Go to horror movie with jumpscares

>go to horror movie with jumpscares
>look up all the jumpscares beforehand
>call them out to the audience before they happen

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>going to the movies

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I lol'd


>That jumpscare was so cheap! This horror movie sucks

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"Boo!". Haha!

Congrats you are basically the same level of intellect as a toddler.

"Boo!" H-haha, I wasn't even scared!

Congrats you are basically the same level of intellect as a toddler.

Cringe and yikespilled

seethe harder faggot

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People that hate jumpscares hate that they can't use their ironic detachment to avoid getting scared. That's why they say it's "cheap" because they can't say it doesn't work, so they just say
>ohhh its so easy to do! But playing atmospheric music over nothing happening, that takes hard work!

This actually seems like a legitimately good take, honestly.

Jumpscares aren't scary, they startle you.

Um is there really that significant a difference? When I turn around and there's a person I completely don't expect standing in a door, and I get startled, was I not very briefly scared in that moment?

No one is questioning its effectiveness. You can scare anyone with a jumpscare but that is not horror, it's a thrill. Jumpscares essentially are masturbation, while true (earned) horror is sex. Why put in any effort achieving the latter when the first is so easy to do?

have sex

No, because it was a false alarm. Being in a burning building would be scary.

jumpscares are bottom of the barrel, lowest hanging fruit, cancer

If jump scares are so lame why do I still remember the beaver jump scare from the beginning of Lake Placid, which I saw in theaters, to this very day?

no difference
yes you were. essentially if you could stretch out the feeling of being startled it would be horror

Why yes, I do shit my pants fervently whenever a jumpscare is relayed to the audience, how did you know?

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Based alert

>No, because it was a false alarm
It's a fucking movie. Being scared is an emotional reaction to circumstance. The veracity of danger in a particular situation is irrelevant.

I only hate jumpscares when they're fake. I remember Halloween 5 and H20 having a lot of jumpscares like that.

>faggot director tries to fuck with my body's functions in order to make their shitty horror movie better
>"Heh, not so fast faggot"
>*whip out phone and head to WheresTheJump.com*
>*avoid all jump scares by plugging my ears with popcorn and keeping my eyes super shut*
>"Better luck next time, Five Nights at Film School Dropout!"
>angry horror schlock directors kick their megaphones into the trash and go back to directing their true passion: gay porn

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holy fucking BASED

I only get scared by slow scenes of nothing happening with low pitched music playing underneath because this is real horror unlike jump scares which are fake horror.

No one:
Not a single goddamned soul on Earth:

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first good post I've seen on this board in literal months. Good job user


i appreciate it, good sir.
I would do a shit in my pants, if not for your heroic effort

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>being scared of a movie

>Tell customer I put stevia in their soi chai latte
>it was actually aspartame

haha seriously though it was a pretty mean prank so I stopped him from drinking it and made another one.

dumb samefag

Fuck jumpscares and fuck wypipo.

It's too late, Yea Forums has caught on to the meme, have a pity (You) for this post.

>using this meme
>calling others nu/tv/
good b8, you earned this one

I have no idea what you are talking about.

based and correct

if only every movie was 10 seconds long...


>>go to horror movie with jumpscares
>>look up all the jumpscares beforehand
>>call them out to the audience before they happen
Bitch, I'd get you kicked out so fast. I don't give a fuck. I've gotten families kicked out for being loud fucks. No talking in the movie theater, faggot.

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It's true and you know it!

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>Bitch, I'd get you kicked out so fast
Was this supposed to sound cool?

>Was this supposed to sound cool
Yeah, you seem like the kind of retard that would talk in a movie theater. Probably have your phone out too.

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I absolutely fucking hated the babadook, not because of the story or the lack or horror but I actually despised the characters. the accents were grating and it didnt have a single likeable character. If that movie was indicative of how Australians talk to each other then what a terrible country

>iphone user
Nice self portrait, bucko.

Based, soifaggots will seethe at this

>therefore friggin superior
>haha okay this is based
I say both of these things in my head all the time thanks to you.

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>feels the need to change the file name of an image saved from another thread so that he isn't called a phoneposter
You're a smart guy, aren't ya

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that’s not an iphone file name, this is

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Come on man, you're better than this

I enjoyed your image, OP. and if there's any veracity to your tale, then I bid you: Based

And You are a fag boasting about tattling. That is cringe.


birdshit colored hands typed this post

Learn how to act in public if you don't want to get thrown out, nigger.

I doubt it.


>all this talk about jump scares
What determines if a horror movie is a good is the stuff berween the scare sections. The horror parts of most horror films are 10% of the screen time. Try to name a character from insidious or sinister or any blumhouse film without google.

I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone who has to keep spamming these threads after being BTFO multiple times, I just want it to end

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Holy shit this site actually exists...
