/bb/ Big Brother 21

Cast reveal tomorrow! Anyone else excited for the new season?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Keep this thread going until the reveal, broski. we need to find out if /ourguy/ is back.

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truly blessed we shall be

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I cant believe CBS is still supporting that rapist monster Les Moonves by employing his wife.

Its fucking happening, boys.


Summer of Steve


we've begun to percolate. im going to bed.

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bump. this thread cannot die until the reveal is done.

/bb/ and /Aura Alliance/ is BACK

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did anyone else watch bbcan 7? i was sad that we didn't have threads. it was brigadekino.
anthony was /ourguy/, basically a completely strategically sound devin. he's considered now to be one of the best manipulators ever to play.

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Faggot show for faggot viewers

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heh... no way... heheh....

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Can we do a Dead Set but for real?

here is anthony's pre-bbcan7 ika interview. he basically spends the whole time flirting with her. it's fucking hilarious.
and then he gets in the house and is basically a huge dick to everyone behind their back, flips votes early game back and forth on a whim, ends up derrick-style manipulating people into doing absolutely insane shit for their games without ever telling them what he wants them to do, etc.

wonder if we gona get some more arts and crafts this season

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>months until survivor is back

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good lord sam was a fucking weirdo wasn't she
always wanting to fucking rip people's limbs off

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>Gas inspector
>Spent the entire season gaslighting the house and choking them out with mist

We should have seen it coming.

>anthony's gas
imagine the smell

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Mark was 39?! Good for him

i know that surprised me too lmao
how the fuck are mark and kailyn basically the same age
like that must be lying i legitimately cannot believe that mark is 39

alright i looked it up and he's not 39, he's 29. that's a typo.

3 BONGS lads.


I remember the very first season of BB. It was pitched and treated very differently back then. Channel 4 regarded it as a serious sociological experiment, and there would be regular interviews with psychiatrists etc talking about what the contestants would be going through, reactions to confinement and so on.

It wasn't until the third or fourth season that they perfected the formula of throwing half a dozen stage school rejects, usually at least two who look good in a bikini, and letting them chew on each other for six weeks.

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Imagine how kino it would be watching a contained zombie outbreak live on feeds. people lying about being infected, hording supplies, women whoring themselves out for graham cracker packs, the chads figuring out how to kill the zombies with the plastic safety knives.

98 days again.

Too long imo, by september i'm ready for it to end and there's still 3 weeks left.

Happy that the cast didn't leak and we're all seeing the new cast at the same time. With that said, I feel this is going to be another bb19/bb20-tier cast with ugly mug shots and all.

Seriously, what the fuck is with the pictures for the last few seasons? the cast reveals made me think that the season would be loaded with goblins, but then they looked fine on feeds/episodes.

Same. is there any way that they could stop the show becoming a predictable snooze-fest post jury? after the first double eviction the victorious power alliance is secure and it just becomes a shooting gallery.

Bets on who the returning players will be? I would guess Brett/Haleigh/Victor/Tiffany

you people are worse than the /alita/ general

Welcome back, fellas!
Big Jeff ready to usher in a new cast to us very soon!

Hey girls.

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The old ladies, fags, and black people on twitter are saying Jeff's flight to LA was cancelled. This cast reveal might get postponed lol.

Yea that's a shame, should go back down to 78 or whatever it was.
Ah well, usually works out for most of the season and just the last few drag when barely anyone is left around

Happy as well, this is why I hate Vegas, it's not as fun with people just reading news separately on Twitter, I enjoy everyone finding things out via live feed together at the same time.

this is all jordan's fault

I saw that, how the fuck do people know what Jeffs flight is though? Like I have a feeling someone just pulled up a likely flight and assumed.

CBS wants that 90 minute BB finale on the same day of the 90 minute fall premiere of Survivor.

That's why they keep stretching out BB to these absurd lengths.

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It was on his instagram story apparently
but he is in LA now from what people are saying

Can we please make an agreement, not to be like the rest of this garbage website and not call each other trannies and to have sex?
Thank you.

Also, I really hope the cast will be shit this year and all the chads and stacies go home in the beginning, because I don't want to waste another summer...

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We keep our threads properly formatted, almost never have duplicates, and disperse once game season is over. This is probably the least cancerous general in the entire catalogue. redirect your critique to one of the endless marvel circlejerk threads, Danyfag threads, Star wars crying threads, or BLACKED spam threads. Alternatively, you could simply go back to:

Cool gotcha, this is why I don't fly United anymore!

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Go back there

have sex.


Chima's revenge.

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that just implies that he will be tired. not that he will be late

>big guy
>CIA stance

What are the odds that he posts here?

Isn't this just Big Brother After Dark?

