Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

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The wife. At least in a game you can't contract venereal.

the wife

The wife

he fucked a polar bear bro

Hold up, wasn't the wife cool with it when he finally told her?

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>cool with it
Obviously not if she gets to cuck him irl now.

Oh yeah, that

The writers.

Polar bears are manhunting and maneating apex predators, they don't fear humans and make grizzly bears look like pussies. So I mean, I can't really blame him for wanting to do that in VR.

Karl was gay as fuck.
The wife was a fucking whore.
Danny was alright, who wouldn't fuck a virtual pom klementieff?

This was the sneakiest gay mind fuck I've I've seen. Imagine hackers. Wanna play madden? Now exit game doesn't work and the entire team is assraping you.

Shit call a sex game a sex game.
I paid for Tekken not sex sim 5

The logistics of it are just fucking retarded.
Why does there need to be sex? How did his penis get hard. They literally simulated and programmed erections and orgasm.
Shit makes no sense. How is that game enjoyable?
People genuinely want to be beaten to death? That seems like a poor selling point
My god what the fuck is wrong with modern entertainment. There's just no universe where suspension of disbelief goes that far.
It's fucking stupid
I mean the whole premise of the plot is fucking retarded

if the episode was legit about 2 guys discovering a sex sim and falling down the rabbit hole of degeneracy as a parallel to the current porn addiction epidemic, it would've probably been kino or close to it. but they did gay fucking shit instead

I'd buy a game where I got to curb stomp people and participate in realistic combat without any of the repercussions.

>Why does there need to be sex?

Have sex and then maybe you would know.

>How did his penis get hard. They literally simulated and programmed erections and orgasm.

It's supposed to be all brain stimulation so you experience all of the sensations without anything physical happening.

way I see it it's just a vehicle to explore the idea of VR sex, it was a dumb choice, but it couldn't have been a sex simulator, they had to discover it by accident, the point of the episode is how they destroy their irl lifes for it

All of them for being niggers.

Neither seemed too cool about it desu. As a matter of fact the wife still seemed upset as she went out to her date or whatever the fuck.

It's subtle anti-natalism propaganda. She resented being a mother, and she's pissed that it took her husband to fagfuck his best friend in a video game instead of her womaning up and cheating on him to get to where she is now.

How retarded are you that you cannot comprehend something that was this simple?
Of course the wife is cool with it and she is not cucking him you mongoloid. It's a mutually beneficial agreement that they both gain from. If she was cucking him the husband would get nothing out of it but he gets to fuck his video game waifu.

The wife clearly showed and mentioned she enjoyed being desired by someone else and the husband enjoys fucking his waifu. It's a mutually beneficial agreement where they both get to indulge in their pleasures on a limited basis no harm no foul.

What if the device is just "inserting" your brain into the various universes of the games? I mean that way you would techinically be able to do whatever you are normally, plus whatever that universe allows.

>Of course the wife is cool with it and she is not cucking him you mongoloid. It's a mutually beneficial agreement that they both gain from.
fuck off cuck

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I'm surprised you guys aren't talking about how this episode subtly tell us black people want to be white yet

The only reason the wife enjoyed someone elses attention was because her husband had been giving her none for months at that point. At the end of the episode the wife doesnt seem happy about their arrangement at all despite the fact she is going out to fuck some random dick

If they're both cucks, doesn't that mean neither are cucks? The wife and the husband

It's really quite sad that you are so brainwashed by dumb memes you cannot even fathom basic human concepts.

The husband was literally cucking his wife throughout the entire episode, for a whole year. They decide if he wants to continue it the wife should be allowed to indulge also and suddenly now he's the cuck? That doesn't even make sense you clearly don't even know what a cuck is or means.
Watch now as you reply in more meme talk.

Not that user but do you seriously not recognize the difference between open relationships and a cuckold one? Is a man who fucks just as many different women as his wife does men still a cuck?

The movie "Us" already explored this concept


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How can I be a cuck if I am a gf-less KHV? Im just pointing out how big of a brainlet you are

Yeah that's kind of the somewhat dark but real message of the episode as most black mirror episodes have.
Relationships, marriages especially are fucking hard. They are never perfect and rarely do you live truly happily ever after. Relationships are about compromises and sacrifices. You have to do and put up with things you do not enjoy to make the other person happy or to make your life tolerable, and it works vice versa for the other person.

The husband started cheating on his wife and it was too good and enjoyable to stop. Either they end up getting divorced and breaking up their family or they try to make it fair and the wife gets to also cheat, essentially an open marriage once a month. The wife will still be unhappy that her husband feels a need to fuck someone else and the husband i am sure does not enjoy knowing his wife is fucking another man, but it's the compromise they both have to deal with so that their relationship and family can survive and they can both be more content.

how can you be straight if you haven't had sex?

anyone wanna log on striking vipers? ill be roxanne

Fucking in a videogame is totally different than real fucking retard. stop posting! go back to your cuck shed.

Post Roxette

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True. Wanna meet up in Striking Vipers?

What is the name of this fatality?

Spoken like a true virgin. Hasn't even learned that sex is equally mental as it is physical.

So you'd be totally cool if your girlfriend was sexting another guy? I mean they're not fucking so it's fine right?

pom is so cute
i wish that was me

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I wish I was Pomroxette and I did that to you

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Would it be gay to fuck your friend missionary while he has you leg locked virtually and you cum deep in his virtual cervix while your heart is beating out of your chest and the sweat is dripping off of your forehead and dripping onto their face and after you both climax you passionately kiss and cuddle for 15 minutes before disconnecting from the game after an awkward goodbye and you take a guilt shower and pretend it never happened until the next time you're both horny if that friend were virtually a girl in the game?

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thanks user


That's a weirdly specific set of things, but let me check.

There were 3 episodes and you guys just have to be obsessed with the gay negro one.

but the possibilities man

Polarbearsexualphobe spotted.

Except i always see threads about the garbage Miley one. Which was easily the worst in this whole shit heap of a "season"

Nobody cares about nogs, its "god i wish that were me" because of this actress straddling the guy

How many threads do we need to make about this? You degenerates are just looking for approval to fuck your homie, right?

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It was more about how video games take males away from their relationships rather than video games make you gay.

When they cum in the matrix, do they cum in real life?

Not if balls don't touch

VR will never ever get to the point where you can actually just straight up enter a new body. Charlie Brooker is a hack.

I wouldn't mind experiencing orgasm like a girl. No homo, just curious how does it feel to be fucked. I'm talking about mind experience, do you remember brain stimulation 'sex' in Demolition Man?

how else do you think they power the very small robots that aren't large enough for human or even baby-sized batteries?

>cum-fueled minibots

That's pretty gay bro.

People who wrote this shit and people who gave it the green light

I was curious about this as well. You never see them jerking on their black peckers. Yet they are very clearly cumming in the game. So are they just hands free cumming into their shorts? Or what the fuck is going on?

This episode reminded of this thing me and a friend of mine used to do this thing when we played games where the loser had to suck the winners penis. You didnt have to do it until the winner came or anything. Just a quick suck or two (and honestly it was usually just ended up being a lick because we didnt want it to be too weird). Anyways it wasnt a gay thing just more a competitive thing. Like incentive to not lose

>Anyways it wasnt a gay thing



Just select a female avatar you idiot


>not fucking your bro like some silly little slut.