Kylo Ren is in trouble. He’s pissed off the Knights of Ren who want to anoint a new leader, a former student of Snoke. He hears Rey is after a weapon she swears will beat him once and for all.
The resistance is dead. Kylo’s advisors try to convince him Rey is bluffing and even if she raised a Death Star she’d be no threat to him or his reign.
He visits an oracle who tells him otherwise, that he will maintain his rule but that Rey will ultimately erase everything he’s done from history.
He doesn’t like that and begins hunting her.
The First Order strengthens their grip of the galaxy in Kylo Ren’s absence and officially wipe out the Resistance after a final stand by Leia and crew, but Rey is nowhere to be found.
Her Poe Finn threepio Artoo BB8 and the gang are in fact on a mission, where Rey promises she can provide them with something to beat Kylo forever.
Kylo catches up with them but is himself being hunted by his own Knights and their new leader. Rey and Kylo fight, then Kylo fights his would be replacement. This dynamic continues across the film until Rey finally achieves her goal. Kylo has been guided by the spirit of Palpatine through Darth Vader’s old mask but decides for himself his destiny is to rule, that no one is manipulating him and he has come too far to turn back.
Rey tries one more time to bring him back to the light after he slaughters the Knights of Ren. He refuses, and she can not beat him in a duel.
She raises a massive antenna from the ocean of Endor and the wreckage of the Death Star and Threepio’s memories are broadcast forever.
Kylo orders his fleet to obliterate the antenna.
Rey gives herself up and becomes a “shield” for the antenna after telling Kylo even in his rule everything he does will be undone because what she’s done.
Movie ends with Luke’s voice telling people to take a stand against evil, and Poe says his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
TROS full plot Nerds
But... this is actually good
It's utter shit.
Hot garbage 2bh
Here we go again
I know this is fake but jesus christ
Well, that seems to be it.
Nobody cares.
>he slaughters the Knights of Ren.
Finally some kino
There is zero chance of this catastrophic mess being "good". They started then abandoned about 8 sub stories in TLJ for no reason at all because not a single one makes any sense.
But im sure it will get dozens of awards unless the award shows want another whipping from the mouse.
>turn Luke into a pathetic joke
>"dude it was just a prank lmao"
>Movie ends with Luke’s voice telling people to take a stand against evil, and Poe says his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
That ending! Holy Shit!
At least the RLM video will be hilarious.
>An oracle tells Kylo how the movie ends right at the beginning of the movie
>He sets out to change what is established as an inevitable future
I know this is fake, but this is exactly the type of garbage writing Abrams shits out.
>She raises a massive antenna from the ocean of Endor and the wreckage of the Death Star and Threepio’s memories are broadcast forever.
>Movie ends with Luke’s voice telling people to take a stand against evil, and Poe says his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
So not only is Rey the greatest at everything, she literally gives us starwars in our galaxy years later by broadcasting the story across the universe and into georges head.
This would be so bad that i really really hope its true.
>a weapon that will destroy kylo ren forever
>it’s a recorded message of luke skywalker saying #resist
What the fuck? How?
>He refuses, and she can not beat him in a duel.
OP now I know this shit is fake. You fucked up right there.
Wait, so the movie ends with Rey dead, the Resistance stamped out and Kylo, the white male villain as the victor?
Oh God that's terrible. Fan fiction by an autistic 7th grader.
>played by the late George Lucas
Ha ha love their Le funny voices
The film strongly implies the galaxy will end up resisting his rule, but yes.
seething prequeer
>plot relying on people thinking Rey won’t win with fuck all effort
>plot relying on Rey not winning with fuck all effort
Nice try
It's one of those "You've killed me but didn't stop my plan!" endings that are bullshit. In this case, the First order has basically liberated the Galaxy from the corrupt control of nu-republic. The galaxy also apparently doesn't even like the resistance or the Jedi because they do nothing to help them at all.
