It's been a year and a half and I still am absolutely speechless.
It's been a year and a half and I still can't decide what's the stupidest scene in TLJ. There's just too many.
It's been a year and a half and I still am absolutely speechless
Other urls found in this thread:
can YOU use the force to get trips?
Jedis see the future, he knew Kyle was a bad seed
I don't have a huge issue with Luke's brief moment of weakness, no one is perfect, I get it. But I do have a problem with how Luke gives up for so long in exile over this one moment. I get that we all give up, that's normal, but it's not normal to give up for so long, especially for Luke. And while Luke is hiding like a baby, Kylo kills multiple planets, kills Han Solo(Luke's best friend), and the majority of the Resistance is killed, yet Luke still hides, BAKA!
Even Mark Hamill himself pointed out he doesn't understand this.
>I do have a problem with how Luke gives up for so long in exile
>The guy who redeemed Vader? Yeah, him trying to kill his family out of fear of the dark side is totally okay
>I still can't decide what's the stupidest scene in TLJ
Probably the “WTF how did they see us abandoning ship?!”
>I don't have a huge issue with Luke's brief moment of weakness
>Luke Skywalker is a old school mythological hero that always sees the good in people no matter what and managed to partially redeem his child murdering Space Hitler father
>also in final confrontation with his father learned he had the capacity for evil if he was not consciously aware of his emotions
>decides to kill his nephew and son of his best friend because he had a bad dream or something
It’s great writing and definitely not out of character
Luke "Gonna stew my favourite nephew" Skywalker
Luke "No tomorrow for the Solo kiddo" Skywalker
Luke "The Junior Vader Killer" Skywalker
Luke "Nowhere to hide if you're on the Dark Side" Skywalker
Easily the part where Rose says she joined the resistance because of Finn. Cause it makes no god damn sense. She must have been with the resistance prior to Finn joining. Shows how poorly made these movies are.
Probably when Rey and Kylo are force skyping and Kylo doesn't have a shirt on and Rey says, "Umm, awkward....". I think that moment is when I realized there is no God.
The force is FEMALE! get over it sweety.
Probably the only good meme this shitshow spawned (if there are any others to begin with)
Meant to reply to
>old school mythological heroes NEVER become old and jaded
>what is Arthur and Beowulf
You are correct, there are too many. It starts with the opening crawl, namely the ridiculous situation in the galaxy following the events of the already pretty stupid and incredibly boring Force Awakens.
>What was Snoke's tax policy?
>"The First Order reigns" is fucking ridiculous but "There are Heroes on both sides" is ok
If you look at it in the context of the entire series, it's definitely the hyperspace ramming, since that retroactively ruins every other space battle.
If you look at it in the context of just that one movie, it's the scene where Luke sacrifices himself to protect everyone, but then it turns out it was just an illusion so he isn't really dead, but then immediately afterwards he really does die, but for no discernable reason. Like what the fuck was the point of that?
I liked TFA when it came out. Rewatching it brings up some of its flaws, the main one being, no memes, Rey is good at everything, and Han's death is also painful for every SWfag but Harrison wanted out so I can respect that. Despite everything it's by no means unwatchable.
TLJ though... Several major problems I can't even count. Fuck Disney.
Luke the man collapses under the responsibility of Luke the legend, and ultimately Luke the man gives his life so Luke the legend can survive, achieving nirvana and becoming one with the Force, restoring hope to the galaxy and ultimately serving as inspiration for the new generation of Jedi to rise
>but no that's gay I wanted him to flip around and cut up stormtroopers with his lightsaber
Except one is just a stupid line hard for most people to understand, while the other concerns a retarded turn of events following an already retarded turn of events in The Force Awakens.
Let me guess, the story is too hard for you to grasp because you didn't have financial spreadsheets and logistical material charts to justify the First Order's rise? Not enough W O R L D B U I L D I N G for you?
It's been fourteen and a half years and I still am absolutely speechless.
It's been fourteen and a half years and I still can't decide what's the stupidest scene in ROTS. There's just too many.
