20 years this month, why havent they made another south park movie?

20 years this month, why havent they made another south park movie?

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Because South Park hasn't been South Park in 20 years. Now, it's a show by a pair of old boomers who bitch about Trump and talk about pop culture topic of the week.

Oh yeah, that's completely different to the previous 20 years of Boomer Park.


They did it was called The Imaginationland Trilogy

Yeah, before they had adventures with Scuzzlebutt, Mr Hankey, zombie turkeys, Satan vs Jesus boxing mathces, etc.

Now it's Trump = Vader lol.

Pretty much this.
South Park has been dead for several years now. The magic is gone. This movie was the greatest. I know people who were never South Park fans and loved the movie because it was so fucking hilarious for a “cartoon musical”

Are they gonna do an anniversary theatrical rerelease?

South Park had a couple years where it was actually considered edgy and offensive

Team America is an even better film. It’s a near perfect comedy flick

they only made the movie because they thought the show was going to be canceled

they should have quit the show and just made movies

They are waiting for the technology to advance

Partially because of the rights to the movies.

When it was made, Comedy Central was co-owned by Warner Bros and Viacom until 2003, which is why Warner owns the international rights to BLU

The rights issue was such a clusterfuck that it prevented another movie.

When Warner and Paramount co-financed Interstellar, Warner gave up their rights to any sequels to the South Park movie for international rights to Interstellar

It's one of the all time greats, still 100% on point to this day. In an interview a few years ago, when asked about the end of the show, Trey Parker said they might do one more movie to end it all, so I'm thinking they're saving a second film as their finale.

>Developmental stages began for the film midway through the series' first season production in January 1998.[6] Co-creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone signed a deal with Comedy Central in April 1998 that contracted the duo to producing South Park episodes until 1999, gave them a slice of the lucrative spinoff merchandising the show generated within its first year, as well as an unspecified seven-figure cash bonus to bring the show to the big screen, in theaters.

It was literally in their original contract that they would get seven figure bonuses for making a film, so they did. Had nothing to do with thinking it would be cancelled or wouldn't be renewed or anything else, just maximizing their earnings as a couple of young creators who didn't know they would one day each be worth half a billion dollars.


I also forgot to mention, Warner gave up their rights to Friday the 13th as well in exchange.


The Imaginaryland or whatever it was named count as movie

>it was 12 years ago

what exactly is the clitoris and how do I find it

it's under the foreskin

most likely

Eh, I still like it, there's been some misses but still some good ones too. Sure as hell has done better than the simpsons.

yeah it was only the most popular thing on tv at the time, fucking infant

They should make one more to end the series then just let south park die.

James Hetfield, uncredited. Tasty little song.

I'd watch it.

They peaked during the movie. It will be hard to top it

is that like finding jesus or something


I just see them having the edginess to make it worthwhile. It would be a 2 hour liberal bullshit film.

Unlike Team America where they absolutely shit all over Hollywood.

Lol I could never finish that piece of shit