Another one


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It's hilarious to me that Chris Hemsworth thinks he has star power outside of Marvel

I don't think he's the problem desu.

I watched the cam rip and was legitimately shocked at how bad it was.

I mean, the MiB stories were basically all about Will Smith to begin with, but this movie really highlighted how terrible it is without him.

They were all the problem.
Both characters, despite working together in Ragnarok, had like 0 chemistry and the jokes were unbelievably cringe.


He didn't help.

chris can be funny AS a sidekick or a minor role
tessa cant be funny
0% charisma
shitty script

>chris can be funny AS a sidekick or a minor role
Or if they just limit him.
He tried to be Will Smith in this with constant quips and one-liners a la Marvel films, but there was no filter or stop gap straight man (like Tommy Lee Jones was for Will)

This. Plus they tried to sexualize him so fucking much, they literally had no other straws to grasp than “dude he hot” Imagine if they tried doing that on a female lead.

I watched Godzilla today and it wasnt a masterpiece but definitely deserved better than a fucking 40%.

very true, but I also agree with the "kaijuus have few full scenes for themselves"

>let's grab a few actors from MCU and put them in a movie
>everyone loves MCU right!?!?!? they'll love this one too because it's THOR AND VALKYRIE
This fucking world


it's not him behind the roles he gets dummy, it is equal parts a good agent and casting directors pushing this guy they think will make money for their movie. he's probably just happy to get paid.

they had legitimately 0 chemistry in this movie

Good MIB sucked since 2.

Only the first one was really a good movie

i kinda liked the third one in concept, if it wasn't guised as another "whacky hijinks" mib movie i probably wouldve liked it more

Do you think executives pull slips of paper out of a hat or is there some sort of algorithm?

I fully expected this movie to be complete shit as soon as I saw the trailer.

>not even 10 minutes in
>"the '''men''' in black????"
>"ugh, don't even start, trust me, ive had that argument"



they cant help themselves

That is one ugly nose

this is what that made instead of MIB: 23 jump street? mannn

>he's probably just happy to get paid
He's attempted lesser paying movies. He definitely thinks he has what it takes, but maybe he's starting to get the picture.

do the writers of the film even know what "men in black" originally refers to? so fuckin retarded

considering they're probably a bunch of women, fags and cucks i would doubt it.

Does any modern actor carry box office?

And that's honestly probably it.
You'd need like Leo or Hanks to come out and seriously try in a movie to get any full buzz about a non-comic book movie.

outside of marvel flicks? i dont think so

Sherlock holmes movies were pretty successful.

Johnny Depp with the Pirates Movies.

and mortdecai

Keanu Reeves is the last one. I will watch anything with him in it.

i remember while watching the trailers during KotM, they were bagging, hey come watch MiB kek

Whats the plot again?


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movie wasn't that bad desu. I enjoyed it despite the bad directing and pig face with all her weird close ups

i thought it was fucking awful

The last pirates bombed I believe

>they tried to sexualize him so fucking much,
>they literally had no other straws to grasp than “dude he hot”
>Imagine if they tried doing that on a female lead.
Today. Imagine if they tried doing that on a female lead today.
That's every other female led movie in from the late 80s to the mid 2000s


I didn't think it was that bad.