>Sheev pls help me save Padme
>oh ya ok I know how to do that just kill Samuel L. Jackson for me
>yes master I did it now pls tell me how to save her
>Oh yeah I lied lol I don't actually know how pls go murder children for me
>jawohl mein fuhrer
>prequelfags WILL defend this yet cry that Holdo wouldn't tell Poe the plan
I honestly really thought it was quite stupid and incredibly boring, but I did like one or two scenes, which I can't say for Last Jedi where anything that might be good is undermined by the terrible writing. Force Awakens, I will grant you this at least, did do the job it needed to do: provide a springboard for a new story. The flaws in TFA could've easily been remedied by a well written Episode 8. What we got though obviously cemented all the flaws and destroyed everything beyond repair. Nothing can salvage this shitshow now, nothing but a reboot. Star Wars is the OT, followed by the PT (lesser quality, but ultimately it's still Star Wars), and whatever other good content there is (some of the EU stuff, some games, etcetera).
I'm of the crowd who also enjoyed Rogue One, despited some flaws. Solo I tried watching, turned it off after 5 minutes. It's of course not as offensive or stupid as TLJ, I just can't seem to get into it. In that sense, I'll have to say TLJ is redeemed in one way, the movie is so baffling and so bad, that I was glued to the screen.
>several things I can't even count
was it retardation?
If Kylo wasn't Luke's nephew, I wouldn't mind this scene.
>padme is dead
>well I guess I'll stay evil and serve the guy who lied to me now even though I literally said I can't live without her
you don't make heroes out of fucking white males
Sheev didn't need to know how to save people from death because it was him who was inducing Anakin's dreams, and it was him who drained Padme of her life force. Even in Star Wars, you don't actually die from "a broken heart".
>because it was him who was inducing Anakin's dreams, and it was him who drained Padme of her life force.
nice /rstarwarstheories
Based as fuck. His death is kino.
What? Was this added after the movies came out?
You think it was all a coincidence? The sand niggers kidnapping Shmi was the only actual coincidence that happened to work in Sheev's favor, if he didn't send them himself that is.
>film doesn't show Luke having a premonition of Kylo killing Han
shame Rian didn't watch TFA
TFA is worse than TLJ.
Two people pick up a Lightsaber, one force sensitive and one not, and instantly know how to use it.
Not only that, the Force sensitive one beats a man who's nearing his 30's, trained by Luke Skywalker himself and directly related to Anakin Skywalker. I don't care how hurt he was, unless blood was literally pouring out of him by the gallon he should have won.
Kylo's obsession with powerlevels and lineages is why he lost, dude. If you don't get it, you never will, and you react to that outcome with revulsion because you *are* kylo ren.
She is a mary sue, have babies.
Who cares? These movies are aimed at the kids of dumb fucks and the chinese in general.
It's one of the worst written films I've ever seen. Certainly the worst written in a major franchise for a very long time. It has literally dozens of jarring moments of bad writing, but worse than that the entire premise of the movie from beginning to end is retarded.
We've already had the difficulty of understanding where the fuck the First Order came from and how they grew to be so powerful, in tandem with how the resistance are so small and puny when they defeated the Empire not that long ago.
This movie takes that problem and blows it up - not only are the FO shown to be ridiculously all-powerful in their numbers and resources, the entire resistance is apparently just three fucking ships. That's it.
From the first scene I'm already thinking 'why do they even fucking care? It's three ships.'
You then have to watch 2 hours of the most fundamentally ill thought out premise of a whole fleet of entire giga-mega ships chasing three tiny ships because 'muh fuel' which is just so painfully dumb and difficult to watch. They make so many sacrifices of basic logic in order to make the premise work, rather than scrapping it and realising that it doesn't make any fucking sense.
>If the rebel ships have no fuel and cant go anywhere then why dont the FO ships just hyperspace closer to them
>if there's one enormous flagship that dwarfs the ten or so Star Destroyers - which are already huge - then surely they have about 1000 tie fighters between them?
