What movies examine women’s true nature as hypergamous, unloyal...

What movies examine women’s true nature as hypergamous, unloyal, lying sluts rather than the Hollywood portrayal as empathetic and kind caregivers?

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Dont fuck BPD having bitches. Sadly, that's a gigantic chunk of them.

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It's not. Just the ones you attracted and are attracted to, which means you have issues to deal with. Get with it.

how many threads about this have you made today

I'll add that BPD's don't automatically cheat. I've known very faithful ones.

didn't eminem call this girl a snide slut too?

>No you
You forget your seroquel dose, bitch?

eminem was right.

God I wish that was me.

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>it’s an incel thread

Isn't she like 50 now?

>if you’re not a perpetually butthurt inception you must be a sóyboy


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My gf is richer than me, moved to me across countries, and stayed with me (and funded everything) while I was a NEET for a whole year. And she's good looking too.
Lucky me.

>just put the entire story in the headline bro

How the fuck can you tell? It’s not like they come with a ICD-10 label on them. Once you notice the symptoms you’re already deep down in the relationshit

Yeah im sure she is the pinnacle of mental health

Imagine being one of the richest australians and getting cucked by a tiny spic lol

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that spic is pretty based honestly

She is. Great family too. Thanks for asking.

Pretty based.

No problem mate, I hope you two are happy! :)

I didnt ask retard, i was inferring

Why the fuck would you care about Mariah Carey's sex life lmao. Anyone who met her says she's a looney that's on so much medication she can barely move her head or understand where she even is.

There are definite red flags. Wanton alcohol consumption being the biggest.

50 and wants to fuck. Perfect opportunity for a no-shame having young man to get some money.

How'd you meet her?

I don't think it makes any difference to her anyway.
Is a compulsion to fuck any dick when she feels like it.

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>i'm fucking around now, brian

>How the fuck can you tell?
aggressively sexual/touchy/flirty
arthoe look
has "fallen out" with several friends
keeps non-gay male "friends" around
fake high-pitched voice

no it means they were successful at fooling you, retard.

Extreme luck and a dating website.

>I've known very faithful ones.

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he is making it up

And I was turning your rude comment on its head, Einstein.

Disregard my last comment, I suck cocks.

You seem very jealous.

How fat is she?