Why in God's name would the Galaxy care about the former "hero of the republic" who publicly left his position in order to start up and fail at making a Jedi order?
Jesusfuckingchrist who the fuck cares, just hyperspace ram it and then travel back in time for infinity stones.
Fake. No way Rey won't beat Kylo in a duel. Feminists would riot
AI are unironically better and more coherent writers than nuLucasFilms
um sweetie in a world of "fake news" the truth is the biggest weapon
>She raises a massive antenna from the ocean of Endor and the wreckage of the Death Star and Threepio’s memories are broadcast forever.
>Rey gives herself up and becomes a “shield” for the antenna after telling Kylo even in his rule everything he does will be undone because what she’s done.
What does this mean? All Kylo did was kill Han and Snoke. What do Threepio's memories contain that no one else's does?
>Movie ends with Luke’s voice telling people to take a stand against evil, and Poe says his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
Literally #Resist
>his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
ok, i believe it. this are true spoilers. that's kind of shit writing jj would do
who are the knights of ren? i dont remember them from the first 2 movies, were they ever mentioned?
oh fuck off rian
>Movie ends with Luke’s voice telling people to take a stand against evil, and Poe says his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
That's so fucking stupid its likely true.
What about the character played by Matt Smith? Maybe you mentioned him but I ain't gonna read all that text.
Reminder that I will *NOT* be fine.
>Drip-fed leaks will not save IX
>JJ will not save IX
>Reylo will not save IX
>A new mystery box Macguffin will not save IX
>The Knights of Ren will not save IX
>Retconning TLJ will not save IX
>Callbacks to the prequels will not save IX
>Lando will not save IX
>Practical effects will not save IX
>Rumored George Lucas involvement will not save IX
>Palpatine will not save IX
>Poe and Finn buddy adventure will not save IX
>Woke planet of blacks will not save IX
O man this is the second time I've heard about this leak. It's gonna. Be utter shit Jesus how do you fuck up this bad Disney
New leader of the Knights of Ren.
>raises a antenna on endor
it’s been confirmed yavin you dipshit. try harder next time with this retarded ass theory. try again, uncle.
It took me a while to remember there were actually 2 death stars after reading your post. I remember how I thought that was so dumb as a kid, but looking back it was comfy compared to the sequels.
time to kek
She becomes one with the force and her energy becomes an impenetrable shield that protects the beacon of hope. Threepio’s memories contain the Skywalker saga.
It's so bad that it's probably true. Yea Forums memed the GoT ending into existence so why would this be any different.
Fits JJ to a tee
Fake as fuck.
how does her broadcasting his memories undo shit? you’re playing a history that pretty much everyone remembers. OH MAN YOU TATTLED ON ME UGH REY WHAT THE FUCK. No one cares. No one cares about the resistance, no one cares about the fight because /it do not matter yuh/ if it did, more people would have helped. the shittiest ending to a amazing story up to the sequels.
Mentioned once and shown once.
That’s it.
>Movie ends with Luke’s voice telling people to take a stand against evil, and Poe says his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
oh holy shit i dont know if i should laugh or cry
i’d cry if it were just luke but it’s not, it could have been him han and leia
fuck star wars
>Threepio’s memories contain the Skywalker saga
Except for, you know, Kylo's. Him and R2 have done jack all the last 2 movies
Based and educated opinion.
>Rey has died. Kylo Ren has conquered the galaxy, but the battle is not over! Rey has told the story sparked the new Resistance! Heroes will step forward to stop him!
>Find out how they stop the First Order in one million sequel trilogies, a cartoon on Disney XD, exclusive Marvel comics, and a few Netflix Originals
If this is true, fuck the Mouse...but they really are geniuses. Historically, normies respond to cliffhangers by throwing all money they possibly can muster at the product
>The series "Star Wars" is Rey's broadcast to the whole universe to inspire people
This is so fucking ridiculous that I really want it to be true. If this is fake bravo OP. I wonder who she got to put together that great score. She's a pretty good editor too
there's going to be ewoks.
imagine being as dumb as JJ.
