/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
Yep, that's me, I bet you're wondering how I got here editon
last thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone have the "Little Legasov" caterpillar edit?

Based *record scratch* thread. Thank you OP

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AЗ-5 the video game when?

Literally the last post in the previous thread you fucking braindead mongoloid. You are an oxygen-wasting sack of meat spreading your filth and stupidity wherever you go. Do everyone a favor and kill yourself immediately.

So are these threads safe for someone 3 episodes in or are there major spoilers?

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If /RBMK/ was going to marry one of the widows (of plantfus, firefus, trialfus, etc), who would it be?

I got my eye on Akimova.

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ending had me crying

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no water in that soup. not as corrosive as you think.

Well that escalated quickly...

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Meltdown cut into one scene

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I read that pieces of his liver started coming out of his mouth at one point, but that makes no sense to me. It would have to get through his diaphragm, and then his esophagus would need to have a hole in it somewhere so that it could get up to his mouth. If his diaphragm had disintegrated enough for liver chunks to get through, then he wouldn't be able to breathe, so how would he still be alive by then?

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Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?

I could see that happening somehow

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Thank you comrade

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Containment is a huge problem, and the vessels have to be replaced quite often. Of course it's not an aqueous solution, but the heat is really what makes corrosion an issue.
Do you happen to have any experience with MSRs? I studied physics in college, but didn't end up becoming a nuclear physicist/engineer.

It was probably just mucus and blood. Lyudmila doesn't know anatomy.

so you hire 8 mexicans to install a new tank. what's the problem?
no. i've watched like 3 hours of kirk sorenson on youtubes.

Post Akimfu pls

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I left the thread when I saw the new one you delusional sod

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You wouldn't dare say that to my face you weaselly little cunt. Give me a fucking address and let's end this.

What happened to /rbmk/? It feels like it’s imploding worse then /got/ is.

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This poster is delusional. A general can't implode. Get him to the infirmary.

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The series is over, nothing more to meme about

1600 Pennsylvania Ave in DC, come at me bitch

Time to let go.

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The next thing you are going to tell me is that that’s graphite on the ground. I will not fall for your hysteria.

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Dyatlov pls

why not just mercy kill them? Just pump them full of morphine and let them die, there's literally nothing you can do for them, there DNA is absolutely fucked

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This show SUCKS.
>shit acting
>shit writing
>shit pacing
I honestly thought I was watching a dubbed version, but no, the acting is just really fucking shit.

It could get inside his stomach through a perforation

Brainlet here, why does taking iodine pills help in extreme radiation scenarios? Does the iodine in the digestive tract absorb the bad shit and let you just piss it out or something?

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Disgraceful, really. To spread misinformation at a time like this.

thyroid can only absorb so much iodine a day.
you give it an iodine pill, it's happy, and can't absorb any of the radioactive iodine blowing in the breeze.

Based Yuvchenko. Hearing him bang through the door before he found Perevezchenko scared the shit out of me. My dumb ass thought it was the building warping somehow.

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>tfw Kohmyuk isn't real

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It just prevents you from getting thyroid cancer, doesn't prevent any of the other consequences of radiation exposure

this user is delusional, take him to the infirmary.



The graphite's calling the shots now Akimov

Don't worry, it's just natural general death. /ttg/ will pray for you

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Someone get this user to the infirmary.

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>unironically liking dub tier acting and horrible ESL tier writing

Hey fuck you. I was just asking. Yea Forums is like a chick on the rag sometimes, just snapping at nothing.

>a show has both of these things, but it's an english production
Amazing, comrade.

If I can level with you: these threads are probably pretty safe. You most likely won't see any major spoilers at that point. I think the showrunners purposely made the show this way. It's a historical event you can just look up and they showed in the first few minutes of the whole show the main dude dies. I think you're good, but I'd advise in watching the rest of the show as soon as you can because it's good.

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See? that's all I needed. Thanks user. This show FINALLY captured the sense of looming dread that I miss in a lot of "horror" shows and movies. The scene in the first episode when one of the guys looks directly into the fission was extremely unsettling for reasons I can't really articulate.

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>Now, tell me how a crystal makes a resonance cascade. Id love to know!

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Someone save this cuz I want it off my phone

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Saved. When do you need it back, fren?


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Whats with the grammar there?
>irradiating my rock to give me the ol' spicy rock

Shouldnt it be A rock

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Threadly reminder that Dyatlov was a CIA asset sent to sabotage the Soviets.

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The original was "heating my keys"

do you have the other simpsons pic?

Why did comrade Boris suggest everyone get chest x-ray check ups?

Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to repost for me. But until that day, accept this webm as a gift

Godspeed, user.

