What the FUCK was his problem?
What the FUCK was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
No-one likes fatties
just wanted friends
This is either young Guilfoyle or that kid from Eerie, Indiana
"I've had enough, Yea Forums."
jimmy was based
nerd shirt and glasses turn chad hockey hair into incel's rebellious hair
Based rostie murderer
>terri in hospital
>next season she is literally never mentioned again
Yeah. They totally killed her off.
why though? and they shouldve literally killed her off instead of recovering in the hospital. and why the fuck did rick come back? nobody liked that fag anyway. god this show is so dumb sometimes.
She was a pretty worthless character.
I liked the rick saga it was pretty intense and dramatic
yeah like half the cast at any given moment. im on season 7 right now and none of these people do anything. and the lakehurst tards are annoying. RIP JT
me too. season 4 was nice and depressing.
Was this nigga really a blood?
This asshole flipped out and poored a beer over his head and was never funny even when he got killed. He was supposed to be the funny guy. Fuck this dude.
t. toby
Whatever dude. At least Toby tried to do shit like join the wrestling team and cut weight like an achiever who was making an effort. JT fucked up his chance with Manny, Liberty and ended up with some blown-out single mother in goddamn highschool. I'd cash in my chips too if I were such a fucking worthless scab. Fuck JT. Fuck jannies.
I know it was trying to be like an after school special but god damn. Other teen dramas might have some cheating or sex drama, some drug stuff, maybe some crime, this fuckin show every character down to the dweebiest girl had an std, criminal record, sex with multiple partners, was bisexual, almost died, most ridiculous show ever
at least mama mia was cute. liberty was fucking hideous and manny is garbage. jt was a tard though. think thats why i could identify with him. spinner too.
Manny was a dime when she slutted it up. Mia had way too much baggage for a 17 year old kid like JT who has the world ahead of him but he just stuck with her. Liberty wasn't much to look at but she was smart (even though she had dyscalculia and nearly got gym teachers fired on molestation allegations).
JT was the worst character on that show. I unironically prefer Rick. Rick was supposed to be unlikable, and nobody liked him. JT was supposed to be funny, but nobody was laughing.
liberty was way more unlikable than jt. and i honestly felt bad for rick after everybody started bullying him.
If you leave your girlfriend a braindead vegetable I think you deserve to be bullied. Rick deserved it.
Liberty was the weird book girl who was annoying and way too self-assured for her own good. She was supposed to be unlikable. Just because you don't want to hang out with a character doesn't mean they're bad characters. Liberty was actually pretty well-developed throughout the series. She was humbled, ended up being a whore after she rebelled a little like a proper weird book girl, and absorbed positive reinforcement from authority figures like a sponge.
JT was supposed to be funny, ended up being a drug addict, and then ended up being stabbed. There's no common thread of a core character there. There's a reason his actor wanted written off.
God Manny was so hot
>If you leave your girlfriend a braindead vegetable I think you deserve to be bullied. Rick deserved it.
she wasnt a vegetable. i agree he deserved to be bullied by they went too far.
>Liberty was the weird book girl who was annoying and way too self-assured for her own good. She was supposed to be unlikable. Just because you don't want to hang out with a character doesn't mean they're bad characters. Liberty was actually pretty well-developed throughout the series. She was humbled, ended up being a whore after she rebelled a little like a proper weird book girl, and absorbed positive reinforcement from authority figures like a sponge.
Never said she was bad just unlikable.
>JT was supposed to be funny, ended up being a drug addict, and then ended up being stabbed. There's no common thread of a core character there. There's a reason his actor wanted written off.
That sucks. I actually did like him when he was younger but then he turned into some thirsty fag with mia and idk. It's like they didn't know what to do with him but still wanted him in the show unlike toby who basically just went to being a background character.
Didn't Rick break her spinal column and put her in a coma or some shit? It's been a while since I seen Ben & Terri's take a cinder block to the base of the spine. I forget what the aftermath of that was.
Fuck you we're watching that episode.
yeah she was in a coma one day and the next episode just acted like she never existed.
according to the wiki
>In the season 4 episode, Mercy Street when Paige hears that Rick is coming back to Degrassi, she says that Terri transferred to a private school and still communicates with her via instant messaging. Rick is bullied because of what he did to Terri in season 3. In the Season 4 deleted scenes section, Marco and Alex confront Mr. Raditch regarding the return of Rick. They later remind Mr. Raditch that Terri's absence was because of the transfer to another school based on fear.
