The Terror new season starts August 13. What do you expect?
The Terror new season starts August 13. What do you expect?
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hard drop off in quality from season 1
probably won't watch it unless i keep hearing how great it is, even if it doesn't have the video game polar bear
>Next season is about amerifat Japanese internment camps
Fuck hate that Americans ruin everything
Should have been about the Roanoke Colony or something.
The Japanese barely had any trouble when they were put in the internment camps, hell of it had been about the Japanese labour camps or Bioweapons it would have been more thematically appropriate but instead we have Amerifats trying to claim that being locked up in nice camps for security reasons was as bad as dying in the freezing arctic wastes.
is this supposed to be like the andromeda strain or something because thats the vibe i am getting from the logo
It's the type of television we need in the current political climate
are you absolutely fucking shitting me
we go from a fictional drama about the franklin expedition to a full-on white guilt broadcast?
ALIENS or time travelling nazis.
It will be kino. And /pol/-tard weebs will cry about the japanese subject matter because they’re retards
>What do you expect?
Japanese labour camp would have been far too kino
>time travelling nazis
it takes place during ww2...
the only way how this shit could work is if it was set in Man in the High castle universe. Americans are loosing the war and just dont have the resources to feed all the inprison Japs so they go full shoa on them.
Another spooky animal
I think people get confused with America's and Canada's internment camps, its the canadian one where they had a bad time in
>unless i keep hearing how great it is
>i like being a drone
are you stupid lad
should have been about the Aleutian island campaign where the US invaded an unoccupied island and suffered 500 casualties from friendly fire or exposure. the thing is the casualty reasoning is a cover up for a battle against a super natural forces.
>americans shoot each other
wow it must be ghosts this never happens usually
and im sure a polar bear killed everyone on the hms terror.
Try again with less vitrol and buzzwords europoor
So it will literally be polish concentration camps but in America with japanese instead of jews?
I expect trash.
>august 13
Goddamn thats great. I hope they drop most episodes within the week again. Classic starts on the 27th. This is the best thing to watch before going home.
far more likely than americans not shooting each other for any stretch of time
>hard drop off in quality from season 1
>It's the type of television we need in the current political climate
>a full-on white guilt broadcast
Yeah, it's going to be thinly veiled anti-white propaganda. It's no coincidence that the "big star" on this new season is George Takei, an anti-white sodomite and likely pedophile.
I loved season 1 but I'm not going to watch this shit.
well, I mean they did kind of have most of their property forcibly taken away so it wasn't exactly a cakewalk.
Are they gonna do shitty social commentary? The setting has good potential for character drama and development in an awful situation and creepy paranormal stuff but I'm worried they'll go the boring woke route.
Wow Takei was totally forgiven for his #metoo shit? Wonder why
>The Japanese barely had any trouble when they were put in the internment camps
Yeah those 5000 Japs that died in those camps and the countless stillbirths, diseases and straight up starvation and suffering are a joke. These camps are glorified summer vacation camps.
>Are they gonna do shitty social commentary?
Bro what do you think? Surely you're not this naive.
>Wow Takei was totally forgiven for his #metoo shit? Wonder why
I have no idea how he got away with that shit. They nailed Kevin Spacey to the fucking wall for essentially the same kind of thing, but Takei got off scot-free. Spacey is a far better actor, too.
Howard ((((Stern)))) probably went to bat for him
>White people watch this show?
Because muh precious brown babies are being mildly inconvenienced for 48 hours before being dumped into America and given free everything including fertility drugs, for life?
>and given free everything including fertility drugs, for life?
Is this true? The get catapulted into legal status where they receive above-poverty-level monthly allowances by the US government?
Holy shit, sign me up. I cant wait to get my NEET bucks in the USA.
>oy vey dah 5000
Daily reminder: Japanese spies were integral in pulling off Pearl Harbor.
They also enslaved, raped, tortured, worked to death, and executed hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of civilians and POWs. Paranoia of them was completely justified and cannot be viewed through a modern libshit lens.
Yep. Literally every single brown person who jumps the fence gets free healthcare, free money, free food, free education, free housing, voting rights, and lots and lots of fertility drugs.
Only in shithole states like California and Massachusettes
What do US citizens have to do with less than 100 infiltrated Jap spies sent to Hawaii and the West coast?