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Made this

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I know what was the original but the literal translation doesnt work here.




Some has to make this.

Where were you when they were confirmed representation!

Such a great pride month!!!

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This makes no sense

Well shit, my autism is showing. I was trying to make a joke, didn't come through the medium of text.

Which one would you fuck /rbmk/?

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*A3-5 button



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Shouldn't this be 'our reactor power is too low'?

Morphine costs too many rubles, and bullets are only for enemies of the state.


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holy fucking shit
that got me

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No. No I won’t do that.

morphine doesnt work on people suffering radiation sickness

Why would some shoot a man before poisoning him with radiation?

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Akimov to the rescue

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>F-Found your feedwater, boss

what episode do they say mustache man's face was gone? i must have missed it

>3.6 roetgen into safety test and chill and he gives you this look

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was this a come and see omage?

Not sure if it's what they say in show, but that's what happened IRL.

It...... It was Dyatlov,!

Can anyone explain Dyatlov being a cunt? Was he just a hot head, or were all soviet supervisors like that? It's known that nuclear techs are really fucking weird people, so could that be it?

I have a question, did that actually help? Was the guy in the control room right or was akimov the reason the miners were useless?

Episode 3 I think. Khomyuk tells Legasov
>his face was gone

What was the name of the guy whose body they couldn't recover from the site?


Surprised no one has done an edit of this yet.

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newbie retard


lets say they never ran those safety tests and the scenario they were afraid of occurred ie the minute of no control while the generators started up to address power outage

would the disaster have been as bad?

I'd imagine not because there wouldn't be the buildup on xenon and whatnot.

it basically did nothing but ensure their deaths, they're trying to pump water into an open reactor core that's on fire.

qt :3

>During the accident, Dyatlov was exposed to a radiation dose of 390 rem (3.9 Sv), which causes death in 50% of affected persons after 30 days, but he survived.

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The madman survived it twice

If I took graphite and rubbed it all over my body, what happens next?

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It's your time to shine


He was exposed to radiation before chernobyl, so his body was used to it and that is why he survived.

Im writing fanfiction and you fucks cant stop me

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Fanfiction of what ? Tableslapping ?

Nothing, because it's NOT THERE!

What’s it say

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They'll be glad to (see) you

we did everything right

Valery Khodemchuk

They only did it for peace of mind, the guy in the control room was right, it was useless.

>this man killed himself believing that all his actions were in vain and nothing he'd done would ever matter

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You feel that Valery?
The winds of graphite are blowing

So did anyone ever explained why the cooling rods who are supposed to slow reactivity were tipped with something that increased reactivity? And no, not the "it's cheaper" excuse. Even if petrol was cheaper than water you wouldn't put it in the radiator.

The saddest shit user, but at least he got Hero of The Russian Federation posthumously, and changes were made albeit a little too late

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More reactivity = more power

Probably wrong but I think it’s as graphite can act as a lubricant, so to help them slide in


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About what ?


The graphite in my pic, its right there.

Did you drop your pic?

What graphite ?

When fully inserted the uper rod complete the lower rod. The graphite between them increases efficiency of the reaction in result you can use lesser enriched uranium.

Isn't that the opposite effect of what you want the rods to have? Also, is there a diagram of this? Having trouble picturing upper and lower rods.

The graphite was there to keep water out of the control rod channels.


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The control rods aren't meant to be inserted and removed constantly. A nuclear power plant is meant to stay at the same power level for weeks at a time. Rods are only moved to replace them when they're spent or to do tests. The RBMK design is focused on that steady state power production not edge cases involving movement of the rods.

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This board has the weirdest behaviors. The one guy that recognized that the reactor had been poisoned and knew that bringing it up again would've fucked shit up but does it anyway (and keeps claiming he did everything right) is somehow everyone's roentgenfu.
Fuck's sake Akimov, you had ONE job.

In normal operation it's not a problem, enough controls rods are inserted in the core.
The peak of reactivity do not exceed the limit and stays under control.

What am I looking at?

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no, they made everything worse by creating even more deadly radioactive steam

What a dumb fucking fag move not to film Akimov's faceoff.

Every show is fucking cheap entertainment but Mazin has to be a smartass.

thoughts on what?

the valves weren't connected to anything at that point, they did absolutely nothing

>I told you, we did nothing wrong.
>But we did.
What did he mean by this?

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what happened to iodinefu?

Sure but it's still bizarre that they'd pick an element that has the opposite reaction that you'd want it to have. Unless they'd never tested it on a core loaded with xenon and that was the only way to make it go boom boom? But then that seems to be what the other guy who Legasov knew tested for.