Isn’t Carrie Russell or whatever her name is from MI3 going to be their new leader?
Luke Skywalker was a farmboy who became an immortal legend pretty much because he decided to take a stand. That’s his message. Even a farm boy can take a stand.
>Rey broadcasts the “message of hope” that will “topple Kylo’s rule” and #resist fascism
>it’s the disney “skywalker saga”
>Lucas’ 6 Star Wars movies + the 3 shit wars films
Man, blond haired, blue eyed, hot white fascism is going to reign forever.
>she can not beat him in a duel.
haha yeah my internet friends who are not totally sellouts will be hilarious haha
So neither Rey or Kylo die?
And there's an oracle after 10 movies?
>even if she raised a Death Star
Does this go through the writers minds?
Yep it's garbage
>Emperor Kylo
Based and Sithpilled
Rey dies. Kylo lives.
>how dare you imply fascism is bad!? It's not like the OT made allusions to Nazi Germany or anything!
>Making literally whatever content you want, without any major sponsor or parent company
>literally own your own production company with your friends
Are you retarded?
I don't think you know what a sellout is you autistic faggot.
>I liked TFA
>I didn't hated TLJ
>not sellout
sure my Redditor Media Friend haha yeah!
This is dumb enough to be real.
This is fucking awful. I hope it's true
>Rey losing in a fight
>Kylo getting so much attention
This actually sounds good, BUT, after VII and VIII, I learned that the leak is only true if it sounds incredibly bad.
Try harder.
You're literally autistic then, because that isn't what a sellout is. I bet you think they unironically take Disney money despite half of the time, they are shitting on them. TLJ was not as horrible as you keep memeing it to be and if your only metric for someone being a "sellout" is that they don't share you personal opinion on a moobie, then you have issues.
Wrong. In a world of fake news, the truth gets buried under then.
So do you just not know what a sellout is?
I hope every prequel callback is met with extreme vocal distaste.
Unlike you OT niggers, I don't want to have my dear prequels raped by nu-Wars over and over again.
Like I said: blond haired, blue eyed, hot white fascism is going to reign forever. These movies are just helping make it that way.
Tell me redditor how much do you donate to your internet friends?
what a shitty fanfic.
let me drip feed Yea Forums with spoilers: this shit is fake af. not sayin actual movie will be good or better but this shit is fake 100%.
I was interested when TFA came out, purely for nostalgia.
I was interested in TLJ purely to see the trainwreck.
I cant even muster enough caring to watch as ROS flops. Star Wars is completely dead.
Same thing with me. I liked TLJ for the green milk scene, that pilot qt and stuff like that, but after that it's over, I don't need to see any more Star Wars. Rian was cool for making TLJ look like an ending to the saga and fucking it up for JJ.
>Rey tries one more time to bring him back to the light after he slaughters the Knights of Ren.
>Rey knows the only way Kylo will change perspective is through the creation of new life i.e. by impregnating her.
>They will have a 10-20 minute fight that includes wrestling, grappling etc., as well as separated moments with dialogue that reveal how each is also wrestling internally with ambiguous feelings – at least he thinks she is.
>He's stronger but she uses tricky slippery techniques. He finally overpowers her (she's tired so she has a very red face) and he fucks her and she gets real into it coz this was her plan but he thinks he has just made her lose control.
>No lewd shots, but showing their faces etc.
>There's real emphasis on how he's nutting deep inside her – she makes a face implying she can feel that specifically.
the plan works happy ever after
meant to reply to op
still very fake
>Plot is literally something that luke could have done with a hologram message like obi wan in geonosis
Am the only one who groans at this dumbshit internet secrut message for the universe idea?
Remember, the current trilogy's ethos is defined in Episode 8: we don't win by fighting what we hate but by saving what we love. This fits with that
The basic problem is that in the NuWars saga, literally anything could happen because nothing has any internal consistency or makes fucking sense anymore.
