I know it's a pretty cliched selection at this point but I think Ernst Junger would be a great candidate for a HBO mini series. His life encapsulates the 20th century and Europe as few others. If you haven't already I'd recommend this documentary it's pretty eloquent and features his last interview before he died
Who are some figures you'd like to see a biographical movie / mini series on?
Other urls found in this thread:
HBO miniseries drama about the history of the Dadaist movement
Biopic on Nagai Takashi and the atomic bombing of Nagasaki
Herzog documentary on North Sentinel Island
JP Morgan and his intentional sinking of the Titanic to kill off his banking rivals
what's the story there?
Kevin Ives and Don Henry murders in relation to the Arkansas drug trade coverup by Governor Bill Clinton
ya boy
yes he was a piss poor cavalry commander and living meme, i still want to see it
>Some theorists believe that the Titanic was sunk on purpose to eliminate opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. Some of the wealthiest men in the world were aboard the Titanic for her maiden voyage, several of whom, including John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus, were allegedly opposed to the creation of a U.S. central bank. All three men died during the sinking. Conspiracy theorists suggest that J.P. Morgan, the legendary 74-year-old financier who set up the investment banking firm that still bears his name, arranged to have the men board the ship and then sink her to eliminate them. Morgan, nicknamed the "Napoleon of Wall Street", had helped create General Electric, U.S. Steel, and International Harvester, and was credited with almost single-handedly saving the U.S. banking system during the Panic of 1907. Morgan did have a hand in the creation of the Federal Reserve, and owned the International Mercantile Marine, which owned the White Star Line, and thus the Titanic.[6]
>Morgan, who had attended the Titanic's launching in 1911, had a personal suite aboard the ship with his own private promenade deck and a bath equipped with specially designed cigar holders. He was reportedly booked on the ship's maiden voyage but instead canceled the trip and remained at the French resort of Aix-les-Bains to enjoy his morning massages and sulfur baths
I get my limited knowledge from this man on /his/ shitposting but wasn't he a really big weeboo that wanted to restore the Khans or something?
Pretty much. Then he got captured by bolsheviks and begged for mercy but received none
JP Morgan allegedly also orchestrated sinking of Lusitania to get the United States involved in WWI after purchasing British war bonds at discount. War bonds only pay out if the issuing country wins.
>to get the United States involved in WWI
The Germans did a pretty good job of that themselves
>A fucking telegram from the British is all it took to get the US in the war
Jesus Christ, and Ameritards actually fell for it??
>Revelation of the contents enraged Americans, especially after German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann publicly admitted on March 3 that the telegram was genuine
Germans literally admitted it was genuine. Their foreign policy in the first half of the 20th century leaves a lot to be desired
Wow, it's like they wanted to destroy Germany or something
You think Jews were behind German foreign policy during WW1?
Arthur Zimmerman wasn't jewish
That's what he wants you to think
go back
to Israel
>so if you see an iceburg...run into it and die out at sea!
>yes sir, anything for you Mr. Morgan!
seems like a problematic white racist desu
do you cringey zoomers come out of a factory somewhere?
The memes would be legendary
Speaking of WW2 era Germans who lead interesting lives...
That and unrestricted submarine warfare.
>micheal fassbender starring as erwin rommel biopic
Why hasn't this happened already? he was born for the role, bears a strong resemblance, speaks german, looks fantastic in uniform, around the right age.
That’s a good one
Right! i'm not crazy am i? i suggested it to my friends and they laughed at me, i think the africa campaigns are criminally under rated and as far as i know there's no kino featuring them.
It’d be great for a mini series I’d love to see a whole episode dedicated to Rommel’s role in the July plot and how it lead to his death
>6-8 parts
>part one, a bright young erwin joins the local 124th Württemberg Infantry Regiment, studies at the Cadet school in Danzig and gets commissioned as a lieutenant
>Part 2 Erwins time in WW1
>Part 3 Erwin writes his book and supports Adolf Hitlers rise to power
>Part's 4, 5 (6)? erwins time commanding the afrika korps until his defeat and reposting at the atlantic wall
>Part 7 Erwin becomes disgruntled with his new position and is contacted by the July plot conspirators
>Part 8 Erwins final days making arrangements for his family and commiting suicide.
HBO get on it
Most overrated figure in the war and the idea of him being some kind of genius was allied propaganda to cover for their own defeats.
>tfw no otto skorzeny biopic
Now thats based
Zimmerman was also one of the most important figures in starting the war. Fuck that guy.