Do you REALLY enjoy 3D movies?

Do you REALLY enjoy 3D movies?

Attached: 3dmovie.jpg (500x864, 290K)

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what. where's the joke.

red glasses = DRUMPF!
blue glasses = the good guys

What a fucking nigger


Wait, is that really the joke?

I remember this guy from dorkly.

t. guy who got his glasses snapped

you got to be kidding me

I legitimately never would’ve gotten that.

yeah, i remember browsing dorkly all the time in 2011.


Attached: movies.png (435x1520, 754K)

Imagine being this brain damaged

I thought he was gonna snap both and give a side each

damn thats pretty clever

Me too

>conservation of detail exists


>I should watch Frasier

Attached: 93841E63-4EA7-4C60-9D6F-A6FD79723EA1.jpg (1950x2979, 1.06M)


I refuse to believe someone would unironically think that's a good idea

Hardly the worst comic I've seen.

Where's the jokes?

look in the mirror lol


Attached: DBqScoAXcAEYkBC.jpg (760x987, 180K)

These are definitely satirical

This comic doesn't seem to have a punchline at all. Of course, a comic doesn't need to have any kind of joke in it if it has a moral, but here the moral just seems to be "violence is good and victims deserve it".

It makes me wonder if the comic just acts as an anger outlet for the artist and doesn't serve any purpose beyond that whatsoever.


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this one's actually good tho

I ain’t reading that shit

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I like this one

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Attached: lesbiankick.jpg (600x825, 122K)

unironicaly me

>beginners left-wing comics

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i cannot get over the eyebrows

Attached: 3pwvgjtf7hz11.jpg (760x358, 51K)

LOL Jalapeños that is SO random!

shockingly based

>Containing any of that
Vegan are retarded

It's oglaf, is a fantasy-porn comic, no idea why that retard thinks it goes with the others.

They say 'sex' now, so it's OK. Gender is all about something something identity.

what a fucking lolcow this guy is

Attached: awardsss.jpg (1044x2270, 2.45M)

Yeah, also oglaf is legitimately funny

>literal fascists
But they're attacking people who aren't fascists that's the point. Fuck me this makes me mad.

not Frasier, "Fraiser"

Attached: TheFakeHumanitarian.jpg (1600x1115, 659K)

Is this the fountain of Not Funny?
I don't know.

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Attached: YouKeepUsingThatWord.jpg (1600x1132, 559K)

>i can breath


Attached: tumblr_p5pvfii1Je1uq8jtpo1_1280.jpg (1280x1280, 547K)

No, it’s actually right, there aren’t enough cows and pigs on the globe to satisfy the massive meat demand. The meat used in many products is called leanly textured beef, aka mince or just cut scraps fashioned to be like a patty.
That said it’s still a retarded no u comic

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Attached: EstablishingTheNewNormal.jpg (1600x1210, 341K)


this triggers the incel

Wait, wut?

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I want to fuck the deer

Attached: TaintedWitness.jpg (1600x1317, 718K)

No, no i do not

Attached: tumblr_pe3i17hmPv1uq8jtpo1_1280.png (1280x1325, 1019K)

>black person watching Frasier
Was accurate up till then, I admit

Attached: TheDevilsLimitedCounsel.jpg (1600x1095, 415K)

Oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.
That is possibly one of the best jokes I've never gotten from a comic until just now.

Attached: AntiBlackRacismsPeculiarHypocrisies.jpg (1600x1184, 717K)

frasier is rather good

I might watch it now

Attached: hehheh.jpg (550x441, 33K)

Make way, plebs

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Attached: RidiculousSymptomsOfThePersonalPreferenceFallacy.jpg (1600x1204, 500K)

It is not.

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Attached: justiceDiscrepencyAlongRacialLines.png (1600x1035, 734K)

women on the ropes

Attached: DMgHdeHWAAUmpWu.jpg (1200x1200, 183K)

He based

Literally me

What? You expect me to believe you can't breathe when your nostrils are that wide?

what's the deal with the one glove thing

oj simpson solidarity?

Attached: becauseTheyAllWereWHITE.png (1600x1124, 1.18M)

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the girl taking a show is cute

Me on /pol/

>implying hilldawgs like me would ever be friends with a dr*mpftard

Attached: punishingCosby.png (1600x1178, 940K)

wipipo comics be like "WAAAH they rude"

be humble, sit down and learn something whiteboy

Attached: based.jpg (1200x1200, 219K)

you want some meme with your words? lmao


It’s satire, the joke is you’re autistic

Attached: HonoringTheDeplorable.jpg (1600x1129, 297K)

Who was in the wrong here?

why does bush have long hair?
why is bill wearing a dress?

I thought they were until the artist straight told everyone it wasn't satire

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Made by a straight white aussie couple

imagine saving these on your pc

Attached: GivingAwayYourTells.jpg (1600x1030, 296K)

>mimics this comic down to the giant head, jagged teeth, angry eyebrows and red eyes
life really does imitate memes

Attached: TraffickingInHatred.jpg (1600x1041, 533K)

Incels you better start working on gravemaxxing your time is coming

Attached: Jesse-Body-Shaming.jpg (600x600, 73K)

I get what you're talking about, there have absolutely been incidents of violence by antifascists towards people who are not fascists or even right-wing.
But no one has been killed accidentally or intentionally, not like how several people that would be considered fascist/extremely right wing have stabbed, shot, and ran over left-wing protestors and activists. Or, hell, just people minding their own business on a train. Or a congregation of people in a church. Or a gathering of people in a mosque.

>fascism means you want to kill everyone that isn't white
this wasn't even true in hitler's time, what the fuck

I see white supremacists leaving positive reviews about black escorts on eccie all the time

Attached: WhenSelfHatePretendsToBeLove02.jpg (1600x1056, 523K)

Why is the artist pretending people don't still love obama

Attached: MeanwhileInCrazyTown.jpg (1600x1034, 418K)


absolutely fucking redpilled

Attached: DQ5_5mSW0AAaExn.jpg (1200x1200, 165K)

Manchildren think it's funny to ruin stuff for everyone for no reason.

Attached: noGoodDeed.jpg (1600x1048, 646K)

They're all alternate versions of Funny Valentine

Attached: latest[1].png (489x751, 747K)

is this making fun of lawyers and the justice system? I'm not gonna bother reading all this shit to find out

are you kidding, i would just go buy a book

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This is the BvS of comics, very few people will be smart enough to actually appreciate it.

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Attached: theEnduringPatienceOfTheMasterTeachers.jpg (1600x1044, 402K)


So is he trading a black person for money, or buying the black person, or selling his racism, I don't get it.

this comic literally does both of those though

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Uhm. White cis people don't have anything to say in webcomics

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Attached: TheRacistsMLKSpinjob.jpg (1600x1202, 611K)

I don't get it, if black people were so superior, how did they get overthrown and brainwashed by the white neanderthals?

Try to find anything more redpilled than this, /pol/cels

Attached: DZ63C6SWAAE6W8m.jpg (1200x1200, 175K)

>white women fuck dogs

It's funny how in almost every culture, there's an equivalent saying.

>I can't stand intolerance
>but violence is fine

women in a nutshell

Attached: SilverLinings_releasingSocietalPressuresAmongTheAristocracy.jpg (1600x1113, 670K)

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Attached: SkillfullyManagingTheStatusQuo.jpg (1600x1056, 501K)

This is set in the future.

Attached: withAlliesLikeThese.png (1600x1339, 1.55M)

He's right though.

And even if he wasn't, what does the artist even want here? What is the solution?

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