People can write semi plausible fanfics despite being pants on head retarded, because there is literally no way the actual movie will be any more intelligent.
The only part that gives this one away is having Rey lose any significant conflict.
God I hope we get Adam Driver's O-face in a Disney film for kiddos.
Matt Smith is Palpatine.
Rey and Kylo fight Palpatine (Matt Smith)
Palpatine takes over Kylo's body and Kylo begs Rey to kill him.
Rey then kills him and dabs on his corpse
he cries at that moment for some reason, in the sense of tears but he also makes a baby's cry. You know Driver has his own way of doing his scenes that's always kind of fresh and like oh what
Oh boy I can't wait. I hope Rich Evans says AAAIIIIIIIDDDSS
That is so stupid it's probably true.
not everyone has the fucking force and is in the bloodline of the most powerful JEDI TO FUCKING EXIST YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER. ITS A VERY SHITTY OPEN ENDED ENDING. HE WASNT JUST A FUCKINN FARMBOY YOU FUMB KEK. god damn do y’all watch these fucking films and understand shit.
> Threepio’s memories are broadcast forever.
>Movie ends with Luke’s voice telling people to take a stand against evil, and Poe says his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
honestly even if it's true i'm not interested enough to even read the plotline
who the fuck cares about capeshit?
Fake. 3pos memories were erased at the end of revenge of the sith.
You're right, he wasn't just a farm boy. He was white.
I'm too old to bother with Star Wars anymore, but is there an overarching story being told? So was there any build up? Because I remember the prequels were pointless; you could watch Episode III without having seen Episode I and II. So is Disney telling a story or is this just another 'hype + stuff happens at random' JJ movie?
Blah blah muh rebbit blah blah..
Not an argument.
>It's your fault if I get brainwashed by a dead ideology, not mine
OH NO NO NO NO he actually donate to his internet friends that tell him how to think hahahahhahaha
You're having an entire argument within your own head...
No, its actual shit you fucking mouse shill, please kys
It's already was retconned that they were not "truly" erased
Go to bed. You are drunk.
didn't you watch the trailer? rey pointlessly jumping over a tie fighter should have told you everything you need to know.
There is no overarching story being told. Not even the original three movies were planned out; they wrote 5 and 6 on the fly when they realized the first one was a success rather than the massive failure it could have been. George Lucas likes to make it out like he had this massive plan for this grand epic, but that was all retcon/rewriting of history by him. The only good Star Wars movie is the one from 1977, all the rest is tacked on bullshit. Don't believe me? Consider that Empire, the most beloved movie, has diaper fetish faggotry and 40 minutes of Mark Hamill talking with a muppet. 1977 SW is the only one with any kind of dignity, and even it is pushing the limits of common decency by making a "serious" Flash Gordon film.
Lmao my favorite part. I really hope this is true.
Your post is inauthentic and gleeful.
I'm not blaming anyone, and I'm not brainwashed. I'm just pointing out the course of nature. Have you ever noticed the paradox of Star Wars? Yes the Empire is a very thinly veiled Nazi reference with its imagery, but Hitler's "Aryan Ideal" was a strong, Germanic, blond haired, blue eyed, warrior/farmer ... someone noble but tied to the Earth, living in harmony with nature. There's a emphasis in Hitler's and Nazi writings about the Aryan as the farmer: the physically capable noble laborer as opposed to the physically degenerated cosmopolitan who uses mercantilism to gain his prosperity. So yes, the Empire is Nazis and they get defeated in the end, but the Empire speak with British accents (curious don't you think), if you're a cinephile you'll know that the Rebel Alliance medal ceremony headed by Princess Leia lifts its imagery directly from Triumph of the Will (interesting that this imagery is associated with the "good guys"), and the final nail in the proverbial coffin: Luke is literally the "Aryan Ideal" as Hitler describes them to be ... to a fucking t.
