‘Twilight’ Author Would Only Agree To Casting Black Actor If He Played A Villain

Catherine Hardwicke, who directed the first Twilight film, recently spoke with The Daily Beast about the movie and its lack of diversity.

>“(Meyer) had not really written it (the books) that way. So she probably just didn’t see the world that way,” said Hardwicke. “And I was like, 'Oh my God, I want the vampires, I want them all—Alice, I wanted her to be Japanese!' I had all these ideas. And she just could not accept the Cullens to be more diverse, because she had really seen them in her mind, she knew who each character was representing in a way, a personal friend or a relative or something. She said, 'I wrote that they had this pale glistening skin!'”

>The Twilight film franchise only cast a few Black actors, who mostly had minor roles. According to Hardwicke, Meyer finally agreed to having Kenyan-born actor Edi Gathegi play Laurent, whom the director describes as “one of the scary antagonistic vampires."

>“The only reason that came through was he was described as having olive skin. And I said, ‘There are Black olives out there!’” Hardwicke said. “Then she was open to the students in (Bella’s) peer group being other ethnicities, so we got Christian Serratos and Justin Chon, so we were able to open it up a little bit.”

>Catherine Hardwicke also claims she only got the director gig for the first Twilight movie because film executives didn’t think the movie would be a hit.

Is she /ourgirl/ now?

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She’s still cringe and creates total shit
She just happens to be redpilled as well

Why does it have to have niggers?

She wrote/directed a pretty redpilled movie called Thirteen

Based and Redpilled. Going to buy the books now


>whoa guys this chick who wrote an absolute garbage piece of literature that got turned into an absolute garbage series of movies that have been ridiculed for over a decade now for being terrible teen trash didn't want black people casted, does that make her based now???????
Yea Forums in a nutshell.

Black people shouldn't be surprised over things like this anymore. They don't even view black people as human, so the idea of them being a prominent protagonist without stereotypical cliches is almost inconceivable to them, hence the, "Wakanda isn't real! " over the financially successful Black Panther film while they show up dressed as House Gryffyndor with wands & broomsticks at 'Harry Potter' premieres, and the meltdown over black faces in other forms of media such as videogames. (They hate Miles in 'Spiderman' and Lincoln Clay in 'Mafia 3' legitimately made them uncomfortable. )

You can be a villain or comedy support, but don't buy that, "We don't see color, " nonsense. If its a nonstereotyical black face saving the day outside of your run of the mill racism or blaxploitation film, they absolutely see that he or she is black. If the power of media reinforcement in entertainment wasn't a tool of war wielded to influence our subconscious, they wouldn't be so concerned about controlling it. White folks view themselves as the default and are unapologetic over it. Its why its always bothered me that the suits frequently throw in a token white guy in otherwise black films or sitcoms in order to make white people feel more comfortable. This issue in cinema will only be remedied when we control (and support) our own media.

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I'm willing to bet money, that by the end of the week, there's going to be a twilight general with people unironically talking about how they always liked it and how great their waifus are.

That was hardwicke
The redpilled /ourgirl/ candidate that op was talking about is Meyer
You need to read properly

>She just happens to be redpilled as well
She wanted the actors picked to play her characters to actually fit the descriptions of the characters.
How is that "redpilled"?
Is it redpilled that Ronald Weasley has a ginger actor?

Nowhere in the book does it describe Ron as "ginger." He could have been black. Just like Hermione.

>Black is capitalized
>even when talking about olives
>find+replace performed by hooked nose

The whole weasley family were described as ginger that's why they're all ginger in the movies you mongoloid.


Wakanda was created by Jews and popularized by white nerds lol

>bix nood mufugga

Check the book again. Your age is showing. All character descriptions are completely neutral.

Fuck of Rowling it clearly says hermione is white and pale you're not fooling anyone.

pol xposters need to be gassed

You can't stop me. It's already too late.

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Why the fuck would there be black people in Twilight? Only 0.5% of the population of Forks (the town Twilight is set in) is black.

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It was popularised by black nerds.

>“The only reason that came through was he was described as having olive skin. And I said, ‘There are Black olives out there!’” Hardwicke said.

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Rowling didn’t say Hermione was white but she also didn’t veto the casting of Emma Watson which she could have done because she had full approval power over everything.
She also did interviews in the pre-woke era where she responded to criticism about the lack of diversity in Harry Potter by being totally dismissive about tokenism and racial quotas in fiction which I’m surprised haven’t resurfaced to bite her in the ass by now.

