So, it's pretty much confirmed everything he touches is kino, right?

So, it's pretty much confirmed everything he touches is kino, right?

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Sherlock Holmes was still shit.

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Except that Lost in Space remake where they dubbed over his voice.

why does he keep hanging himself?

His accent in the terror is fucking awful

In Happiness, he does an Italian accent when he is supposed to be Russian.

>tfw you're making kino with the boiz

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>Resident Evil: Apocalypse is kino

>Harris as Gendo never ever

Isn’t he half-Irish?

yeah but he was still good in it.

lately yes.

What the fuck does that matter you dunce?

Yep. Son of a great actor Richard Harris

it was good you fucking pleb

very true

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yeah he was a good moriarty, rdj sunk this ship as per usu

that depends on whether or not you think mr deeds is kino. i happen to think it is.

I wouldn't necessarily call The Expanse kino, but it's pretty good.
The Crown is ultrakino, however.

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>The Expanse
>The Crown
>The Chernobyl
>The Terror

Think again. RDJ in Sherlock Holmes is PURE kino.

ill give you that both movies have their ups and downs, but he was amazing in part 2 and it has one of the best showdowns in cinema and it's just two guys bantering while literally playing mental chess

If I touch him will I be kino?

never seen it, will give it a shot

He's some kind of new Anthony Hopkins.

> The Chernobyl

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>a-am i allowed to l-like this actor, Yea Forums?
how many threads like this need to be made?

Don't forget
>The Mad Men

easy to tell when a thread is made by a zoomer looking for validation

He looks exactly like a white laurence fishburn wtf

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Is Chernobyl really that good or is it just another example of exposing the low IQ public to common events at a cinematic angle?

Hes not kino in that movie where he plays john lennon

it's both.


There's a dime a dozen good old Irish & British actors, like Ciaran Hinds, Mark Rylance, Bernard Hill, Anton Lesser etc etc. Do you need to pop a thread about Jared ad nauseum?

Want a good British historical series? Watch Wolf Hall.

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Imagine being this smelly and contrarian

Why does nobody remember this? It even had Sitnikov actor as one of leutenants

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>le homeland man
no thanks