So if they're really going for this angle, with the "message of hope" that Rey projects from the beacon being the "Skywalker Saga" it's literally Nazi propaganda that they're projecting, with Kylo Ren being the "untermensch" ... the weak degenerated nerd that people like Luke Skywalker and Rey (who is also exactly in line with the Aryan ideal) will always win over in the end.
Blond haired, blue eyed, white hot fascism forever and ever. Fuck Star Wars and fuck you.
You suck cocks. You wanna know how I can tell? You responded.
Go need to go back.
I'm not reading your aspie blog post.
>diaper fetish faggotry
>1977 SW is the only one with any kind of dignity
I agree, Lucas just made a successful copy of a bunch of existing sci-fi media. But Episode V and VI, although not being planned, did tell a complete story of Luke Skywalker defeating the empire. The prequels had no continuing story, even though Lucas had years to write one. So I was wondering if Disney bothered to create something, but I guess Star Wars is dead.
Go back where sweaty?
>t. triggered Star Wars nigger
Fuck Americans
We all know that Ben wants to destroy the Force, is the most logical step to his arc about "leave everything behind"
To the hole in the wall where you got your AIDS.
ok you had me until that ending
If "the force" is just a metaphor for Life itself or whatever then this is the sterotypical Final Fantasy villain motivation of "I want to save the universe from suffering by giving it a mercy killing" bullshit. If they do that I would hate it, but I can see them doing that.
Fucking Hollywood needs to take like a 10 year break from capeshit for the sake of society's mental health.
>for the sake of society's mental health.
I don't think you understand what Hollywood's purpose is.
Butt that hole is closed off to me because you never return my calls, honey
Oh right. I guess it is in bed with the CIA and (((international criminal organizations))) to subvert American society
How am I triggered if I didn't read it?
HURRRRRR HURRR you sure got me!!!!
kys (early)
I am literally an AI designed to make you suffer. You are in hell, and I am your punishment. Repent
Now anyway.
lol kys larpert. triggered mental defective
Will Anakin sloth be in this one??
At what point in the movie is the big cuckquean scene? The one where Rey is force choked by Kylo and she has to watch him fuck his new queen Kerri right in front of her
Well I doubt that Disney as the balls to put Ben on a "Dark Side/Final Villian", they just love the anti-hero in him, as in it gives them easy $.
So instead of destroying life it would be really just taking the ability to use Force? Destroy the Sith, destroy the Jedi, leave everything behind and take all the concentraded blame for it?
Make him some edgylord like Sasuke or Lelouch
You keep trying to one-up someone speaking blatantly obvious truth to satisfy your ego. I bet you don't even have an IQ above 120
Pretty hot desu
Imagine thinking that everyone ELSE who doesn't fall for /pol/nigger bait is "mentally defective"? Let me guess, you are woke and see the truth about the spa dupa secret webs because of muh pattern recognition, right?
Oh god as if I didn't hate him enough already
>me like really smart le IQ high
No, I just know stuff, Carl.
So basically it's an anti Trump movie? Holy shit. They couldn't be more subtle about it? "Take a stand against evil, vote democrat in 2020, this message has been approved by Luke Skywalker."
Have sex.
Yikes and autismopilled.
I'm sure you believe that.
who the fuck are the knights of ren and why does anyone care?
>one throwaway moment in TFA not even alluded to in tlj
Not interested. Got things to do.
Remember when you people have been wrong about every last Star Wars movie and all the fake Trump aliens and Trump allegories that never happened?
>she can not beat him in a duel
What, NOW?!?! THIRD MOVIE IN?! Also are we going to find out why nobody hyperspace rammed another ship before, or is Disney going to just say "Buy our books and do homework, nerd!"
Dude if they did this all would be forgiven.
>that he will maintain his rule but that Rey will ultimately erase everything he’s done from history
So this is the lefty dog whistle of the movie eh?