>no, to make the premise work we can only send three tie fighters and as soon as one is taken out they must retreat
>we need to get Finn and Rey in and out of this situation somehow, so we'll just have them hyperspace to and from the area
>why dont they just keeping doing that and ferry as many survivors as they can between each trip?
what a pathetic post
stop fucking
>It's been a year and you still can't have sex
Digits will confirm.
>lord of the rings fucking sucks, why don't they just fly the eagles to mordor?
>It's been a year and a half and I still can't decide what's the stupidest scene in TLJ.
Luke arbitrarily dying is probably the most annoying because its so pointless and has no dramatic impact. You can see it coming and the whole time you're just thinking, you fucks, you wouldn't, you couldn't be this inept.
Honorable mention goes to the hyperspace ram that obliterates all the lore and renders every space battle in the entire series pointless. They could have just had Admiral feminism overload the reactors and ram the ship without destroying the lore.
>sees the future
>brings about the future he foresaw by trying to prevent it
Nah. Fuck that and fuck you.
That wasn't Luke.
Rian was writing TLJ when TFA was still unfinished. The only shame is like an incompetent woman helm Star Wars. Everything comesdown to this woman and her prepeated mistakes that ended in an industrial scale disaster. Lucascucks will suffer because of her. I predict Disney will disband the company. They'll make SW movies like they make any Disney movie. Lucasfilm has no purpose right now since they don't produce anything of any value.
Have sex. The lot of you.
like father, like son
>I still can't decide what's the stupidest scene in TLJ
What about TFA?
Valid point. And arthurs demise is really fuckin depressing. So if you were going for a depressing movie, well then the writing is on point.
Not that guy but he already destroyed his order and lost just about everything besides his best friend sheev and the empire he helped create. What else did he have?
this scene would've been cringe and you know it
TFA and TLJ are both trash
I still haven't seen the entire movie. I fell asleep within the first hour. I hated it.
Didn’t Old Bawolf slay a dragon and become a king after the whole Grendel saga?
>This is literally the plot for Revenge of the Sith
The prequels are masterclasses in comedy. The sequels are just meh and cringe.
Oh man. Trying to kill your nephew instead of turning him to the light like you did with your OWN FUCKING FATHER. At that point in time Ben hadn't killed anyone. And Luke decides to kill him because of a feeling? The man that found the good in Darth Vader, of all people, can't find it within himself to even talk to Ben first. The son of his best friend and his sister. Good job Rian. brava brava!
Do not have sex.
Doesn't work for Star Wars faggot. It's a movie vs actual epics from history. You can't compare Luke to someone like Hercules who killed his wife and kids or something. There's an ocean between how stories used to be told and the way they are told now, especially in cinema. You can't have luke do that with such a poor reason.
Okay but would it be possible to hyperspeed ram another ship? What in the lore says they can't do that? If they can't why can't they? And if they could, what's the problem with the scene? Was it how much damage it was able to do, or something else?
KotOR2 is TLJ-level of crap.
*distant That's So Raven theme*
Brainlet detected.
Yeah, why didn't he just kill himself?
It's been a year and a half and people still don't understand that this was Kylo's dumbass force vision, not the real event.
There is nothing wrong with lineages and training for power. JJ Abrams confirmed Kylo only lost because Rey had a Mary Sue powerup anyway.
While she was really excited about him for no reason, she never says she joined the resistance because of Finn. They imply she and her sister have been with them for a while.
in both events Luke went there to kill him and Drew his saber. It's only in kylos Vision that Luke was all crazy eyed and swung at him. In Luke's version he still ignites the saber with the intent to kill him, but then turns the thing off. It doesn't change the fact that Luke shouldn't have done those events in the first place at all
I’ve seen these same explanations in the thread over and over again, with the exact same wording.
Explain this
In the movie, Luke makes it clear that it was his own hubris that clouded his mind. He was projecting on Ben to be this perfect Skywalker heir and he himself to be the most perfect Jedi Master so it's almost like he didn't want to see the signs that were probably there. He even says he'd seen it in moments during his training, but he didn't realize how bad it was.