>Catherine Hardwicke
She's a fucking hack who got so lucky with Twilight and now thinks that she's the reason for its success.


Everyone know Rowling is fake woke and riding the bandwagon. That's the entire joke.

All this change really does is make Ron more based

Careful son, you're one post away from making a wmbf thread. Choose your next lost very carefully.

>Choose your next lost very carefully.
There will never be another L O S T

Poast links, now I'm curious.

We were so close

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>Rowling didn’t say Hermione was white
She literally did though. Her skin's paleness is noted several times, as is the way it changes colour with emotion or temperature.

just because, love is love you fucking racist, sack of shit Nazi racist bigot racist racist

well that explains the interracial aspect of the movie

None of that is restricted to white people, my guy. And she doesn't have to be pitch dark black to be non-white.

from now on YA novels are going to read like
>Leon's jet black hair fell over his face making a harsh contrast with his pale skin which was the color graphic artists called #ffe0bd because he was of anglo-saxon extraction on both sides of his lineage going back to the dawn of time

we're just joking around, you spazoid, chill out.

Actually you're wrong. The books noted this many times, but Rowling barely wrote the books after the first two, she just wrote the outlines and they farmed the whole thing out to a writing production mill because they couldn't risk a Game of Thrones scenario of her missing the deadline given the age of the readers.
It's why the books noticeably improved in writing quality as they went on and why the plotlines and world-building was so inconsistent.

>the daily autism

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Shut up retard

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Wrong Hermione

>you're one post away from making a wmbf thread
>implying that's a bad thing

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Oy vey we can't adapt this

Well, the first Twilight film is the only good one and the overall best in the saga.

She only hates kaffirs because she's a Mormon.

>diversity for the mark of ham
pick uno

>Mormons are racist

Ya don't say?

It’s has more to do with the whole Cullen clan being inserts for people she knew, just like Bella is herself, than her being racist. Also realistically it’s a small town in Washington, only a few Asians would make sense.


Its a movie about vampires its not realistic at all.

>ooga booga wer da wyte wimminz at

>Stephanie (((Meyer)))

most women are not on this level they cave to anything

>Giving this much of a shit about re-written Star Trek fanfiction

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People hate Miles because Miles (as written in the comics) is just terrible, along with his comics. The best thing that happened to that character was Into the Spiderverse, as it forced someone with writing talent to actually do something about the story he was in and his character.

And to be honest, I don’t like that shit because he was a little turd to his dad. His dad bent over backwards for him. And Miles proceeded to just walk over him. If anything makes me dislike a character it’s fucking ungratefulness. I’d rather see a movie about his dad.

Spider-Man PS4 doesn’t count because he’s basically a cameo compared to anyone else. Take him out and nothing changes.

Second, they are in Washington State. The population of black people is naturally low there. Along with England. If you have ridiculous levels of diversity there it takes one out of the setting, especially if you live there. It’s like having something set in the Deep South and 50% of your cast is Asian. It doesn’t make sense.

Also you really think white people want to watch Black-centric films found on BET and the like? I’m sorry, but they’re the equivalent of Hallmark movies for black people. It is shallow “emotional porn,” or rather in this case “ego porn.” And let’s face facts: there is black centric entertainment, you’re just but-hurt that it’s Tyler Perry and the like. If you want change, perhaps suggest that the black controlled shows for black people need to get some class and stop producing shit that makes you look bad and is as shallow as a shot glass. Follow the example of Jordan Peele.

Newsflash: if all you produce is comedy and “thug life” movies as the entertainment you want to see, that’s all the roles you’re getting.

TL;DR: your examples are poor. If you want to see changes in the roles available to black people, stop making so many poor quality ghetto movies for yourselves, and the world will follow suit.

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it's her husbands name you fucking retard, she's a WASP

>And to be honest, I don’t like that shit because he was a little turd to his dad. His dad bent over backwards for him. And Miles proceeded to just walk over him. If anything makes me dislike a character it’s fucking ungratefulness. I’d rather see a movie about his dad.

But he grew from that. It was one of those things where the movie brought him and his father closer together.

It didn't link WTF?
Meant for

I 'm a National Socialist and I unironically agree with what you're saying. A people should have the ability to define and assert their own existence, identity presupposes sovereignty, and media is a tool that should reinforce that idea.