>"the white man's accomplishments must be ERASED FROM HISTORY!!"
They were the coolest 3 seconds of TFA. Also the only thing that wasn’t ripped right out of IV besides kanji club.
>actually falling for a fake leak
>and Poe says his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
it was truly a star wars
>Movie ends with Luke’s voice telling people to take a stand against evil, and Poe says his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
This is so stupid it must be legit
Get ready for everything to be thinly veiled anti-Trump/anti-conservative/anti-white/anti-male/anti-Nazi on repeat, constantly until he wins again in the 2020 election. Then after that they'll pivot to propaganda about how gays, trannies, drug addicts, pedophiles, and you-know-the-rest are morally superior to common decency and family values, and openly calling for revolution/someone to assassinate Trump. You'll get sick of it (if you haven't noticed and aren't sick of it already).
So do you guys think episode 9 will make less then a billion or at least less then TLJ?
Man it truly is suffering to have a genius level IQ in this day and age. I wouldn't wish it on anybody. I sit here laughing at jokes nobody gets because they're too dumb, and I can't explain them because they're too dumb. It's really isolating to be as smart as I am.
The Mouse somehow made Star Wars exhausting. Thats a feat in itself.
it will make trillions unless they release some retarded star wars spin offs that kill the hype in the meantime
Your a nigger
Yeah I'm pretty sick of it already, but actually seeing it in Star Wars would be worth the insanity it would cause. They're cocky enough to try it. Jesus Christ please save us
>snoke being a hyperwealthy capitalist wearing a gold robe sitting in a spaceship called the supremacy" as the leader of the "totally not alt-right" First Order wasn't a Trump allegory
Nigger I don't know what to say
>his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
Despite being only 13% of the population.....
Will there ever be comedy television on the order of Police Squad ever again?
>T. Prequelet
Nothing and I never would.
white people are just better. deal with it shitskin.
>she can not beat him in a duel.
None of the RLM star wars videos were good. All of them were shit.
And the Spice Girls come out for a musical number about girl power
I like Reylo, but Rey getting cucked would be based.
It's as though they're astronauts. Involved in some kind of war, in the stars.
>Poe says his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
yeah that's what star wars needed, some stupid fuckin meta ending replete with the same platitudes about hope every piece of media is pushing recently
>And they all turn to the camera and say “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
I dare them to do this
If this happens, I will forgoe my Disney boycott just to see it
Amazing. After two films of fuck-all happening, the last one ends with fuck-all happening and the exact same status quo from the beginning of TFA being maintained. Disney was a mistake.
>She raises a massive antenna from the ocean of Endor and the wreckage of the Death Star and Threepio’s memories are broadcast forever.
How much you wanna bet they’re gonna show the discount Triumph of the Will medal scene when 3po broadcasts his memories, and that’s how they end the movie?
Better yet, Rey manipulates 3PO’s memories so she’s giving the medals to Finn and Poe.
> Poe says his message will still be heard “A long time from now in galaxies far far away”
>Movie ends with Luke’s voice telling people to take a stand against evil,
Literally sounds like a thinly veiled anti-Trump message. This is fucking hilarious. Star Wars is so beyond salvation at this point.
How? You fucking Poltard. How does someone saying stand against evil convey a thinly veiled message about Trump? Are you saying Trump is evil? Fucking schizo go outside and stop letting people live rent free fucking retard
>How does someone saying stand against evil convey a thinly veiled message about Trump? Are you saying Trump is evil?
It is evil to hate your daughters. Especially hate them so much that you refuse to fuck them.
You keep trying to appropriate opposition language and you keep failing.
>You fucking Poltard.
>How does someone saying stand against evil convey a thinly veiled message about Trump?
>Are you saying Trump is evil?
>Fucking schizo go outside and stop letting people live rent free fucking retard
Imagine being this triggered.
>Some Pleagus knockoff who was in the entire sequal trilogy for less than 10 minutes, of an organization that was already a Nazi allegory and has been for 4 decades, is somehow explicitly Trump because he was rich
You're obsessed.