He clearly didn't want to face the reality and that's why he snuck into his room at night. He was a coward. He coudln't confront him directly during waking hours because he wanted to believe he wouldn't have to. One quick look while he's asleep will clear everything up.
Someone answer this.
>Luke the man collapses under the responsibility of Luke the legend
Word salad
>and ultimately Luke the man gives his life so Luke the legend can survive
How did his useless death contribute to his legend, especially after he caused the whole fucking war
>achieving nirvana and becoming one with the Force
I e he died except in a worse way than Ben Kenobi
>restoring hope to the galaxy and ultimately serving as inspiration for the new generation of Jedi to rise
Who is telling this story. The rebels? There’s only a dozen left and nobody wants them alive, nobody helped them and the republic is dead. Is the First Order telling this story? How is this story inspiring? What restores hope, that the last jedi alive is now dead?
Spreadsheets would be nice, though I'd settle for just being told what the First Order even is to begin with.
The only "real event" is that Luke did think about and try to Kill Ben, even if only for a second.
Luke straight up lied in his version and Kylo's version is his real experience of it, so he wasn't lying he just didn't' have all the facts.
Luke is 100% in the wrong here and failed Ben and he himself even says this and apologizes to him. Anyone defending Luke's actions at all hasn't watched the movie.
Rose didn't join because of Finn. Her and her sister joined because the FO forced them to work in mines or something.
>I heard you like big ships
you know it's true
TFA, TLJ, GoT S8, where does it end? This shit writing spoiling great franchises, it's like a plague.
>I tried to kill Kylo based on a vision of him being evil in the future
>Therefore I need to go into hiding and not do anything when he actively becomes evil and starts murdering people
Apathy is death
Intelligent argument there.
I miss him
>Axe Murderer Luke
>Force Skype calls
>senile ghost yoda burning books
>Snope jobbing to Rey
>Admiral SJW being infallable
>fat ugly asian kamikazing the black dude
>fat ugly asian and black dude share a kiss
>Captain Fantasm being absolutley useless
>Flying super leia
>Luke dying for the sole purpose of not being around to take any more attention from literally who stars in the squequel
>I don't have a huge issue with Luke
That was Jake. Get it right.
They are magic eagles. They are like their own race/faction and the eagles wanted to stay neutral as possible
that would have been even worse
we already saw Qui gan having trouble cutting thru the blast doors in Ep I The hull of a star destroyer would be 10x as thicc
Holy shit move on with your life. It was a shit movie, theres tons of them. Why does this one encapsulate so many peoples entire personality? Why are there guys out there who make careers on talking about a movie they don't like? I'm fuckin sick of hearing about this thing.
Both of these unironically
How would having like a 0.5 meter deep cut destroy such a huge ship? Surely its armor is thicker than that?
Why did Han and Leia name their son Ben if Leia knew him as Obi-Wan and Han didn’t really know him at all?
No wonder it was rejected even in TFA.
Not that guy but there's tons of reasons. The Ring is a super corrupting evil ring which would likely affect the super proud eagles. There's the Eye of Sauron. There's the Nazgul and more.
Fuck off, Eric
How about this?
Let's not forget my absolute favorite part, where the FO stupidly decide to shoot their timed-recharge mega guns at the deserted, immobile rebel base instead of the fleet ships that are literally in the same frame and poised to escape, while also stupidly falling for Poes prank call and giving him time to disable the dreadnoughts defenses instead of scrambling fighters right off the bat, only for Leia to stupidly demote Poe for leading a mission that endangered the lives of the bomber pilots despite the fact that Leia approved the plan herself
>training for power
right, because Luke's story arc was about grinding for experience points so he could be the super duperest most powerfulest badass ever.
Stop getting the EU confused with real Star Wars.
Because what's the point of all the gay little space lasers if they can just make light speed torpedos and destroy any capital ship instantly?
The whole Kylo arc would have worked fine if Luke just cast him out of his new Jedi Order in said moment of weakness, which is a much more consistent action given his character than contemplating murdering his best bud's son. It also sort of calls back to when the Jedi initially resisted training Anakin, like poetry.