He shot Jimmy. He’s a hero in my book.
The biggest roastie as far as my memory is telling me. Were there worse than her? Also:
>tfw Spinner was the best character on the show
Manny was one of my first ever crushes. I was in love with that delicious woman
>get raped
>force peter to fuck you
>act like a cunt all the time
What was wrong with Darcy? She was a little prudish and I think she wore a promise ring or some shit. I dunno, she was fine.
>Spinner was the best character on the show
do you have proofs?
>manny is garbage
Imagine being this wrong
>get snake fired because he wouldnt fuck you
Holly J is best girl.
>dumpy slutty 4/10 brown bitch
>not garbage
kys miguel
The fuck? This show had more twists and turns than I remember. I forget when I stopped watching. The fuck though? How do you go from church girl to a predator like that?
Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong character.
I had a huge crush on her
That's what happens when a girl gets a taste of the dick. It fundamentally changes them.
Church girls are just one pin prick away from a maelstrom of crazy.
>is a Tolkien fag
>remembering her being a church girl, like 5% of her character development
>not remembering literally everything else she does after getting some D, the other 95% of her character
She was such a roastie I don't even know where to start. is a pretty good idea of how she starts acting though.
Also Spinner played drums and fugged Emma. He's pretty cool in my book
yeah wtf he could've hurt someone when he caused that earthquake
Spinner was always a bro.
actress wanted out so they just let her go
not bad Holly j should be goddess tier if fucking jade is though also I unironically like Darcy's kid sister she a cute in the later seasons
Spinner had a learning disability which is Canadian for functional retardation.
Sean was a cool guy though. He liked motors and never did nobody dirty.
>my brain has filtered out literally everyone in the last two tiers and I have no clue who they are
Based brain saving space for top tiers like Emma
The earlier seasons were so much better than the later seasons. Did anyone actually give a shit about any of the characters in the later seasons? It's zoomer-tier trash compared to the original characters
poor peter dude starts selling meth or something in the later seasons who where a fan of sean and his deafening kids in one ear?
Anybody actually liked Peter?
fucking degrassi but I DID JACK off like crazy to anya even though she was getting pajeeted
>that Kevin Smith special episode
wtf was that shit did he really do that just so he could make out with his first crush? did he do it for his daughter?
Looking back that was a very strange time on the show. Especially with Jay there as well
Weirdest was when they tried following some of the cast at university whilst having some at highschool and it didn't fly at all. I think they gave up after a season. Then I think there was a private school and they tried to make it like Gossip Girl with a bunch of posh snobs even though Degrassi was always a working/middle class school?
They really went off the rails after the TNG crew graduated.
which episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark was this?
The private school was there to introduce the two new rich characters joining the cast/enrolling in Degrassi. They were both based characters btw
well yeah it started in like 2010. zoomy shit.
Zoomers can't handle The Degrassi Formula. They want all flash and polish. Degrassi can't handle flash and polish.
Degrassi: The Next Class flopped harder than Terri on a cinder block.
Why did Degrassi: Next Class fail?
>Zoë worries that no one will accept her for being gay, so she turns to one person she feels will understand, her father. Meanwhile, Hunter fights back after his gaming club is shut down for misogynistic content while Frankie continues to struggle with finding herself.
>listing any girls past like season 6
fuck off, zoomer
>tranny and genderfluid characters
im glad it got cancelled
Was Ellie cute, uglycute or ugly?
This was his gf...
this show llel
They clearly built up Paige in the early seasons to be the hot girl, but by the time she was around 16 they realized that wasn't happening.
Fapped desu
Kek. They had no idea. Same with Emma. Who knew she would turn out to be such a babe?
>mfw degrassi the next generation is unironically one of my all time favorite shows
>mfw I watch it every year
Spinner is best boy, Emma is best girl. It only makes sense that they'd get married.
Girls aren't this hot anymore.
If this were today Manny would have a huge ass, 20 gallons of makeup, and 4 different shades of brown/blonde hair.
>Canadian Adam
She was never hot
He had no problem. As the theme song goes:
Ok, faggot.
degrassi high was the best. fuck zoomers.
Better than porn, unironically