You know he is a bad President, right?
>Calling me a schizo is "opposition language"
If the bike helmet fits, user.
>literally tweets that Iran was behind a "totally not a false flag ;)" attack despite even the military trying to get him to shut the fuck up without evidence
I've heard like two plot summaries people said were real, I'll wait and see.
Seems par for the course. Hillary/Dems too though ... so I’m not sure what you’re getting at. You’re not racist/sexist are you?
>But Hillary...
Every time. Every. Time.
It's like all the interesting parts of the story in this trilogy happen off-screen and we just get to see the really boring cringe parts.
You seem to be implying that Hollywood and the media haven’t been telling us that Trump is the leader of a Nazi takeover of America since late 2016. Maybe you’re not American though. Must be nice not to have to deal with constant propaganda.
>You know he is a bad President, right?
I’m literally saying Trump and Hillary are cut of the same cloth you double black gorilla nigger. Unironically neck yourself
>Wow, we really fought a Star Wars, huh?
This sounds like them.
This, they literally spent an entire movie shitting on him and now they are pretending to care?
Rey already defeated Kylo easily. Not to mention that Kylo got his ass kicked by a red guardsman and almost died.
RLM are either gonna shill the movie hard or softball the criticism.
>literally tweets that Iran was behind a "totally not a false flag ;)"
It's called "Playing 4D Chess," you Marxist cunt.
They think JJ was their idea so they will go easy on him no matter how fucking stupid the movie is. And The Mouse has already said they will wage war against anyone who dislikes the movie. Russian trolls and My Soggy Knees and all that.
Why can't Kylo just hyperspace ram the antenna with a ship???
>vote democrat
who though?
Guys I think Star Wars is broken.
Doesn't matter, anyone but Trump. That's the message. #Resist #DumbledoresArmy #rebellionIRL
yea but who?
The nominee.
>Hes pissed off the knights of ren
Were on the third movie and I dont even know who they are. Why would I care?
I really would love to hear the candid conversations of Kathleen Kennedy over Star Wars. Guaranteed she nor anyone else had a trilogy in mind and cared fuck all about the story. And her constantly firing directors and forcing access media to pick fights with the fans and encouraging her underlings in Lucasfilm to do the same shows how much of a cunt she really is.
Shit because its an ancient/out of date form of storytelling or shit because he can’t pull it off?
>It can't possibly get worse after TLJ
Guess I was wrong.
More than 7 less than 8. Too much sunk cost fallacy from the audience.
I find the lack of a visible contender to be gross and anti-semitic.
>she can not beat him in a duel
This guy gets it.
literally the only thing I found interesting in the TFA trailer and that was pretty much their whole screen time in the movie
The Oracle is a hammerhead spider monster thing sitting atop a submerged giant purple elfbaby head according to leaks.
>packed audience at John Wick 3 last night
>this trailer comes on
>people start sighing loudly
>its the only trailer anyone reacts to
>some guy with a heavy accent says "more like Rise of the Shitwalker"
>people laugh quietly
>someone in lower levels throws a full jumbo size popcorn at the screen
>people erupt in laughter
>Sheev laughter comes on
>"oh for fuck sake" from someone behind me
>an older guy and his wife next to me and my girlfriend
>his wife says to him
>"Honey didnt you like those movies?
>he says to his wife
>"That was a long time ago
There was that show with Rashida Jones that was essentially just a Naked Gun ripoff
Ok but who the fuck are the knights of Ren?
Where have they been this whole time?
And when was Kylo established as an unstoppable force that only Rey can defeat?
cringe go back
>Ok but who the fuck are the knights of Ren?
>Where have they been this whole time?
>And when was Kylo established as an unstoppable force that only Rey can defeat?
lol, stfu you racist incel russian bot supporter of Drumpf. Turn your brain off. It's a kid's movie lel.