Has Dan or Dave done a single interview since the final episode aired?

Or has ANYONE associated with the show had the balls to admit how bad the final season was?

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This year's comic-con would be hilarious and cathartic as fuck if it wasn't full of basedboy fans who are desperate to pretend that the final season was good. It would be great to see fans asking endless "why did x do y when z was already established" questions and seeing the actors uncomfortable. But no the whole thing will be a massive circlejerk about how great the cast and fans are, and D&D are too cowardly to show up again.

It's been bad since Season 5, Thrones fans are so fucking dumb.

Varys' actor trashed the show, saying seasons 6/7/8 were all shit because DnD don't understand the characters. He was furious at DnD though because they fucked him out of his "thank you" farewell dinner and gave him no indication when/how he was being killed. I'm sure somebody has the webm of his reaction when he learns he's getting killed. Fuck DnD though, they treated everybody like shit and took all the credit.

It’s kind of rude to grill the actors. It’s not their fault the show sucked so bad.

This. There's actually a video of him throwing away the script in front of everybody in the group reading.

>cathartic as fuck
Spoken like a bäsëdboy that watches Comic-Con panels on youtube.

>There's actually a video of him throwing away the script in front of everybody
Autism speaks.
He put down the script after finishing his final line. What was he supposed to do?

Retard watch it again, he physically pushes the script away from himself and is quietly seething to the point that his eyes tear up

As soon as they dropped the Tysha plot in the S4 finale, they were on the road to destruction. They had already gone goofy with shirtless Ramsay, and dropping fAegon later on arguably did the most damage to the story, but this was the first incontrovertible sign.

>wahhh I wanted Jon to get in an EPIC XD sword battle with the Night King! (even though the latter was never shown to be a swordsman, and wields a fucking glorified ice sickle)
>wahhh I wanted Dany to have a Breaking Bad villain arc where her villainry is painfully shoved into viewers' faces instead of showing us that sometimes people who call themselves saviors and redeemers are actually fucking liars

Nobody cares about your GoT hate bandwagon that originated on faggy echo chambers like R.eddit. Season 8 was based, and Dany's anti-heroine arc showed normies the true nature of women.

Attached: daenerys-targaryen-in-game-of-thrones-season-7.jpg (1200x900, 72K)

>he physically pushes the script away from himself
“He sets the script down”
>is quietly seething to the point that his eyes tear up
Based autist

I’m not disagreeing that he’s not visibly disappointed, but saying he “threw away the script in front of everybody” is being a melodramatic little bitch

Attached: e92.jpg (1280x1267, 110K)

Why would they have a comic con panel if the show is over?

nah, son. i watched every season with an open mind and avoided social media like the plague while they aired. even those who say its been shit since season 5 I’ve somewhat disagreed with. definitely felt like a drop in quality but I still enjoyed the show. I was apprehensive about S7 but I actually thought it was okay too despite some character choices. But S8 was the only season that every episode felt wrong. every single one. when i finally came back to Yea Forums all of my criticisms were already being talked about. it’s an objectively massive drop in quality. the last season is shit because the writers just didn’t give a fuck about the show. They were more concerned with epic tweests and subversions than doing justice to characters and tying together plot points. subversion only works if it works with everything else.


Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

OP *desperately denies the success of the most popular and financially successful TV show of all time*

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This, hating the last GOT is reddit, watching the latrine flies on there attempt literary criticism is absolutely hilarious

Attached: 5A830B6E-3DA8-4E48-BE7D-3D6C680DD5A1.jpg (594x582, 40K)


>popularity and financial success have anything to do with artistic worth
I take it you're a fan of the Kardashians?

>fucked him out of his "thank you" farewell dinner

Was this something they did for everyone else?

>>ice sickle

season 5 was never going to be as good as S4, but it was still pretty good, aside from how fuckin boring Mereen and the sons of the harpy plot was. S6 was ok? Bran doing fuckall with his warg powers, and the Iron Fleet being big enough to be split in half and still be significant help to both Dany and Cersei was retarded tho.

Idk how it translated from the books, but Euron just knocking together 1,000 ships should take like 15 years

On an island famous for having no trees at all? Slightly longer than 15 years.

zoomies i swear

Do you think they knew the reaction would be this bad? Or did they actually hoped that people would be impressed by the final twist?

Attached: RT audience score.png (776x517, 157K)