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she dies in the script, but thats because the writer doesn't understand how radiation works

>dumps firefighter's clothes
>next day gives you a handjob
>suddenly your dick is red
>"wat do?"
dropped in the basement

She recovered has had a happy life since, healthy children, promotions and recognition.

in the script? deleted scene?

They start somes pump and open valves trying to cool the reactor. The water fall in the basement threaten the eletric circuit shared with the reactor 3.

It could have been a meltdown for the reactor 3 but the pump lack of water and stop.

Sorry for bad english


It doesn't go boom useless you pull all the control rod over the limit, start a stupid test on a xenon poisoned reactor. ( The test should be done before the starting of the reactor )

The graphite end of the rod was a good idea to use lesser enriched uranium. Enrich uranium is very expensive.

in the script the scene where she notices her hand is burnt is longer and it's written that "she knows she is already dead"

it does until their veins are intact, as soon as they arrived at the hospital they should have been overdosed

i wasn't here when this episode aired, but when it did, did anyone post i'm da jokah baby?

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man akimov seemed like a bit of a pussy about it when I watched it

like I know youre a bunch of nuclear scientist nerds but did they seriously all get bullied by that one guy that bad

legasov was making some dangerous statements but I dont think akimov putting his foot down about doing the test would have really fucked him that much

IRL Dyatlov didn't threaten to fire him, he threatened to let the previous shift leader, who had stayed on to watch the test, take over


Chernobylposting has a shitpost half-life of about 50,000. We're just experiencing natural decay.

If the control rod is completely pulled, you probably are trying to increase reactivity. Graphite helps with this.

What did they mean by this?

Actual IRL Big Boss

Right, if you pulled all the control rods, the tip along with the graphite casing would basically make a massive graphite face. This makes sense.
The rods were also incredibly slow to drop, probably because of the tip.

worst part

Forced them to finally fix their reactors though.

What the Fuck are you talking about?

Fuck khodemchuck i need water in my reactor core

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>hello what's going on in here's :DDD

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You didn't see graphite.

When the controller rods are retracted, water floods into the rod causing reactivity to decrease. By adding a tip of graphite that ensures that when the control is removed, the reactivity increases (as intended) instead of stalling or temporarily going down.

He did threaten to fire him.

I can’t believe I’m the only one who’s wondered this so far, why did Garojan only get one line?

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yeah lots of people

graphite? oh nooo mere concrete

an old soviet recipe

Watching videos about him and how towards the end he was catatonic with depression and his wife had to explain to their children that dad is slipping away really hit me hard
Why couldn't we protect him bros

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Now that the radiation has settled, can we all agree that she did nothing wrong?

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Why would they make him a loner in the series if he had a family IRL? For the drama purposes?
Or for the sake of us shipping him with Boris?..

Nuclear power points are dangerous and need to be shutdown

Well said, friend! Coal is the power source of the future; it has never killed anyone.

A bit of both I guess. Also because 5 episodes and the family would eat up screentime.
I think it would be cool though if we knew they were there but they were never shown. Like an user in one of the previous threads said, just have Boris and Valery talk about their families or something.

coal unironically indirectly saved millions of lives in chernobyl


Anyone else having a bit of an existential crisis since this finished? Everything else I try watch since seems shit in comparison.

>caring about spoilers
Back to your marvel threads, faggot

Yes, this show has set the new quality bar way too high.


I felt that way after Twin Peaks S3 but Chernobyl revitalized my hope.

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meh, i was already a sucker for disaster documentaries and stuff about creepy places. Chernobyl was simply another welcome chapter with a fictional twist, cool documentaries will still keep getting made. Overall the situation is not great but not terrible.

Documentaries are the only thing worth watching nowadays

Soviet scientists are legitimately like this. Even today 30 years later they haven't let go of this mentality. I pray you never get an elderly Russian supervisor in a STEM field.

Sorry I'm not sure what you mean

Hey akimposters

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These fucking smile edits have me on the floor top stuff mate

Please tell me how a general can implode

I'd love to know

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Holy shit normies really did ruin Chernobyl with normie memes fucking wish GoT had more episodes, RBMK threads used to be so comfy

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Why do people think that everyone in every workplace always wants to fuck everyone else and there's handholding in the control room and dick sucking in the toilet
Like Jesus get a job

People be horny

>get a job
To hold hands in the control room and suck dicks in the toilet?

he would have had a poor level of Russian, so in-universe he had equally poor English. The only thing he says, he reads off a banner, which makes it seem likely he didn't necessarily know what it meant.

But to be fair, it's not even a fujo pic. I know, handholding jokes and all that, but still, its not gay to support a friend

It should be..
>Our Reactor Core Exploded
>Have you tried, Turning the pumps on?