>Luke's brief moment of weakness
Bro he took time out of his day to walk up to Kylo's room, read his mind and pull out his strap. That's more than a moment of weakness.
Furthermore if you're going to show him contemplating the death of his nephew, at least walk us through how he can change from Mr. Redemption in Ep 6 to Minority Report in Ep 7.
>at least walk us through how he can change from Mr. Redemption in Ep 6 to Minority Report in Ep 7.
Why do you people always ignore that he almost murdered Vader when his friends were threatened?
Luke watched the prequels in-between trilogies, saw how the Jedi Order were destroyed from within by one of their own and saw that another Vader had been created right under his nose. Billions would die because of this kid - and just like with Vader, he panicked and almost did something horrible, but he caught himself before he followed through with it. In this case, though, the temptation alone was enough to cause disaster which is why Luke feels it's best he just removes himself from the conflict entirely.
Have sex
>Why do you people always ignore that he almost murdered Vader when his friends were threatened?
Not that guy but it was far more than that. The entire rebellion was getting anally raped before his eyes by either the fleet or the death star and he was aware that an entire legion of the emperor's finest troops were on the forest moon of endor. He has no idea that the ewoks have saved the strike team and that the shield generator was minutes before being turned off. In spite of coming into the emperor's throne room thinking everything's alright and later discovering everything's fucked, he still hesitated to even attack the emperor. There's way more than a threat to his friends, there's everything in his life going wrong at the same time elsewhere too.
>In this case, though, the temptation alone was enough to cause disaster which is why Luke feels it's best he just removes himself from the conflict entirely.
Apathy is Death.
The "battle" on the salt planet was entirely unnecessary, they should have just ended it after the lore-breaking kamikaze move
>Apathy is death
You know the point is that Luke was wrong, right? Like, you do understand that the movie isn't actually arguing that Luke should have run off?
Or are you just a pretentious pseud who thinks he's deep like every other dipshit who pretends to understand Kreia?
Triple GET
Isn't this Luke's natural instinct though? The whole dilemma in RotJ is that Obi Wan and Yoda are telling him he must confront and defeat Vader, and that if he doesn't, the galaxy is fucked and the Emperor wins. Luke says he can't kill his own father, and Obi Wan says
>more machine now than man, twisted and evil
So it's not as if Luke viewed killing Vader as some horrible thing EXCEPT for the fact that he's his father. And Obi Wan's perspective is that Darth Vader isn't even his father anymore. Obi Wan and probably Yoda would have been perfectly fine had Luke just killed Vader and the Emperor, but Luke wanted redemption.
It doesn't make sense for Luke to just run and hide after pulling his saber on Ben when he's been through almost this exact same dilemma before, and pulled off the feat of not only defeating evil, but redeeming it.
>It doesn't make sense for Luke to just run and hide after pulling his saber on Ben when he's been through almost this exact same dilemma before, and pulled off the feat of not only defeating evil, but redeeming it.
In this case, Luke is, in his mind, the DIRECT cause of Ben's fall. He had his chance, and he failed. When he was supposed to show the most wisdom and guidance to his troubled nephew, he instead panicked and pulled a lightsaber on him while he slept. He can't forgive himself for what he's done and feels that Luke's Skywalker's involvement will only make things worse - because what kind of hero would do something like that?
I really hate the "dae JAKE skywalker xDDDD" meme because this is L I T E R A L L Y what is going on in Luke's head in the actual movie.
Samefagging here, but in the throne room Vader literally says
>You cannot hide forever Luke
And he eventually gets Luke to emerge by threatening to turn Leia to the dark side.
So why would Luke literally go and hide forever when he can see Ben is going to go to the dark side?
>He can't forgive himself for what he's done and feels that Luke's Skywalker's involvement will only make things worse - because what kind of hero would do something like that?
