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I miss House Improvement

It was called Building Make Better, dumb ass

No it isn't. I don't see it on Tim Burton's Imdb page

That's because IMDB is part of the conspiracy, retard



Home Improvement was unwatchable because Jill was a complete fucking CUNT. Last Man Standing is far superior.

Dr. Wilson, I'm Toolman

why is this board so terrible

for you

tell me about wilson, why does he wear the fence??

It's called Shelter Helper retards


The name was Jail Time with Tim "The Cokeman" Allen.

I don't think so cia

hey missa candyman, you got friends, got friends on the ousside come in


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Was tool time part of your plan?

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I couldn't stand her menopause voice

The Masketta Man

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Fucking based

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Just show his face already damnit!

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