>oy vey dah 5000
At what number does it go from "who cares" to "war crime"?
>Daily reminder: Japanese spies were integral in pulling off Pearl Harbor.
The OSS knew about Pearl Harbor. Maybe you should blame your government begging for a casus Belli after they embargoed Japan's oil imports and knew that Japan had no choice but to declare war eventually.
Read a book kiddo. Take your meds and most importantly
>have sex
>What do you expect?
asian male/white female romance
so I expect 100% butthurt.
Thats amazing! Then why do so many work as illegals if they could just go get their neet bux at the immigration office?
Why is this new series even called The Terror? Will the ship make an appearance or what?
should have been about unit 731. woulda be real kino
Low IQ and low empathy.
>Then why do so many work as illegals
Tax-free income.
If you remember it was brought up after the Milo incident, but I guess since one of them is liberal it makes it ok
To ride off the praise of the first season.
10 episodes of people getting tortured? No mystery or drama there. The best options would have been the Nazino Affair or Roanoke.
It's going to be kino and have some Japanese folklore monster I think
>oy vey don't forget the Japanese warcrimes!
Do you guys ever get sick of having such knee-jerk reactions? Yes, there will be racism towards japs in the series because that is historically accurate. However, there will probably also be a manbearpig thing for you to enjoy. Don't take everything so personally and I'm sure you will find that the show is plenty interesting.
>I have no idea how he got away with that shit.
You know exactly how. He's not white.
Something like 85% of those named in that metoo shit were Jews, by the way. How many of them got in trouble, beyond Harvey?
>the US knew about Pearl Harbor and didn't set up any kind of ambush
this stupid theory again
I bet you think they surrendered before the bombs were dropped too
since takei is gay and that is almost always the result of getting molested as a child takei probably going to blame the uiatto piggu for raping him
wait wait wait
The TV show about the British ship named HMS Terror (and HMS Erebus) going on a fateful voyage to find the northern pass has a second season and it's about some gooks in a WW2 internment camp?
Why the fuck are they not just making a show with a different title?
cameo by george takei or however you spell his name. Then some afterwards of him complaining about how evil the USA is.
because AMC is desperate for a new franchise
>gorsh, why don't people eat up lazily crafted easily spotted modern propaganda meant to undermine civilized society over minor historical slights that were dwarfed by the bigger crimes of the era conducted by foreigners?
>10 episodes of people getting tortured?
sounds like kino
Same. Cant wait for the /pol/ tears about MUH JEWISH REVISIONISM and MUH JEWISH RACE MIXING.
Funny how noone complained about Goodsir and Lady Silence and Crozier "race mixing" with some Eski slag.
For 4 bucks an hour picking berries in the middle of the Californian mid day heat? Something isnt adding up here friend.
>this stupid theory again
Historical fact is now a conspiracy theory? Ok friend.
>I bet you think they surrendered before the bombs were dropped too
I bet you think the US dropped the bombs for revenge of the Bataan death march, because you read that image off /pol/ and not because the Soviets invaded Manchuria and wanted to scare them off from even thinking about conquering the entire Eurasian continent.
As i said, read a book and then have sex.
Because "Gooks in an internment camp" isn't as catchy
Gooks = Vietnamese
Slopes = Koreans
Japs = Japs
>ugh, illegals have no economic impact, they only pick my avocados
>*adjusts pink beret*
Were not talking about economic impact. Were talking about the alleged NEET bux.
they're all chinamen to me
Because a series about American internment camps is introspective, while one about Japanese warcrimes is not.
Yes, why would anyone ever want to get tax-free income on top of their already generous $30,000+ California welfare package
>gook is derived from hanguk the term for korean
>is the term for vietnamese
absolute brainlet
>the retarded posts on the thread are actually just the samefag
Every time
>while one about Japanese warcrimes is not.
>"Why did we fight this war and sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives?"
>"I have absolutely no idea."
Holy shit 30000 neet bux? Im moving to California.
>not a single argument to be found
>followed by a highschool-tier ad hominem
Every time
Based and Trumppilled
Thats an oof
>not a single argument to be found
I don't care about you internet argument, faggot. I'm just calling you out on being a retard, retard.
Based turbo sperg poster
Making the Japanese the antagonists and the Americans the victims doesn't really have much to introspect on.