But it's light out


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*puts J.K. Rowling in a homophobic headlock*

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How did he manage to bounce back? didn't he basically say that gays are all sexual predators and shouldn't be allowed near children? Were things really that different just 10 years ago?
He wasn't wrong

almost name for name my dream cast.
fucking based, my man.
but i don't remember cameron, so swap hiim out for swaggy c, the certified kino maker.

Will this finally be the year of the cute Japanese-American female houseguest?

Fun fact, Kalia (the black girl he was arguing with here) is now HBO's director of drama programming.

>mfw waiting patiently for aura-posting season

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Say what you want about her, but her body was nice and her forehead very spunkable.


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God damn it get that whistlenut boomer out of here.

based. i bet her blowjob skills will send you to another dimension.

Looks like EW fucked up and released the article early boys.



Another year of the mugshots making decent looking instagram thots/chads look wonky as fuck.


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lotta freaks this year

kathryn dunn


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>I plan to watch two seasons to get a feel for the show

Analyse will be the hot one this year.

>Cliff's Diary Room session night one
>Looks like I'm not the only Hogg in this house!

looks like a shit cast, season ruined already.


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I'm getting tranny vibes from her photo. granted they all look like shit.

this. her /bb/ nickname will obv be anal btw

bottom left is doable, i'd cum on her glasses

her favorite player is paul btw



I thought this was a secret All-Stars edition!

Hope we get to see Jessica's big milkers desu

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Frank, Devin, and Jace is all I need.

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It is strange to me that a girl like Christine Murphy can get on the real tv show and a girl like Morgan can only get on an online spin-off.

as long as the fatso goes first (it won't happen) the cast will look fine
the glasses girl is for sure mega woke. she will stay till jury for sure
>college soccer star

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i missed you fags so much no homo

That asian girl is 100% first boot material if she is anything like her questionnaire.


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Mexican gf edition

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I'm watching BBAU2012 at the moment on youtube

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Season already looks like a flop

bayleigh 2.0 would be great desu for drama and tits

i want to lick her abs

She’s Johnny Mac. I think that’s the easiest call this year.

I was gonna say it’s obvious aquaman will be super boring but Fessy was basically the protagonist of bb20 so who knows

i don't see a problem here. them titties are sitting right. wonder about the pooper

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we said that about bb20 and look what we got.

maccarone going for first HOH

so we all agree cliff hogg is /ourguy/ right

is she the best looking contestant yet?
she blows angela out of the water and is a sportswoman too

Dem tits mother of God

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Most of these people have real jobs, surprising

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I wonder, is it really that hard to just go on instagram and look for attractive people to hire for your show? I have seen better cast put together by twitter spoiler accounts that surely put together their fake cast in a matter or hours.

>cliff hogg iii



A flop.

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yes. texas a&m

t. pandafag

jesus did dr will do her botox?

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Ian is never doing the show again is he

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Oh god damn here we go!!

The whole top left quad is hot!!
Honestly all the girls besides bottom right look fire!

I posted her.

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i swear 90% of the cast are from new york/new jersey

maddie dockery clone

>crocs enthusiast and freestyle rapper

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Jackson will start the first big group.

not by a long shot.

8. Kathryn(bogged and possible tranny)

Tampa-based fitness trainer Jack is ready to bear the heavy weight of the Big Brother game. He lives by the motto "keep it simple," and plans a straightforward game of loyalty and honesty. Jack, 28, can lift a massive 275 pounds, but will his physical prowess make the others snatch the win from him?

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Wonder if she is the best girl after the make up and lighting goes away.

First boot

Jackson, Nicole, and Ovi have the most baste taste and personalites.

these girls all have 300 pounds of makeup on and tons of botox. definitely a weaker season for women

The face that brought me to this cursed place 3 years ago. haven't seen someone as QT since.

I just feel like there is a major decrease in attractiveness in these cast after BB16. BB16 was the last truly hot BB cast, and BB18 had some help since it had vets and relatives from the hot seasons.

It is a shame that there are only three spunkable girls on this roster (Analyse, Holly, Kathryn).

Too many homos involved in casting.

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based stalker user already found the dirt
keep posting i'm (obviously) gonna waifu her this season and i need to stack up on images.

>Occupation: Wine Safari Guide
i hate america so much

Yea Forums's guy who wants to become an NFL scout

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watch My Little Eye


bb19? Jess/Elena/Raven

anyone here watched bbcan7?

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what do they call this hairstyle

the caesar

>occupation: Model for breast feeding pumps

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literally me

She's married to that weird 30+ virgin yoga guy now.

Cherish your hamster, friend.

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good b8

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the uncle rico

when is the first episode and when do livestreams start?

leader monte

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Pray for the nipslip boys.

she's so cute it hurts, bros

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she will be more annoying than christine

cap this

hi satan, the first episode is next tuesday and the feeds will go live after the wednesday after that

anyone else have the feeling ovi is going to be /ourguy/?

