What was the episode they finally jumped the shark ?
What was the episode they finally jumped the shark ?
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the one with the lesbians in the 80s because there was no twist or moral or anything interesting at all about it
like fuck you could've explored the aspect of the uploaded version of yourself not really being you and therefore utterly pointless or one of the girls could've deleted themselves and left the other there for eternity or something fucking hell happy endings in a show like this are stupid especially when they aren't earned
also they already did the same concept 5 times prior
the quality of the writing honestly bothered my from episode 1
> "Mr. Prime Minister, you have to fuck a pig on tv to save the princess!"
> "No"
San Junipero was the death knell for this show. Totally shit episode that worthless faggots praise for dyke shit.
>the one with the lesbians in the 80s because there was no twist or moral
you're a retard
do you mean to defend the episode?
the first one produced by Netflix
what if things aren't as they appear and some things have unforeseen consequences, that would be crazy, huh?
wtf happened holy shit? what a horrible season
It was a good episode but not black mirror worthy. The guy version is episode 1 of the newest season.
>also they already did the same concept 5 times prior
honestly I can't recall lots of episodes yet at that point I feel that every concept has alreay been done to nausea
>the one with the lesbians in the 80s
what are u some anti american russian? fuckoff idiot
when it was acquired by netflix, so season 3
>not black mirror worthy
it's one of very few episodes that are actually good
Season 3 Episode 1
I didn’t say it was good. It was a good episode I agree, but didn’t follow the black mirror genre.
no, you're just a retard.
>no moral
Are you upset because you found a moral in it, or because you're an overgrown teenager who has disowned morality? I don't get what you're saying.
so would u? or would u let ur daughter die? fucking idiots dont even know how to watch tv
the first one
No it isn't. The episodes coasts off of pseudo-nostalgia for the over-bearing 80s aesthetic and the female-on-female romantic pairing for pride points, with both factors feebly attempting to mask its dull narrative and fundamental lack of the dark, socio-psychological satire that made Black Mirror at least a little distinctive.
Wasn't his daughter.
so youd let her die? what a horrible president youd be ousted in a week after that
If you hate san upilero then by extension you should hate white christmas because that's pretty much an edgier version of the concept, where the same type of technology is used for nefarious purposes.
I would not fuck a pig for the life of some thot. Be my fucking guest, though.
it clearly had a moral
>pseudo-nostalgia for the over-bearing 80s aesthetic and the female-on-female romantic pairing for pride points
the episode isn't good for those reasons
>dull narrative
you've put a lot of thought into your criticism I see
>fundamental lack of the dark, socio-psychological satire
black mirror's satire is stupid and you're giving them far too much credit if you think it has anything to say about "psychology"
the only good episodes I've seen are san junipero and be right back, because they're the only ones that aren't hysterical overblown satire and actually have some kind of maturity to them
Real talk: if your best friend looked like Pom Klementieff, would you fuck him?
I know I would.
the first episode. this show is edgy for edge's sake and people who like this show are mostly edglords that want to feel smarter than regular people because they "forsaw the coming doom" in fucking technology. piss off mirror wankers.
lol wtf? weird brainlett take desu
>lol wtf?
kek, Black Mirror is the same show done a thousand times. Watch the Outer Limits if you want the same stories done better, without the racism or millennial smugness.
The majority of this show's episodes are bad. The writers come from the D&D school of "start with the shocking premise, then write a bunch of filler around it." Most of the time it doesn't pan out, some episodes are good.
The Waldo Moment gets my vote. White Bear narrowly dodged it by being shot and edited so convincingly.
White Bear is one of the worst pieces of television to ever air. Just a shit, shit story.
Show was shit as soon as it got a 3rd season
It went from a spooky British show with charm and cool ideas to yet more american pandering garbage. I refuse to even watch the newest season, I know it's going to be fucking shit. Why waste my time?
It was shit from the very first episode
first episode is pure kino you shut your whore mouth
this episode is where it jumped the shark. How tf can anyone enjoy watching an innocent boy being psychologically tortured by le epic internet trolls?