>why did we fight this war and sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives?
Because the Japanese were villains. End of story in this scenario. Nobody with half a brain is ever going to say that America retaliating against the Japanese was unjustified.
On the other hand, if you set it in the American internment camps, it's more introspective because it's asking
>why did we, the good guys, do these bad things to our own people?
In addition, I think that it's a very unique setting (although it will probably just be similar to holocaust settings in the end).
>Nobody with half a brain is ever going to say that America retaliating against the Japanese was unjustified.
What about people who actually studied history and are aware that the Japs had 6 months of oil reserves left, after the English the Dutch and the AMERICANS embargoed the Japs fully well knew that the Japs had no choice but to declare war on England/Holland/USA?
and why where they embargoed again?
>Making the Japanese the antagonists and the Americans the victims doesn't really have much to introspect on.
based retard poster
You missed the point of that post. The reason the war even happened was because Japan was merrily committing warcrimes all over the place, thus making embargoes morally justified.
they had no choice, it's not like they could stop massacring people in China
So why did the USA embargo the Japs for killing the people they conquered and not the Brits for starving 3 million Indians to death? Why not embargo the Soviets for invading Bessarabia, Finland, Poland and killing millions before WW2 even started?
A series about that is saying something about Japanese people, not Americans, therefore it can't be introspective of America (AMC is an American channel).
I agree, they should've helped Finland or at least not ally with the Soviet Union of all people. That's morally wrong.
Then you agree that in the year 1938, modern ideas of morality are secondary to your nations goals of conquest, global domination and strategic geopolitcal chess. Hence, the Japs are the "badies". They were doing what was right for their own people.
looks/sounds like whiteguilt guttertrash
Boring gay shit intent upon filling me with white guilt
Spoilers: it wont work
it's essentially franchise appropriation - they knew a show like this would never get a lot of viewers if it didn't steal the thunder of another story.
How were the Japs doing what was right for their own people? They were absolutely in the wrong morally, doesn't mean that others weren't too.
They've already namedropped Trump about 3 times.
It's dead in the water. They can't even't even replicate the most important element of S1 with the setting they chose - isolation.
You only need to look up the writers and creative directors to know it's going to be awful. They have nothing of note to their names.
Should have been about conquistadors or something.
Maybe not isolated from people, but they'd still isolated from society. I expect the series to end with the entire cast assembling on screen and reminding us that we live in a society.
>citing wikipedia as a source
>An ancient demon is tearing people to shreds, there's gore and viscera all over the place!
>Quick, go tell the armed guards
Either the characters in the war will be the focus or we'll get 12 episodes of LMAO THERE'S NO MONSTER YOU CRAZY NIP or LMAO THERE IS A MONSTER BUT WHO CARES I'M VERY RACIST
shills, more shills
what monster? What the fuck are you even talking about?
Series is going to be all about how evil whypipo are. Meanwhile nobody will mention how it was totally the correct thing to do and in fact wer should have just sent them all back to Japan where the Japanese would have probably just executed them.
Now since we didn't we end up with george takei
literally when?
If you compare it to what prisoners of both sides had to endure in both Europe and Asia, then yes, everything that happened in America is a joke.
>So why did the USA embargo the Japs for killing the people they conquered and not the Brits for starving 3 million Indians to death?
You must have been in an LGBT encounter circle the day history class covered the USA destroying the British Empire during the Suez Crisis.
So you admit you don't care about other nations that have genocidal global domination goals, it's just bad when whitey does it.
no offense to anyone but fuck americans desu
It's about an ancient evil boogieman. Did you not read the synopsis?
In interviews. I don't care to find them again
iirc in the first big interview with the showrunners they basically said they chose the setting because of the parallels with the treatment of Mexican invaders today and how America is still evil and you should feel bad or whatever.
they chose the topic so they could cash in on the Trump detention camps hysteria
>Japan surrenderd because of Soviet Invasion of Manchuria
Ok retard
Because they were becoming better imperialists than the Europeans.
>had no choice but to declare war
Lol the cope on this one. What makes you think the Japanese were entitled to oil? America had every right to bring about the embargo in order to dissuade a tyrannous power from growing any further in Asia.
>Roanoke Colony
How anyone could want another story about this colony is beyond me.
I have never seen a decent tv series tackle it.