The prequels weren't that bad. The world building was great

The prequels weren't that bad. The world building was great.

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too bad the acting and stories were terrible

Dexter’s Cafe

>rain planet
>lava planet
>city planet
>50s diner

>desert planet
>forest planet
>swamp planet
>snow planet

i can name planets too

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>The world building was great.
It was complete shit.

I really liked the 50s diner on courascant.

where are the threes?

The stories were actually, the dialogue and execution could be awkward at times.
The acting varies but it's better than most people think, particularly Anakin and Palpatine.

ugh stop


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The prequels WERE that bad
But yes, the world-building was (mostly) great

Ainakin was great in 3, but not so much in 2

>he doesn't know about the taxes.

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Did Dex send you here? I heard he serves up galactic secrets along with the frys and milk shakes.

only low IQ redditers think the prequels are bad. They probably like The Force Awakens too.

Why did they redo A New Hope?

No it wasn't. Even if it was, who cares? Story =! setting.

Fuck the haters. The diner worked well with the noir elements of Obi Wan’s storyline.

What do they eat?

Did you know Coruscant has a 5 day week?
4 days working 1 day weekend.

what world building? or do mean buildings cause yeah there were cool buildings

This. George made the prequels as if he forgot everything about the OT that wasn't the Skywalkers.

noir element stop injecting shit that's not there user, it's literally there because Lucas thought it was cool and no one around him told him otherwise

I think it's cool too. So George was right.

Was it? What is it you think worldbuilding is? Having buildings and made up planet names?

haha no its just another stupid idea that makes this galaxy far far away about dumb ass humans


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Reddit, the home of prequel memes?

it helps

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unfortunately that's what most star wars fans think is world building, it's like a lot fantasy worlds, they look cool but don't make a lot of sense

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"Having worlds in it" =/= worldbuilding

Sorry, gotta be real. Courscant would be impossible. A city covered world would have an average ambient temp. of about 375 F.



The only good star wars related media is A new hope, KOTOR and KOTOR 2
Everything else is varying degrees of garbage

Did they live in a painting like Robin Williams in What Dreams May Come?

If a civilization has the tech to cover an entire planet with a city they I am sure they have the ability to manipulate the climate.

I unironically liked the campyness of Attack of the Clones; kinda reminded me of The Fifth Element