The black museum one is when I realized the show was garbage, but probably everything after white bear was shit
was that produced by Netflix?
the only good episode in S3 was the spooky house videogame one
>The Twilight Zone for Soibois
No thanks
S5 was such a disappointment and not dystopic enough. All of the episodes had happy endings ffs.
It's so stupid, and you get the sense that Brooker actually thought it could happen.
"YEAH, people really would en mass encourage their prime minister to fuck a pig!"
Except they wouldn't. And then Brooker could just say "well it's just satire", but the episode presents itself in a way that makes it appear speculative. At best it's just shock humour, there's nothing interesting or good about it.
When the prime minister fucked a pig.
Yes I would because the artist wasn't going to kill her anyways, rendering the entire episode pointless.
Everyone keeps saying San Junipero but it was really Crocodile. Nothing about it makes sense.
People seem to think the ending to that is shit. That's actually the only good part of the episode (other than the good cinematography). It's funny as fuck and demented but people seem to think it was serious
S3 onward was Netflix, The Waldo Moment was the last season episode before it was purchased. I don't think this was a coincidence.
Please explain why you think that episode was so bad. I'm genuinely curious.
This was also the episode where I just simply stopped watching the show
came to post this.
(watched a few more episodes anyway)
>Please explain why you think that episode was so bad. I'm genuinely curious.
>Please explain why you think that episode
i did retard
Honestly this. There is not a single world leader who debase themselves like this, no matter whose life was at stake. Completely undercuts the story you're trying to tell when the outcome would simply never happen.
I think anyone who doesn't believe that episode could happen hasn't paid attention to the global political or mass media climate in the past decade. It's not the best episode, but it's the most grounded one on the show and the one least deserving of the hatred it gets.
I remember watching the first episodes, by the end of them I felt a feeling of disgust and anxiety, I was genuinely shocked by some of them, like the dead boyfriend and Waldo
then netflix came, and I realized that the British have this congenital spark of dystopian universes, from 1984 to Huxley, while the americans want to "shock" the audience while pandering them to the max
but user he was a pedo
The twist is that they actually die and their VR self are only a simulated version of themselves.
It was by far the best episode of the whole series.
>british sci fi where everything has a twist
hard pass
Anyone else really like the dating app episode? I thought it was really cute.
The fact that it's so grounded is exactly the reason it's bad. It wouldn't happen at all, and the episode seems convinced that it could. If it presented itself as a ridiculous nightmare version of reality it would be slightly less shit, though still shit, because what does the story actually say? That the public are cunts over the internet and jeer at politicians? Right, but twitter jokes don't actually hold any weight at all if you're a reasonable sane human being.
It's just random pessimistic wank without reason other than to shock.
Retarded tranny opinion.
>oh man i can't believe you're actually living out your fantasies in a virtual world!
>we should kill you!
It had a weak satirical premise with boring dramatic structure
just garbage
holy shit that may have been the worst single hour of tv i've ever seen
show was dead from ep 1 however
all the tech in this episode was shit by the way
The episode doesn't say much, but neither do most BM episodes, even from the better seasons. Fifteen Million Merits, for example, says "consumerism is bad." The Waldo Moment says, "voters are literal retards." Half of the series' episodes are brainless chase thrillers.
I think the strength of the episode is that it isn't presented as a nightmare reality. If the PM doesn't fuck the pig, he murdered the princess. The mass media, the opposing parties, and non-constituents will push that agenda. It's not a great episode, but it's not terrible either.
It was too serious to be comedic or satirical so it just came off as ridiculous and edgy. It's bad for the same reason "Human Centipede" isn't a good movie.
>not great, not terrible
comrade...you're delusional
This. How did we know the virtualized copies of his coworkers were sentient and could feel pain? He just wanted to play his video games. The real villain is his murderer.
Except he was torturing programs with actual consciousness and sentience so fully developed and realised that they were exactly like the real people the code was taken from. It would be like someone torturing you in real life and being met with "you're not even a real person" when you beg him to stop.
>hurr but they were just simulating consciousness
So are you. Are your thoughts not just chemicals and electrical signals? Doesn't seem that much different from computer code.
