Can we all agree that this is the best scene?
Can we all agree that this is the best scene?
Call me a faggot but I legitplay this on my phone and listen to it through my headphones while at the gym. Music doesnt do it for me anymore I need the sound of film scenes I know off by heart so I can inject myself into the moment and get the mental boost I need to lift.
Cant flim flam the Cam but his interior fights in T2 are way more kino than this already kino chase scene. Hell i would argue that helicopter vs. Van was a better chase scene which leads up to the liquid nitrogen scene.
However the mall hallway fight and the psych ward hallway/elevator fights are the best scenes.
You know im right.
reminder cameron is a hack
You literally cannot slam the Cameron.
I'll slam his wife senpai
Nah, the escape from the hospital is the best set piece in T2.
Doesn't James Cameron know what a shotgun blast looks like? It wouldn't have made a single crater in the T-1000, but a spray of smaller craters.
How do you know it wasn't using slugs
The geography of this chase is really good. At no point are you confused about where the characters are in relation to each other.
I wonder how many people broke their hand trying to do that
because john reloads it later with shells
>no Arnold, like this, pew pew
>a shotgun may only take one kind of ammunition
>t. libcuck
>no cgi
>no quips
>no stronk womyn saving pathetic men
>no minorities
>no flying
>no references
Which one?
Where is the mistake supposed to be here?
as much of a cutie edward furlong was... my god was he fucking annoying in the movie
The way Arnold reloads in this scene is the epitome of badass.
>because john reloads it later with shells
Slugs are fired from shells like that, they look exactly the same as one loaded with pellets.
in your eduation
>no strong women
So there wasn't a mistake?
the circles are hints user
scene where Arnold gets onto the hood of the semi and mag dumps into the t1000 then turns the rig on its side is the best moment in the movie
slugs come in shells ya dummy
Even if its unintended thats kina satisfying knowing that Sarah Conner can mold her annoying bitch boy of a son into the leader of the resistance vs. The machine army.
sorry guys, i meant slugs as in the insect
That he first grabs the knife by the blade, then twists it out of the guy's hand to pin him to the pool table?
You can even see in later shots the Terminator's hand is "bleeding" because he did it.
Is it some kind of autistic thing to assume that if something in film is not explicitly shown on screen, that it's a "mistake"?
Yeah, that was great.
you're not me, shutup
>firing bugs at your AI controlled enemy infastructure
Fund It
the knife switched hands fren
yes i am. why are you replying to yourself? are you a samefag or something?
No, that's his left arm twisted behind his back.
Again, just because James Cameron didn't insert a short of the Terminator taking the knife with one hand, then stabbing the guy with the other, it's a "mistake"?
yes because they happen in sequence
He palmed the knife with one hand, grabbed the handle with the other, why do you have to hand a lantern on something like that.
The flow of the scene gives you the impression that's what happened, cutting in more shots ruins the flow.
The movie was nominated for the Academy Award for best Film Editing, for fucks sake.
But did he really need to take the mans motorcycle?