I know what it's going to be called

If it's got Tessa Thompson in it, do you know what it's going to be called?


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Is this considered attractive?


She's a premature ejaculator.

she is ugly

holy fucking shit that image is fucking disgusting, that's literally the worst picture of her I've ever seen and that's saying something


plenty of attractive black girls exist but no

did that bitch really cover her hair in electrical tape?

destroyed Westworld too... that went from interesting to dumpster fire the exact moment she appeared

oh yeah?

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why do nigger women try to make themselves less attractive?

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literally no one wanted to see that

we wuz humans in black, nigga

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Nigger of the B O R E D

she looks like she contemplates the riddle of steel upon the tree of woe

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because trying to be attractive is white oppression

She so fucking ugly. And she's a lesbian too right?? Too many masculine genes in her pool. Fucking yuck.

She looks like one of Jabba the Hutt's dancers

I don't even like Trish at all but this is worse than both Fringilla and Yen. Fringilla cause top me she's a non-character and Yen cause she's a child looking poo, but this... This is the most offensive of all to me. Like it's insidious, it's not as in your face as the literal blackening of some super pale chick or a vaguely white looking high caste Indian girl that looks like a child. It's much, much worse, it's this disgusting dead eyed frizzy haired emblem of the 56% meme and someone I've seen people actually defend the casting of and call attractive.

Absolutely fucking terrible. It's the worst of them all for those reasons. Sickening. Like it's just barely in some disgusting bizarro way closer to fitting what she should be than say, Fringilla, so it kind of gets its foot in the door with people. I hate it. I hate it.

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My god...she's...she's beautiful.