The miley episode of the latest season is one of the laziest and sloppiest written shows of recent memory.
It’s not even remotely deep or contemplative, it’s predictable and banal. I actually thought it was written by a woman, when it said during the end title credits that Brooker wrote it I was in disbelief.
Black Mirror has been trash for a while. It needs to go back to its low budget/high concept roots
>So are you. Are your thoughts not just chemicals and electrical signals? Doesn't seem that much different from computer code.
Wow that's really deep, not total bullshit abstract from reality
why would I program these "codes" to the extent they are sentient and know they're in a simulation and probably try to kill me?
why wouldn't I erase those part of their conscience and have full, obedient sex slaves?
>develop a PG13 fighting game
>model bodies with full anatomy, and also implement sex between characters
>creade a code to transfer a male orgasm to female and viceversa
>implement VR control
>add multiplayer so basically it's an online rape game
>"I fucked a bear"
It was that. I don't define Black Mirror as comedic, satirical, or even dark. To me, it's another form of The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits with a new label. I don't have expectations for what it should be.
I keep seeing people labeling the show as "dark," or "ironic," when there are plenty examples where it isn't. It leaves me to wonder if part of the distaste stems from that.
> Are your thoughts not just chemicals and electrical signals?
Actually, nobody knows what thoughts are:
It's almost certainly not electrical signals, as that would imply all electricity is conscious (electricity in the brain is an electron flow, same as in every other situation).
As for chemicals, well, then the puzzle would be why are only some molecules conscious? After all, they're all atoms.
>If the PM doesn't fuck the pig, he murdered the princess
No, he didn't. That's exactly the blackmailer's intention - shifting the blame of their action onto you.
It's why the episode is retarded.
If a murderer holds a gun to someone's head, and tells you to fuck a pig or he kills that person - it's not YOU who kills her if you don't accept. It's the murderer.
It's one of the reasons governments don't negociate with terrorists as well.
The whole episode was absolute shit shock value.
>"I fucked a bear"
That episode would have been good if that was the intent of the game developers. A societal collapse from buddyfucking bears has more legs than the filler we received.
Personally I just like it when it's good. And it's barely ever good, outside of San Junipero and Be Right Back.
>why would I
>why wouldn't I
You're thinking from your own perspective rather than that of the character, who wanted the AI to think and behave exactly as their real life counterparts would so that he could get revenge on them by proxy in a way that would satisfy him. Making them mindless slaves who wouldn't live in constant fear of him wouldn't be in any way satisfying to his character.
I thought it was pretty amusing. A technically well executed basic story with no to little pretension. Another one of those ''sentient AI'' ones but not as bad as Uss Callister and BM Museum. The latter is imo the worst episode of the series.
imagine being this much of a brainlet
>No, he didn't. That's exactly the blackmailer's intention - shifting the blame of their action onto you.
>It's why the episode is retarded.
>If a murderer holds a gun to someone's head, and tells you to fuck a pig or he kills that person - it's not YOU who kills her if you don't accept. It's the murderer.
That's what rational people believe when the mass media isn't feeding them a different narrative. The voting public isn't terribly information literate.
>It's one of the reasons governments don't negociate with terrorists as well.
Carter negotiated with Iran, Reagan negotiated with Hezbollah and armed Osama, Bush II armed and supported Kurds. It happens.
>The whole episode was absolute shit shock value.
Me too, solid choices.
>"My attitude towards him is an attitude towards a soul. I am not of the opinion that he has a soul."
The one where everyone just rides exercise bikes in the future.
>but user he was a pedo
there was never anything that proved he was, those hackers could have easily planted that shit on his computer
I bet you think that Chiggur didn't kill anybody and it was all the coins fault.
It's a fucking anthology. God forbid one of the episodes be tonally or thematically different from all the others.
No, I don't. But Chiggur seemed to. And Chiggur votes.
