It was a good movie, fight me you faggots

it was a good movie, fight me you faggots

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incel hothead

Batman begins was better

It was peak capekino

It's not a good movie, it's a great movie.

Soundtrack and story are better in BB.

it was, the Joker is way more memorable than other superhero characters


between Oneys dub and the whole gamers rise up meme, this movie is completely ruined for me.
It's still good but i'm giggling like a moron through way too many serious moments


>the incel cranes his hand and plunges it into the bag of spicy Cheetos. his shitty poorfag monitor lights up his face, revealing his rotting teeth. the lone window on his wall is tinted green from being barraged by his humid odor.


he farts again, and in the silence, you hear dripping. Liquid's seeping off his seat. This wasn't part of the flight plan.


thank fuck you have a mask on; if you had to smell this particular user's odor, you'd probably asphyxiate immediately. You hear a loud, wet splatter; he's not even trying it. He's shitting himself, and enjoying it. You attempt to escape, but there's a problem: it's you.

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BB is the only good one and it's still only a 6/10

I don't giggle nearly as much as when I see bane in tdkr. Yea Forums ruined that movie for me

no one is saying it wasn’t. overhyped though

I still don't like the school bus just pulling out of a building and falling in line with other buses and nobody reacting to it. I mean, I guess it's just another day in Gotham?


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not as good as the amazing sequel

Ebert thought it was incredible and he's definitely more of an authority than the virgins who inhabit this board.

It was amazing at 14. It's hacky, pulpy shlock when you watch it now.


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It really helped some people's careers.

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It's ok, not Nolan's best but certainly the best superhero movie ever made

It was fantastic for the big screen experience. Once you bought the dvd and rewatched a bunch of times, it's not that great, but still good.

>the best superhero movie ever made
Not really. Also, I wouldn't call TDK a "superhero" film, it feels more like a neo-noir shit.

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3.6/5, not great, not terrible

>he fell for le SM2 is good meme

Ebert gave Spawn 3 1/2 out of 4 stars

>not a single drop of blood the entire movie

really gritty realistic take, nolan

The Dark Knight was the Godzilla 1998 of Batman movies.

I remember thinking it was overrated but after all this never ending stream of liquid shit Marvel has been dumping for a decade, it's grown on me

I would like to one day edit the entire movie to remove pointless dubbing. " That's not him. " being one example. Like literally please, no shit you stupid fuck. Were they that concerned the audience wouldn't know that batman doesn't use guns? Like literally. WOW.

Good to know Satan enjoyed Chernobyl.

Agreed. BB feels like Batman to me, whereas this and Rises just seemed like awkward attempts at crime-dramas with a vaguely fantastical twist. It was almost like they grew ashamed of their own source material.

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all i have to say is, i remember nothing about this movie

It's unironically underrated


ok, i remember that just because of the memes, but everything else is just a blur

it pales in comparison to the peak of the trilogy

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8 or 9/10

>whereas this and Rises just seemed like awkward attempts at crime-dramas with a vaguely fantastical twist.
It was intentional you fuckwit. TDK was supposed to be a crime drama akin to HEAT but with Batman in it.

Why won't Mary Jane go with me!? The pizza boy who lost his job instead of the chad astronaut!?
Sheesh is it that much of power incel fantasy movie?

This. Ledger's performance elevates TDK, but Begins is the best film in the trilogy.

it would've been good if it had less philosophical talking instead of spoonfeeding you constantly. bravo nolan

TDK was a game changer. Almost every action film after it tries to be TDK. It's a good film but the plot is kinda messy, I feel like the best thing about it is Heath Ledger as the Joker.

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> the villains plan is to boil water

>so that millions could boil water

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If your favorite Batman isn't pic related then get out of my face

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