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I feel horrible for recommending big brother canada to people after 6

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the “yo peep my mixtape nigga, oww oww why are you hitting me”

>"openly feminine lesbian,"

Don't jynx it mang.

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she kinda looks like that one girl from redemption island

>Trump wants to deport this

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He got some shit for it but was popular enough with the boomers to get out okay. Today bb is more popular with the social media crowd so his life would have been nuked from orbit. No job, no Jordan, no kids, just bar tending in Chicago or whatever the fuck he did before.

>Cliff Hogg III wants to deport that

Our guy

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Clearly not a student of the game. Go watch porn you mong.

she's american

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>Hey boss, you know that homely small town girl I was telling you about? Here she is
>Hmmm. Here, throw this dork shit on her and take her picture.

He also didn’t do anything that bad on 11, it was all on 13 when he came back. Even without twitter I don’t think he would have gotten away with it if he was a first timer without a following

>blue eyelashes
>"i'm different :3"

>eyecandy isn't important in reality tv casting

Unironically based tweets. especially for 6 years ago before the true cancer potential of twitter was realized.

whistlenut cornbread

oh shit. didnt notice the FPB (actually MPB?)


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i've never seen a more square head and i'm serious omg

You think the bog-pilled witch is spunkable but not that milktank mommy? get the FUCK out of my thread.

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I bet she trans.

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The gay guys that find all these people have very tacky tastes.

>no returnees

the thumbnail almost made me shit myself. I thought /ourgirl/ was back

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under bite so bad it looks like his bottom row is sticking out

objectively wrong
bb17 and 18 had the best looking females

so, who is getting replaced by my main man Swaggy N, next week with totally not expected first twist of the summer?

I miss Winston.

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I'm thinking this might have been all-stars if production didn't have to scrap all the people from BB19 as potential casts. they need another season to draw from that isn't tainted.

You will never wake up to this again.

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they're literally the worst at their job. i can find twenty retards willing to do this show in my shit city, all more attractive and interesting than this herd of grossness.

>Do you have a strategy for winning the game? My strategy for winning the game is to play both sides of the house but keep it super low-key. From watching previous seasons, the people who seem to always play both sides of the house tend to go really far. I will not tell anyone I was doing this, even my best friend in the house, because it would blow up in my face. I will try really hard on comps that I know I need to win and not so hard on ones that will either ruin my game or show I’m playing both sides.
both sides, oh no no no. they've started already

>Wanting to see returnees run the table again
How many capeshit movies have you seen?

>Complaining about ugly people
>Likes balding Ryan Reynolds' inbred cousin

>Swaggy N

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Steve didnt get into smash, but he got into BB!

who /minecraft/ here?

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>Swaggy N

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They might pull a couple out of their asses.

>play both sides
oy vey very subversive

Fun facts about yourself:

I had a Tiger Mom and she was nuts. My parents never let me hang out with friends.

I play tons of instruments, I took Chinese lessons every Saturday for 8 years and I’m fluent but my reading and writing is crap.

I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro… but I didn’t tell my mom because for spring break when I asked her if I could go with my boyfriend she said no… so I went anyway. She still doesn’t know. I told her I went to my best friend’s house and she would call my best friend (Cassie) and Cas would say that I had diarrhea and was sick and could not get to the phone.

When I was in 5th grade my dad took me to China (fly back to the motherland frequently because Chinese) and he left me in the middle of nowhere for 2 months because he said I was being a brat and that he grew up eating toothpaste during the culture revolution.

I do not like to smoke weed or people who do because I find them lazy and downers and boring. Why would I want to sit around and gorge on food…?

I was really into fitness for about 6 months and lost 50+ lbs.


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And they have like 4-5 months to make the cast too. It is like they have a fetish for people who are a fuzzy borderline between hot and very ugly. Fuck, I could go to walmart and find 16 hotter people.

>do not like to smoke weed or people who do

incredibly based


social credit score commie

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I was thinking the same thing. they could easily bullshit some kind of purge comp to start and the first 4 eliminated get replaced by vets.


Why are you attacking me?

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wtf how can you tell hes all blurry and shit

hmmm, i wonder why was she cast. poor girl's going to be hated

is this, dare I say... /ourguy/ ?

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>poor girl's going to be hated
yeah i wonder why

I miss her bros

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Stop posting that sexy forehead.

i actually like the cast from the photos = the season is going to be shit
? check your eyes user. he's in crystal clear 4k 60fps right now

meaning that's why she was cast

/Aura Alliance/ stay strong!

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I have yet to re-experience the raw anger of that night. Fuck Paul.

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me in the back


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based rachelbro

Why can't they cast cutes like BB Canada bros?

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Who /feeds/ here?

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Why are there two of you?

queen crazy made the season.