This was unironically the best episode because it shows a future that could actually theoretically happen. Everyone praises 15 mil merits but an entire living facility where all the walls are tv could not be supported by fucking bikes, but Nosedive shows a future with a concept that isn't so far fetched if you simplify it down ("its an app where you can share pictures and rate profiles!") and because of that the episode feels much more impactful and IMO has the best theme of the series.
feasibly is probably a better word than theoretically
the orville did it better
Why didn't they do the same with the older guy, then?
Why would he rob a bank and kill a man over the moderate embarrassment of a leaked wanking video?
The newest season wasn't great but i feel like people are exaggerating.
Striking vipers was sort of interesting but way too long, 3 or 4/10
Smithereen was pretty enjoyable and had a nice build up of tension, but the climax is a let down. i'd say 6.5/10
Ashley Too was, as fucking everybody pointed at, like a disney sitcom, but at least it was entertaining. The episode was better at the beginning when it was more grounded and I really felt for the characters when the main girl got her Ashley Too, but the ending was just way too disney-ish for me to enjoy. At the same time it stands out from the other episodes tonally which has some merit in a show like black mirror. 5/10.
"Nosedive" is just "WOT IF CHINA BUT NOT BUGMEN."
I liked this one but yeah youre right this was the first "Hey look at how woke i am!!" Episodes and its been downhill ever since. Its not about cool twists or sci fi its more about being politically correct.
He was a kid himself
>So are you
they're digital imitations of people thoughts, it will never be 1:1 because they're clearly not inside a human brain inside a human body, it should be clear that what's objectionable is that he's got these fantasies and that he's able to live them out, the cookies or whatever you call them aren't morally significant, human experiences only make sense in a human body, that's why its not imorral to shoot a person in GTA, even though they have some kind of relative version of pain they lack the essence of humanity, they're a digital creation, no matter how realistic or digital.
that's got to be the most American dystopia a Brit can come up with
>So are you
they're digital imitations of people thoughts, it will never be 1:1 because they're clearly not inside a human brain inside a human body, it should be clear that what's objectionable is that he's got these fantasies and that he's able to live them out, the cookies or whatever you call them aren't morally significant, human experiences only make sense in a human body, that's why its not imorral to shoot a person in GTA, even though they have some kind of relative version of pain they lack the essence of humanity, they're a digital creation, no matter how realistically they imitate a real person.
why do people who don't understand technology keep peddling fantasy as science fiction?
dude it's just like the real world
This show has had its ups and downs. Definitely more bad than good, but Charlie has a good idea every now and then, even if the execution is less than stellar and they always choose the cowardly ending instead of the good one.
This last season was a fucking abortion, though.
I knew the exact beat Striking Vipers was going to take within the first 5 minutes. It did not deviate even a tiny bit from what it obviously set up to do: what if your friend was hot chick?
At least explore that shit in some kind of meaningful way. Also: lol at the unbelievable and out of place ALL BLACK upper middle class. Even the niggers I know laughed at that shit. Also lol @ the woman cucking him in the end, as if that's some kind of "compromise" and not totally something that's going to destroy their marriage within 6 months.
Smithereen was actually not too bad. I like how it portrayed an above-average intelligence guy trying to pull off something he thought might work and fucking it up in a realistic way. A few things I'd have done differently, but it was all right. The ending wasn't a total disappointment, which actually surprised me.
The fucking Ashley Too shit is an absolute embarrassment. Just lazy from beginning to end. Stupid characters that don't even act like real human beings. Yeah, we get it, dad doesn't pay attention. Manager bad. This was clearly written by a boomer because nobody under the age of 20 actually acts like that with a pop star. "I'm such a huge fan!" I actually laughed by the seventh or eighth time the kid said that.
That episode was so bad I actually wonder if it was tanked on purpose.
I liked the Tinder episode, the one with Jon Hamm, the one with hayley atwell and domnhall gleeson, the one with a social credit score, the one with robot bees, the one with rolo haynes, and the one with bronn
this was unironically explained in Chappie
this show is dumber than fucking Chappie
>we're basically just computer code dude, whats the difference?
you're dumber than fucking chappie
And it was the better of the three, how ironic.
