R-r-really? I can actually live to see my children grow up an-



Remember when the CEO was quotes as saying people will pay whatever he tells them to, and then split the company in two with the domain Qwikster, prompting them to lose a third of all subscribers in a day's time?

Nobody else does either.

I'm illiterate and I make more money than you lol

>Lovable and witty comedians getting tarred, feathered, publicly slandered, lambasted, and practically kicked out of comedy forever because they made an "offensive" joke at the expense of a minority and honestly not-that-oppressed group that does and says things that are inherently logical fallacies ripe for ridicule
>Every time it happens, more and more comedians retreat from the spotlight because nobody knows which group will get conveniently offended enough by some random joke that they take action to ruin your career and get a nice settlement (or just 5 seconds of internet "fame"), leaving only the "comedians" who make safe, tame, inoffensive, boring, unfunny jokes or use the comedy stage as a "social issues" soapbox
>Somehow this fucking insensitive prank show idea that offends the vast majority of the nation (and roughly 80% of the entire Netflix audience) passes all approval and ratings tests and gets green-lit for a Netflix season

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You need to remember that the unemployment is much higher than that. That's only reported rate. It doesn't include all the people who gave up looking for jobs.

The 9/11 prank was bit too far though

How do I get a job

The first month is the most important.
That's when all the new graduates are applying for jobs, all the fresh talent with the most up-to-date training is available, and needs to be caught before the biggest most successful companies can snatch them up (if they haven't already got them as undergrads).
After the first month, companies know that they're just getting the leftovers, because if you were so good, you would have gotten hired already.
Every month after the first one, employers start to think "why is it taking you so long to get hired?", which raises the same red flags as a girl you want to date who just heard that you've never had a girlfriend before, prompting the idea "If he still hasn't been hired, there must be a good reason, like he's shit".
The more time goes by, the harder and harder it is to look valuable to employers and not like a slacker or leftover.
So yeah, it's just one month, but it's the most important month, where the most interviews and offers typically happen.

The same way you pick up girls, you fail until you get lucky

>people unironically don't think everyone in silicon valley belongs in a death camps

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I graduated in 2015, go fuck yourself

NatSoc+NazBol when?

kys fucking twatter faceberg faggot holy shit seriously make sure you shoot your heart so it works


literally nobody:


2013 for me. I still haven't found steady work. This sophomore slump of mine is lasting a long time.

Can't be a wagecuck if you have no job.

my eyes
make it stop


Carlito and Brad Carter and those guys did it better

>Seems like itching for a lawsuit.
I think it's bullshit with actors. There's no fucking way an actual applicant won't freak out on social media at the very least and tank Netflix stocks.

The fuck does this punk 16 year old kid know about having a job? Pampered acting doesn't count. As if fucking over the unemployed wasn't bad enough, this is just insulting.

Yeah I think it's probably just going to see how much they can make some pore sap do before he quits. At least I hope so. I'm not sure who's the stupidest one out in this, the producers who green lit it or Netflix for not seeing that the only thing this is going to bring in is a colossal amount of ill will directed at them.

I shouldn't have laughed at the mispronunciations as much as I did.

>Im illiterate and I larp on Yea Forums


it's gonna be like that time on south park when the small man tries to prank cartman by getting the class to call him fat, but as soon as cartman sees the midge he just starts laughing

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La Creatura is going to end whatever little career he has left with this stunt.


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idk, the real blame goes to the producers and his agents. who the fuck thought it was a good idea to do such a mean-spirited show? only hollywood kikes could think that shit is ok

It needs retooling. They should focus purely on illegal immigrants and at the end throw em on a bus.


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not just ugly, he's legit deformed
imagine having never seen this kid before and having him just pop out when you get to your new job
you'd think you were in a horror movie

OH noes now I'll have to wait longer to get money from a billionaire.

But thats not unemployment dumbass