But isn't that much less worse than Luke's experience of beating Vader down, slicing off his hand, seeing Vader's robotic stump, and then looking down at his own mechanical hand that Vader had cut off? While the Emperor cackles behind him and tells him to finish the job? Luke should be very in charge of his emotions after that, not just
>whoa I thought about killing my best friend and sister's evil son, I'm so horrible, I will go hide
When that happened in RotJ, Luke stood defiantly before the Emperor, he didn't run to the elevator.
he showed great moral strength and redeemed vader in his 20s and became a lame hermit coward in his 30s and thereon. If you don't think this makes sense you must be like 25 nigga
a prodigious talent becomes a shit deluded retard
hmm anyone ever heard of that happening?
>*the echo of a voice* ...poetry
yes there was one
I think literally the only time Leia and Han heard the name Ben was when Luke shouted it out after watching Vader kill him
This makes sense. Luke is just fucking tired, he thought he beat the ultimate evil once and for all as a young man, then as he's approaching 40 his own nephew and pupil, who's also the grandson of Anakin, is destined for the dark side. It broke his spirit.
The Jedi are all incredibly stupid and think they're smarter then they really are.
Arguing the points of TLJ and even TFA is pointless, when the whole concept of the sequel trilogy is planned parenthood's aborted fetus
From start to finish with what we've seen so far. Big waste of fucking time. Movies won't be remembered as fondly as the OT and will never get redeemed like the PT has
I might have watched the first two new entries maybe less than 3 times each.
They don't even have the same atmosphere and style that the first 6 has.
Look at the new Mad Max or 2049. Both new entries to popular franchises. And they both have the same feel the others had and expanded on it
Everybody in the world had the greatest ideas on what Ep 7 was gonna be. And everyone decided to abandon the idea of making a true sequel that challenged the fabric of reality that is Star Wars and instead, they tried to fill it in by the numbers, routine as business to hit all the notes that needed to be hit. And make the share holders happy.
Remember that Super Shadow from '05 or some shit who was a mega larper claiming he was best friends with Lucas and had early drafts of the new ST?
HIS fucking fake ideas were better than the shit we got
What was one of his episode titles, Champions of the Force? Shit load better than any of the half baked ones they've put out
Arthur and Beowulf fell on tragic times, but immediately rose to their challenges and smacked down the threat as soon as the opportunity arose. You have no idea what you're talking about.
>They don't even have the same atmosphere and style that the first 6 has.
what the fuck are you smoking, nigger? The OT was shot on location with real sets giving it an atmospheric, lived-in retro future aesthetic and feeling. the prequels were shot on sound stages in front of blue screens lmao. You're just using a vague unfalsfiable platitude because FUG DIDNEY xDDDD
>Mad Max or 2049
Dude, Fury Road looks NOTHING like the the first two movies. Mad Max 1 is basically just a cop drama, Road Warrior is a very gritty post-apocalyptic film, Fury Road is basically a bombastic cartoon.
And so did Luke. It took some prodding and pushing, yeah, but Luke was never the hypermasculine epic badass the EU and video games made you think he was
They wanted Luke to be in exhile like Obi and Yoda because they literally can't come up with their own story. Since the reason for Obi Wan and Yoda's exhile can't apply to Luke they had to come up with their own reason.
Which is why it's a dumb reason that doesn't make any sense.
What a disingenuous little shit you are. It's not about being Luke not being a hypermasculine badass, it's about shitty characterization.
>It took some prodding and pushing
He retreated for several years while the universe went to shit, his friends died, and everything he'd ever worked for fell to pieces. That's not "character growth." It's a fucking ridiculous leap from Luke's OT character with virtually no plausible steps in-between. It was an awful creative choice and an extremely poorly executed one at that.
>He retreated for several years while the universe went to shit, his friends died, and everything he'd ever worked for fell to pieces.
You know he wasn't aware any of this was happening, right? Yet I'm the disingenuous one?
For you
formerly chuck
All it means is that Kreia is right.
It really is. Also it's the only scene in the movie to cash in on Adam's world class deadpan delivery.
>I don't want to do this right now.
>Yeah me too.
>decide to train slave boy from middle of fucking nowhere
>get told it's a bad idea by council
>even Yoda can't see his future
>makes padawan promise him he'll train the boy instead
I guess Qui Gon decided to sacrifice the entire jedi order plus Alderaan just to have Anakin be a jedi.
