Was it kino?

was it kino?
also who was in the wrong?

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He looks like a big guy

My university is full of Asians who cant/won't speak English





such is life in Vancouver

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lol this one teacher at my uni ended class after some white guy made a nuke joke to a jap. university professors are pussies.

Same here. I went to University of Texas at Arlington (Often called UT Asia). Felt like half of the students were FOBs who walked 6 abreast down the hallways loudly speaking Vietnamese or whatever. They would do the same in class during lectures. I would assume they were either translating for one another or talking shit, can't tell.

brien 'o boomer is being a bitch trying to pass the buck to the higher ups when he could just defuse the situation himself - teachers always pull this shit. He's really just mad that someone is talking back.

Seems as though the teacher probably agrees but has to deflect and remove the student to keep his job.

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A (((teacher))) who will willfully lie and brainwash children just to cash in a paycheck should be publicly whipped

lol no it doesn't are you a mental retard, have you ever interacted with people, do you ever communicate verbally and nonverbally? The guy is obviously a fucking cuck, just look at how butt blasted he gets. This is something he could have ignored if he agreed.

why is teacher so angry? is it his coping mechanism in full effect?

Shouldn't they be forced to give you a refund if they kick you out of a class you paid for?

Calm the fuck down bitch, I never heard the teacher fully confirm what he himself thinks. As for the anger its probably more a challenge to his authority in the classroom that pissed him off.

pupil was wrong, seems like he's just being an irratating little shit, keep your political opinions to yourself, even though i agree with him, there's a time and place to say that stuff

It's not an opinion it's basic biology

This isn't new. You were also pressured to accept evolution in schools despite its flaws. Enjoy your new political overlords heathens

Fellate a shotgun

The teacher was right. The intolerant shouldn’t be tolerated.

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the student wasn't being intolerant, merely opinionated.

>The intolerant shouldn’t be tolerated.
true, we should gas all leftists

No way I'm putting my kids through public schooling.

Boomers are an absolute scourge.

You can tell the guy struggles with the cognitive dissonance of the whole thing but he's a fat boomer cunt too soft and stuck in his ways to stick up for what's right. Scotland is wildly over leftified and bureaucratic, it'll only get worse until the whites fleeing England come here and we have a north vs south war for Britain.
Source: am scottish

how did tumblr gain so much power

I'd like to apologize to Yea Forums and /pol/ you were right I was wrong

It did hit the mainstream and institutes, It was just too crazy to believe

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What would happen if he told him that a kilogram of steel and a kilogram of feathers weigh the same?

this old faggot doesn't even believe in or understand the things he saying

>the official policy is that there's more than two genders , Murray!
>but that's not scientifically accurate at all
>not all policies are scientifically accurate, Murray.

I wish Edward Longshanks had genocided the Scots

people have believed that there are only two genders for thousands of years and no society has descended into tyranny as a result of that belief so implying that believing that there are only 2 genders is an intolerant belief which will lead to a tyrannical regime like nazi germany or the soviet union is empirically refuted by human history.

I saw this where it was originally posted, r/conservatives.

how hard is it to understand that gender is not biological sex and its more accurate to view gender as a dynamic spectrum

He’s afraid he’ll lose his job if he’s seen to go against the current narrative. So afraid that he’d remove someone who disagrees and tell them never to express their opinion, because that opinion is incorrect.

what, do you think ever teacher's lesson is on CCTV and reviewed by the state?
he could have just contradicted the student and moved on, he decided to make an example of him because he likes following rules and gets agitated when he sees other people not doing so.
teacher guidelines in the uk don't make specific recommendations about sending people out of class

Why don't white people just get higher test scores to boot those Asians out of universities?

I think they're already given a penalty on their SATs, no? Shouldn't blacks be more common in US universities since they have affirmative action and they get SAT boosts?


reminds me of this. any number you say would discriminate

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that doesn't make any sense. It's not like the head master or ofcom were sitting in the lesson with him. teacher guidelines in the uk don;t make specific rules about it sending pupils out of class. You can see when he's explaining how "he gave him a chance" that it was his prerogative whether he wanted to make an example of the student for a "policy violation" or just contradict the student and continue with the lesson.

He comes across as one of those people who likes following rules and gets agitated when he sees someone not following rules even if he does not understand the rules or know what they're for.

more common than what?

his complaint wasn't that asians are allowed to be in the university

He’s been around long enough for the rules to have changed during his career. And being a teacher he has the option of early retirement. Why jeopardize that now just because someone expressed wrong-thought? Also it’s possible someone in the class has a gender-identity issue and staff were made aware of this. So he had to make an example of the student.

This is nothing but attempted subversion of the english language for political motivations.

In english gender means nothing different from sex and the only attempts to claim that gender means is "socially constructed" while sex is biological are a few decades old. Sex is whether something is male or female (or hermaphrodite) , gender is something is male or female. These are what the words mean. Claims other wise are modern, politically motivated language subversion.

some guys are more masculine than others.

chantards aren't as masculine as chads.

Gender isn't an either/or thing, whereas sex is an either/or thing 99.9% of the time

Common Core.

>language is fixed and not constantly evolving

Fuck you, bootlicker.

Imagine if the English language was gendered like French. Imagine the horror and blood shed.

This PC horse shit has infected the entire English speaking world. There's no escape from it.

that's not true. This is like saying "racism = privilege plus power" just because a bunch of political motivated propagandists posing as academics decided to change the meaning of the word.

Gender simply means whether something is male or female, i.e. in language.

I remember learning about that in French class, thought the frogs where utterly mad

I think they unironically say latinx in spain rn

>Gender isn't an either/or

male and female? either or.


500 years ago boys were called girls

Hey a bunch of jews have declared that anti-semitism means being anti-jewish or anti the state of israel.
I guess we should accept that people who have negative opinions about israel are antisemitic because language changes and evolves.

also, I've just decided that "car" now means an automobile with only 2 moving wheels . this is now what car means because language changes and evolves.

several propagandists pushing to change the meaning of a word for ideological ends doesn't make that a natural or legitimate progression of a language.

Why do american highschool students sound like 40 year old smokers?