How would a conversation between these three play out?

How would a conversation between these three play out?

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Nobody cares to hear a conversation that contains Garfield or Holland. Maguire is the only Spider-Man anybody likes.

>So...can we all go hang at new Aunt May's?

New Spidey would be all nervous and stuttering, Tobey and Andrew would banter a bit
Both Andrew and new guy would be taken aback when Tobey says nigger

Holland is cool

"My Uncle taught me to never speak to a Jew."

They're all trash but at least Garfield was a decent twink

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

>have sex

Tobey: "Those are cute outfits, did your husbands make them for you?"

The incremental degradation of the suit contemporaneously matches up perfectly with that of Hollywood as a whole.

They each look like different types of fags

>Both Andrew and new guy would be taken aback when Tobey says nigger

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>Who the fuck is uncle ben?

They would say nothing because wh*te males are socially awkward cringelords

>meanwhile Muhammad goes to PM 40 girls for pussy pics

So what's your race then?
Name 100 inventions it's had.

Stop being so sensitive.

Based retard bait eaters

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Toby = weirdo
Garfield = chad
Holland = twink

lol what incelmade thi pic?

Your dad did.


>Garfield: What are we gonna do, guys? I've got some weed.
>Holland: W-we c-could go to my place and play minecraft.
>Toby: Gentlemen, have you heard about the USS liberty incident?


Well I'm sure sam raimi could of made a good movie with the other two.

Maybe with Toby, but Garfield just doesn't have the right look.

I'm a sam raimi fan so if they make spider man 4 id be happy

Cringe zoomer responses.

>emo peter: you gonna cry?
>holland and garfield: WHAA MOMMY HE'S SO MEAN!!!

I'm spiderman, deal with it
My SM costume was the best and my gf was peak Emma
I'm an iron manlet junior sorta and my MJ is an ugly negress. What i have to do with you two again?

Garfield and Maguire argue about who's better and bully Holland for being too young


>Spider-Man: Homebound
>toby maguire's and andrew garfield's spidermen team up will tom hollands
>holland's spiderman universe hops for some reason and can't make his way back to his own universe
>maguire's spiderman is in his 30s, is a blue collar worker like old uncle ben and has "given up" his life as spiderman to focus on his family with MJ. he has a young daughter "may parker" and sneaks out at night to relive his golden years as spiderman
>garfield's spiderman is a young entrepreneur in his 20s. he owns "parker industries" and focuses almost exclusively on his civilian career and his crime fighting career after gwen dies. maybe his identity is known to the general public.
>sam raimi, marc webb and jon watts all work on the project.
>the scenes in raimi's and webb's universes have the same style and feel as their original movies
thoughts on this? what else could this idea offer?

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Notice how much less manly Spidey gets with each incarnation?

>in my time as spider-man, i remember that most criminals i stopped were black.
>after some research, i came to realise that despite being 13% of the population...


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Spider-Man “wow, I wasn’t expecting this”

Spider-Man “what, no trilogy; bummer dude?”

Spider-Man “Dr octowoman, let me explain”

droctowoman “screachhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

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goyim want white bois to look weaker n weaker as they push more blacked porn and the mcu goes through it's phase 4 blacked phase, phase 5 will introduce lots of cucking, with black wolverine getting into jean grey while cyclops will be a straight numale.

brief and short before their threesome

Toby was the best

Toby is universally loved by people with good taste. Holland is universally loved by fat female pedophiles and Garfield is universally hated by everybody.

Tobey: cute outfits did you both make it for each other you cocksucking faggots.
Kind of weird since raimi has little to no involvement. I think Tobey improvised

that's wrong. Garfield has the best ass and therefore the best spiderman

Pizza Time

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Tobey: "What's up my niggers?"
Garfield: "Ew, that's a big yikes for me"
Holland: *Whedon-quips his way out of the scene*

literally a boomer, millennial and a zoomer Spider-Man right here

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Did anyone actually watch this series? How easy can one find it online? Was it ever subtitled?

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Based but Holland also has a nice ass

why do you lie?

Tobey would be a mentor figure like spiderverse Peter.
Tom would be the young Peter willing to learn
Garfield would be the reckless and annoying Peter that would die half way through the movie

Garfield is trash, he looks like a nightmare with that ugly golem face. Holland is excellent though.

You’d better be joking bitch. Garfield looks like Daniel Radcliffe fucked Andy Murray and Garfield is the thing he gave birth to. The other two are God tier.

I just don’t get off on wine aunts fapping over teen boys.

Tobey = cute nerd
Garfield = awkward ugly psycho
Holland = perfect angel twink

Then he kicks both their asses while still being loveable and cute.

Bump pls respond

Would be sick, mate. Depends on how they marketed it, could make mad bank (I mean $1.5 bill + easy)

They'd need to set up a larger multiverse conflict before that, though