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Hurry the fuck up. It's time already
me in the bag

What is the your fav FGO singularity theme song?

Heretics(EOR4)> Nisha Senitsu(Guda Guda3)>Lose your Way(EOR1) >=Abyss of Decadence (Ooku)= >Thest (Lb3) > Ittou Ryoran (EOR3) >Whatever the song was in EOR 2, it was kinda forgetable.

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you can actually see that jeff didn't get any sleep on his face. Or maybe he's just older

>get your schlongs out
wtf did he mean by that?

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good. fuck paul and fuck that season. actually the worst season i've ever seen filled with paul dicksuckers.

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cbs website feeds arent working, what the fuck

>he doesn't want a season of GodPaul vs Swaggy N
it's like you hate good gameplay

I’ve gotten so much mileage out of that aura pic.

who all /swaggy/ here?

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She looks like a One Piece character. She was the lowkey best girl of BB20

What would make it not look like a flop?

Cliff. Hogg. III.
Is this one of the best /bb/ names ever?

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The absolute state of Cody's daughter.

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I didn't miss anything on fees yet right?
Just turned feeds on. Looks like Jeff is about to start with someone.

just the greatest documentary ever

>She was the lowkey best girl of BB20
Girls like Tiffany Rousso and Aura are for learned /bb/ men with eclectic taste in waifu.



Devin is coming back this season.

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First returning player confirmed

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This will happen again.

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Anallice is HOT

>he left me in the middle of nowhere for 2 months because he said I was being a brat and that he grew up eating toothpaste during the culture revolution.

time for anal


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what a goddess.
this is my winner already. she can just tan whole day and do nothing.
twittertrash can't even shit on her since she's a 'minority'

how are you niggers watching right now? the cbs.com player wont do anything

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on my roku :)

>he doesn't have the CBS All Access app on his Xbox One

get some taste

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Got it up on my phone while shitposting on laptop, all while at work


So are you pro gay Dumbledore or anti gay Dumbledore?

yes, thanks jesus christ, the one true Lord


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Analyse is /ourgirl/

i love anal

who /okaycool/ in here

where do i vote for analice?

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I'm Snape

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Well at least Anal is someone to stare at and cap this year. The rest of these goblins better be freaks to prove they're worthy of being on this season.

I think anal is actually gonna be a good player, Idk why but I get the vibe of a KC

This on the feeds desu

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i hope kicking soccer balls hasn't damaged anal's feet

stop calling her anal. it's analice

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>Palestinian man assaults israeli woman

2 head :/

I want her to give me anal lice

nah, the only black girl this season looks like she likes to be bleached. that type doesn't blead from their mouths

You remember all those people on twitter and even in these threads that said she wouldn't chimp out?

Think she is going to do anything naughty on the feeds?

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"fan recently"

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jeff looks uncomfortable. his hand is on his wallet

Being a trumpcuck is cringe ya simp

that chimp out was one of the best days of the season. we knew it was coming but weren’t prepared for the glory we were to receive

he has a good voice and doesn't act like a Nbomb.
I don't hate him

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This guy is ok, thought he'd be a dud


higher res

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Opposite of Swaggy thank fuck

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maybe a gay?

Summer of Cliff 2019

agreed I like him. He's a prejury boot from a blindside though

David is great. Can see why he made it on.

>"I have an idea, let's give the soccer team prison uniforms"

1 hundo P

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Swaggy was cool until he hooked up with Bay. Swaggy v Winston was the fued we deserved.


ok but really where are the feeds? i ain't paying for this shit.

Not bad, sounds like he's gonna be a floater though.

>Swaggy was cool until he hooked up with Bay.
so like until the second day?

The free feeds are the same place they were last year.

I wish we lived in the timeline where a Swaggy/Fessy/Winston/Brett alliance formed.

good, we need a non-nbomb black guy.
he’s got my blessing

how the fuck much time does Jeff need between interviews? its a couple of stock questions. just roll them in.

she's CRYING

Oh god this bitch is gross

QUICK! You're cast on Big Brother and need to clue Yea Forums in that you're a frequent poster. What Yea Forums phrase do you work into conversation and how do you do it?

>already crying
For fuck sake.

post-wall lindsay lohan

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why are girls crying already?
wtf jeff

looks much better in action than in the picture.

make another thread

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im getting some rockstar vibes

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Morgan Willett after living in LA for 15 years.


>mystic earth

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early boot if i've ever seen one.
if she doesn't quit the first week, she's not getting bast week 2

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Tell the magazine people my favorite houseguests are Devin and Ian. Make sure to do the dubsman pose when finishing up my end of day camera talks, Reference misting in the house.

i agree


please be on the block when feeds come on

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/AuraAlliance/ will rise again!!!

new, now


she could never

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kaithlyn must be seething right now

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