It's still absolute trash but the other two are unbelievable irredeemable dumster fucking fire. Especially smithereens, holy fucking shit
What is so bad about Smithereen?
The show clearly portrays minds and bodies as being separate things, even if you don't agree with this philosophically or think this is true in real life it is in the speculative reality of the show. I'm pretty sure Brooker has confirmed this in interviews, also, the narrative of the episode clearly follows the POV of the woman/her copy and sympathizes with her, you're given no reason to think she's not really conscious.
Except it literally isnt. It was the fucking WORST of the three. Had literally nothing going for it
Every episode is just the same shit again, just a different context.
I mean at least it kind of asked some interesting questions. Like was it gay? I mean the married guys role in it doesnt seem nearly as gay as his friends. Of course all this is probably just to shill the whole "faggotry is a spectrum" shit. At least the episode didnt go full on "yeah they are actually gay but they can't express it because of society." Also im pretty sure it wasnt shown as a compromise. Neither of them seemed particularly happy about their situation. Particularly the wife.
San Junipero is in my top 3 eps
It isn't a "black mirror" episode, I liked it because of the eerie feeling and the setting and inspiring potential of VR
Fight me online
White Bear was by far the worst and cringiest episode, puke worthy, I sometimes don't recommend Black Mirror as a show because of that filthy episode.
They actually die though, the VR uploads simulated consciousness, it's not really them
Sure it is and yes they aren't really them, agreed.
Although, I hope you realize your consciousness is also being simulated in an organic robot, right?
Tell me you realize that, thanks in advance.
Yeah, god forbid the show who's fatal flaw is being incredibly luddite actually have an optimistic view on immortality. Calm down. youtube.com
the ending to san junipero isn't actually as optimistic as most people think though. the pan-out at the very end with the servers really just feels very cold and sad
Season 3 was both the death and golden age for this show.
Prove me wrong.
How so? I got nothing but optimism, which was actually a breath of fresh air compared to the usual ending.
Dammit, wrong size
I believe in a soul so no.
do you not feel dread to see that all their lives are are blinking lights on a machine, one among millions?
Toothless and impotent at building tension, flat characters, absolutely KINDERGARTEN tier overall story, they didn't even try. Was there even music or any nervous ambience at all i don't even remember?
I mean any other episode did it better, the one with the internet trolls for instance, it just kept getting worse and worse and more and more tense. Smithereens? The dude is laid bare as a peaceful wreck of man that just wants to talk to a dude and cops don't bother building any tension either until like the last few minutes and even then they immediately deflate it all with sniper shooting, missing and episode basically resolving itself real quick
And the entire story is that dumb music video about "phones bad we live in a society", and that's without just going dumb DUDE WOT IF, it's literally just that
>i drive car phone ding i lookie at phone car boom :(((((((
This is Black Mirror 2019
at least i watched it without counting minutes till the episode ends because it didn't fucking laid entire bare in the first 10 minutes and then didn't even try to subvert any expectation like 2nd ep did. I was legit in tears from yawning. 3rd is trash but endearing at times and goofy and had a modicum of plot in there
Do you not see a glorious future for humanity, as millions of souls can occupy almost no space, living in paradise forever, our greatest desires achieved once and for all?
Not him but I did, I also felt sadness and horror mostly. It's not an uplifting story.
based, me too. only for whites though. and only the right kinds of whites. rest of you are basically zombies to me.
I think the point of the episode is that we've really tried to make "heaven a place on earth". Some people find comfort in that but some people find the artificiality cold and bleak
he should've been killed just for having that kind of technology and not using those sluts as his sex slaves instead of shitty star trek roleplay
i dont care what your philosophy of mind is, because it doesnt matter how you approach the mind body problem, what matters is how you approach the human problem, that is, is a digital imitation of a human a human, the answer is no lol, you could be on either side of the debate and come to the same conclusion, because it doesnt matter when what's in question is an imitation of a human, or a digital snapshot of someone's brain. its not part of a real human person, it's sustained inside a computer, it's just 1s and 0s which a real human mind can never consist of the two are substantially different.
The bee episode is pleb filter.