>let's coundune together
what did he mean by this, Yea Forums?

>what did he mean by this, Yea Forums?
This man is confused, turn the dubs on.

It really feels like one though
If 2 guys were holding hands next to me at my workplace I'd throw something at them.

I just watch The Terror and feels good. Anything else recommend?


I felt the same, then i thought to myself.

I am confused, turn the pumps on.

and so i pumped..

lol, no you wouldn't, you pussy.

I thought it was "let's count down together"

This is the correct answer

Is the artist russian?


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It's not that its cheaper, it's just more efficient if you want to maximize your energy output. Chernobyl was the most productive power plant in the entire world when it exploded, this is one of the reasons why

Yeah, got it from vk


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How do you figure?

Why nobody can answer the only real question about Chernobyl ?

WHY would they have dosimeter going only to 3.6 ? Why would you even make them ?


pic related

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Reminder only 31 people died from this.

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No it's not homo

Control rods can never be completely removed from the core so if you have them be made completely of non reactive material they'll slow your reactor down. By having graphite tips, they didn't get in the way of the reaction while still serving as emergency breaks if needed. The increase in reactivity that caused the explosion only happened because they had already pushed the core to its limits

Ah shit, why is Yea Forums a blue board

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I've never used vk, how do I find art like this on it

Because the reactor wasn't supposed to explode. They used those smaller dosimeters because the 3.6 number was supposed to never happen and they were used to measure ambient radiation, not a full blown exposed reactor core. It's like measuring the length of your dick in kilometers when you should be using centimeters.

They were probably for high fidelity measurements. Scientific instrument design is often a balance between operational range and minimum detectable difference. Short of the reactor breach, 3.6 was probably adequate for 99% of what they needed them for.

Alternatively, because it was cheap. They certainly should have had more robust instruments on hand for higher levels.

Why are our slavbros such degenerates?

The catastrophe could've been averted if they'd simply walked out onto the lid of the RBMK and T-posed to assert dominance.

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If he fell through the lid there, would he die?

Think most people who are fascinated by the MSR have got everything from Thorium Remix. Good series of videos.

Repressed homosexuality in the context of a very historically homoerotic culture

Thank fuck this show finished before the gay stuff took off

It would be extremely not great, but not terrible

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Some robots just want to feel their circuits burn.


It's like facebook but in russian. You just have to search for groups in cyrillics

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spot on

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Sounds great.

take care

you too, buddy.

u cunts

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link it bruz

Good morning to you, Akimfu friends

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it's a little gay

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tranny or femanon?

Caм тaкoй.

I was elected to read, not to lead.

мoчитьcя в yхo

I mean, I'm a femanon and I want to dominate the shit out of legasov
sure as hell wouldn't tell anyone irl tho

I will ensure you never work in a nuclear power plant again.

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Sure you are, tranny.

Has he seen it?

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Based dude getting off on being microwaved alive

ground zero


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post pic of face with timestamp and i'll believe u

Last I heard he was planning to watch it so he probably has by now

Write a fic

you guys got any any good camwhore compilations?

My hottest fantasy is knowing that Legasov and his wife loved one another deeply and did not have sex with anyone except each other (least of all other men) but also not actually thinking about this beyond a surface level because it's fucking weird and degenerate to focus on a stranger's sex life.

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Nice read about Anatoly Sitnikov


Legasov and Boris should have just fucked and got it over with.

Harris' Legasov =/= actual Legasov.

Concrete is a really versatile and inexpensive material.

Pretty sure that's against the rules, comrade

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Is there a place with all of these promotional photos? I’ve only seen the one for the firefighter

>be USSR
>Stalin dies
>destalinization happens, meaning liberalism happens
>brings capitalism back to the USSR
>party bureaucrats become the new oligarchy
>Chernobyl blamed on socialism and not the USSR moving away from socialism
>solution: MORE REFORMS


How do I know you creepy fuckers haven't moved on to real Legasov yet?

>it's fucking weird and degenerate to focus on a stranger's sex life.

That's exactly what you're doing with that post.

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I found during an Akimov image search. So maybe search for a specific character? Who do you want?

Eat my asshole college commie

but he's fucking DEAD

Sit on my face you slut.

Hey it's me Legasov I'm not dead lol
Now can you please eat my ass

'Cause I didn't know the guy. I'm sure he was nothing like his HBO counterpart.

should say 'career party man' instead of the chairman stuff

What if I told you he was cuter?

He threatened to fire him & blackball him from the industry.

>He was passionate about his work, and that power plant was his joy in life. He was ready to give his life for the sake of its production, and in the end that’s exactly what he did.

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Tits or GTFO, m'lady

That might be the most amazing part of the whole story, that they survived.