So he stayed for Eskimo pussy?
So he stayed for Eskimo pussy?
eskimo pussy is mighty cold
BOYpussy by the look of it
I would too. What a comfy life
lady silence a cute
god imagine him cucking all those eskimo women in the village and them taking turns on his BWC and soon the entire village turning out as eskimo hapas
And because no one from his world would believe him. Among the Eskimo, he could live a life with honor. Among the English, he'd forever be hounded by rumor and mockery, a drunkard of a captain who couldn't command his men. It's better he be dead to them.
when you put it like that yeah
mmm good
True story, a catholic priest raped 174 little kids in an inuit village and was flown out of town before the cops showed up.
did they really tolerate that? no wonder they're extinct
Was the bitch he was trying to court interested or was she just leading him on to let him orbit?
I wanted Mr hickey to smash my boipussy
He stayed because he had no other choice. Where the fuck was he going to go? He couldn't reach any civilization from where they were.
later when the search party came though?
She craved big bear cock
The sexiest kind of imprisonment
>Eskimo woman with her fur clothes held open, "you wanna have unprotected sex for the sole purpose of recreation?"
>Walk outside
>Jesus fuck it's cold
>Nothing but ice to the horizon
>Walk one direction, walk another
>Fucking hell I'm going to die
>Look back in desperation
>Eskimo woman peeking out of the igloo with a smug look
>Return to the igloo so you don't die
>"Ah-ah, you want to come inside, you have to cum inside!"
>Death or this
>Ok fine, but at least give me some warm clothes and show me how to fish
>"Sex only gets shelter, survival costs extra; marriage."
>You want to bash her smug face in on the ice knowing you're her prisoner
By that point he already had a family and life there.
catholic priests rape kids all over US and no one ever does anything
He could have said something to the ten trillion ships that the royal navy sent after them.
It would probably go like it did for Lawrence if the British found him
>You goddamned fool! You've gone native! Return to your post at once to face discipline action!
Hey stayed because he knew if he returned to London the Admiralty would make another go at the passage, and that more people would die.
Was that even his kid? Kid looks like 8 years old, it said 2 years later didn't it?
mmm good
no whiskey in eskimo land to drink yourself to death.
Sophie wanted his dick but did not want to commit herself in marriage.
The same place the crew were headed to. It was a small outpost of a whaling company, if I remember correctly. He would've been rescued eventually.
how are we so sure that none of the crew didn't end up like this? I mean they didn't find all their remains right?
watch the movie. she wanted him but she didn't want to marry a man bound to the sea. looking for the passage was supposedly his last voyage. that was her promised to her in exchange for marriage.
Did she die alone waiting for him to come home while he was bleaching skis?
i don't know but i been told
Based. True cunny connoisseur, or cunnysseur.
What is it with the bongs and their tendencies to go after non-white pussy and colonize it?
Did you mix up bongs and Spaniards?