>Some people find comfort in that but some people find the artificiality cold and bleak
I think that's just you projecting onto the episode. Nobody in the episode found it cold and bleak, except for that one chick who eventually changes her mind because she gets married.... then happy 80's romantic comedy credits music plays.
Like, I'm not saying you're wrong to be skeptical of the concept of digital immortality, I'm saying that that particular episode is not. Personally, however, I find the core thesis that "if heaven is to exist, we must create it, and we will" a hopeful one, and it tickles my HFY funnybone in a good way.
I don't think his sin was playing out a fantasy, but creating sapient life, then torturing it for his own amusement. I think you're just mad because you fell into the paradise-lose-esque trap where the story tricks you into sympathizing with the villain before revealing him to be the devil. That's what "sympathy for the devil" comes from. It's a fairly common narrative tactic, and it's worked on everyone at-least once. Don't be so salty.
Just like the first Matrix World
people are saying smithereen is the best of this bundle of episodes but man, looking back i dont understand what the hell it has to do with black mirror
its literally a one hour long hostage situation with almost no relation to technology in any interesting way
I was waiting for some big reveal that the guy with the gun had planned everything out, was baiting the cops, knowing he was being listened to, had some crazy plan for the ceo guy but no
he gets on the phone and whines like a little bitch because he is too stupid to either not be on his phone or know how to turn off push notifications and blames it on muh evil tech corp
Why would the episode end with such a shot if it wasn't making the audience aware of the reality of those two character's lives? They're laughing and dancing but we see what they actually are.
That's what makes it such a rich episode - though it definitely seems optimistic overall, we know it's an illusion. We're given just as much reason to think it's not REALLY a paradise on earth
Barry Lyndon is a low-key use of this tactic, eh?
The one where the guy got trapped for 1 million years in the snow globe for killing some boomer and the other guy got blocked by everyone. Felt like pure woman fantasy
It’s not life, it’s imitating it
I agree, lesbians are patently incapable of being boring. How dare they be criticized, it's unamerican.
It was the same for the miley episode though. What was the point in the girls story outside her buying the doll? What did her fucking up a talent show have to do with anything by the end?
I'm smithereens it might have been more interesting if was a twist on call centres or something. It was such bad writing
You chose two of the most underwhelming episodes of the show so far..
This illogical transference of guilt from the terrorist to the person being blackmailed is what makes the episode so stupid. No sensical person would consider it, much less someone who wheeled and dealed themselves to the position of PM
>smol brain will never write anything good in their life
Shut the fuck up you stupid Christcuck.
The show peaked hard with Shut Up and Dance. Everything afterwards is trash.
There was a noticable change in tone after netflix took over tbqh
you're using that word in such a way that it completely obfuscates the actual meaning of the word. jsut because i make a 'moral' agent in a computer simulation that thinks for itself and reproduces doesnt make it some kind of special being that has natural rights, they're just computerized imitations of a human mind, it can never be as significant as a human person because it simp0ly isnt human, it has no essence of a human
Literally the best episode you retard.
>main character isn't anything special in the end
>he just found his niche like the rest of them
>waifu has a terrible life now because of him
>time period left ambiguous so you don't know if you're seeing real windows or holograms or if this is a space ship millions of years in the future or present time
It is cold and bleak, San Junipero is nothing more than a digital drug where you only feel pleasure and happiness forever. It's actually very terrifying.
i unironically liked all of the episodes except the boring lesbian one.
have sex incels
had the exact same thought desu
This. Also
>when a fake hologram uses words like mansplaining and feminism
Last episode i ever watched. Show is now pandering and virtue signaling to the max.
>defending a literal pedo
Id expect nothing led from you retards
Smithereens is just a minute long government social ad with absolutely most basic precaution to not be distracted while driving a car stretched over a fucking hour
>anthology show
>jumping the shark
he invented animus tech for the video game
I think that just sounds like hell. What's the point of living if you don't ever die?
pandering to Redditfags and making the show into le epic shared universe was a mistake.
The only thing he did wrong was making a piece of software so shitty that the AI in it could become sentient and manage to kill him while he was inside.