>What is sunken cost fallacy.
Anakin's entire life is "oh fuck I guess I gotta go all in now and hope for the best" because he's a fucking retard who was desperate. Nothing worked out and all his friends are dead, plus Sheev now owns the galaxy. He was too afraid and had nowhere to go, so he just decided to live it up.
God Yea Forums just kept on giving during the release week and leaked footage. Here’s to episode 9 being even more of a fucking train wreck
You're a fucking retard.
The future always existed, Luke didn't kill generic emo faggot character number 32 because Jedi do not murder.
Kylo was always evil and the writers are retarded.
>there is no God
What are you talking about user? God did all that just to spite you specifically.
Why didn't they all take escape pods? I mean Finn and Rose fucked off the Space Vegas and no one even bothered to follow them
>Harrison wanted out so I can respect that.
Why not just NOT hire that old fossil?
>You know he wasn't aware any of this was happening, right?
Not that guy but not only is that his own fault for cutting communications but what would he expect to happen? His ex-apprentice just burned the place to the ground and left. It's like if a dangerous terrorist just escaped captivity with a bunch of other convicts. At minimum, he'd have some clue that something bad will happen at some point in time.
Vice Admiral Gender Studies being a cunt is what led into all the pointless shit like Canto Bight. If she just told Poe the plan the movie would be 45 minutes shorter and 45% less retarded.
>He wasn't aware of any of this happening
He's a Jedi. They sense things like that all the goddamn time, all throughout the series. Even in that same stupid-ass movie, he fucking psychically projected a perfect, physically sound image of himself across the known universe. How the fuck was he unaware of this? Obi-Wan could detect Alderan getting blown up, but Luke didn't sense any of what happened in TFA? He could psychically communicate with Leia, but he couldn't tell when his best friend was murdered by his own son? TLJ is an amateurish hack job written by a pretentious faggot who was using Star Wars as a platform for ego-stroking SUBVERSION.
TLJ was garbage from start to finish.
>disney cucks the straight white male protagonist who has always been wholesome and good, and a beacon of light in the universe
you all still pay them money and talk about Star Wars
Please name any scene or line that indicated that this is what happened
Wow, I didn't realize it was possible to be this much of a fuckin retard
I am in accordance.
Is one of the most retarded comments I've ever seen in my life.
The first thing to really get me, the stupid opening crawl and the nonsensical quipy battle beforehand are minor annoyances in comparison, is when Finn comes across rose in the bowels of the ship and the conversation goes:
They tracked us through hyperspace! That's impossible! I know! It must be experimental new tracking technology then! But if it is it must still work like old tracking tech! I was a janitor on snoke's 60 kilometer flagship and know its exact layout because I sweeped the experimental new tracking device room I didn't know even existed moments before so I can get us there! And I am a lowly mechanic with no way of knowing how this never seen before technology works but I can disable it anyway!
Just, fucking what? They not only blow past all other possible answers and skip to experimental new tech immediately, not only ignore that it very much is possible to track ships through hyperspace, it happens in the first ever goddamn star wars film, not only assume that despite being new and never seen before tech it MUST still work like old trackers, but Finn somehow retroactively knew of this thing's existence and where it is exactly on a ship the size of a metropolis despite moments before agreeing with rose that it is indeed impossible to track ships through hyperspace AND rose conveniently has the know-how on how to disable it. Asspulls, a string of plot conveniences, baseless assumptions, plot holes, and logical fallacies all blasting by us at record pace in a single conversation, delivered through some cringy dialogue, and the film says they're totally right! That IS how it works, they just got caught before they could do it.
And for what? For the plan to fail in the end? But not fail because they were wrong, fail because they got caught. This conversation is why that pointless sidequest happens and why rose lectures Finn, an ex-child slave soldier, on the finer points on slavery and greed.
To me it exemplifies everything wrong with nu-wars.
>Why didn't they all take escape pods?
Because Rose was tasering people who were trying to.