This was the worst movie i've seen in the last 10 years, i dont think i have words to describe this clusterfuck but i'll try,
first of all it was the worst offender in the "soulless" category to date and i watched x-men the dark phoenix last week, this was much worse, a blatant cash grab but it had serious problems in every department, it was so lazily done, the CGI was TERRIBLE throughout, i swear the first MiB movie CGI was better somehow, the actors were horrible to the point of laughter, i was laughing in the theater at supposedly serious scenes while people were getting up to leave, to say the performances were phoned in would be giving them way to much credit, its like they were trying to be terrible, you have to see it to believe it.

the plot was predictable and really fucking stupid, it made very little sense why the characters behave the way the do most of the time and they had to be dumbed down to 70 IQ in order for these events to occur.

the women strong agenda was crammed down your throat throughout the movie, the lines "all women are queens" and "why is it 'men' in black" are in this and thats just the literal part, every male character is either evil or an incompetent idiot that needs to be saved by the strong independent female agent, its just sad.

the cinematography was boring and amateurish, i dont know who is responsible for this but they should be fired, i dont get why they would use a fucking fisheye lens effect for the part where the look down on that pawn alien (which is as small as a chess piece), it was so fucking annoying, the entire scene went on too long while trying to be funny and it was like watching a stand up comic bomb live on stage, it was hard to watch.

also the actually tried to milk the fact that Hamsworth plays Thor in the marvel universe by having him pick up a regular hammer off the ground and pose with it before throwing it at someone like its suppose to do something special.

just fucking nuke hollywood, please.

Attached: Men_in_Black_International_(Official_Film_Poster).png (220x326, 35K)

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have sex incel

Have sex incel

I would if I could

>just fucking nuke hollywood, please.
You sure are helping with your desired goal by paying to see these fucking terrible movies, genius.

Are you volunteering?

Nah Dark Phoenix is worse

>nuke hollywood

No, just Sony. They are the masters of blatant cashgrabs, lazy movie making and shoving in as much product placement to cover the cost of making their shit.

why watch it retard

fisheye lens effect for the alien that treats women as queens was for the giantess fetishists.

No Hollywood as a whole needs to be glassed. Disney owns a chunk of it and they produce shit while other companies cant pick up the slack and also produce shit. Burn it all.

It should be called "MiB: Interracial"

>implying he paid to see it
>implying he even watched it at all

>claims to hate hollywood
>gobbles down everything that's put out instead of going outside

>just fucking nuke hollywood, please.

most realistic scenario to root for would be a total war with north korea and or China, where they have the capability to deliver nuclear ordonance to the west coast of the contiental united states. Los Angeles is a high premium target in that situation and we may get our prayers heard and hollywood will take a direct hit of a Hwasong-15 missile.

stop paying to watch shitty movies

i paid to see it you faggot, what the fuck are you on about.

Make Frens!

Films are made for mindless consumers. Stop consuming films.

Maybe this movie was one of the first AI written movies and its not quite there yet? i cant explain the level of awful its at otherwise..


This movie actually exists?lul

have love emcel

And yet you cannot name a single solitary plot element or reference any scene.

I could have told you all of that without watching. You're an idiot for seeing it in the first place. It's your fault because you encouraged them with your money. Good job.

Director is a gentlemen negroid with west african ghost ancestor hominid admixture, whose best previous work so far was 'the italian job' from 2003

writers are a two guy team whose previous work is: Iron Man (2008), Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) and Punisher: War Zone (2008).

Attached: MV5BMTQ5ODcyMzExMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTgxMjAwMjE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,1495,1000_AL_.jpg (1495x1000, 163K)

Wow he looks dumb.

correction on my part, while going through his filmography again, I think his best work is actually 'Friday' with Ice cube and chris tucker from 1995. Hm, so this is the guy that directed Friday, huh, seems like he lost his swag

it's not even the worst mib movie, cry harder faggot.

>he went to see it expecting any better

The bad thing about NPCs is they don't realize they are NPCs. You're the fucking problem you fucking cunt

>having him pick up a regular hammer off the ground and pose with it before throwing it at someone like its suppose to do something special
that actually sounds funny

Damn now i have to see it to believe, KEK!

it didnt even had that special mib ending

but i literally did in the op, two of them, you'd know that if you actually read the post.

describe 3 scenes from this new movie, i dare you, im sure you didnt even watch it.

Got old and soft. They all do. The testosterone dries up, and they turn into hacks.


*metal folding chair*

Attached: franchise murder.jpg (700x467, 129K)


fucking spot on this dude

>you have to see it to believe it

i dont even pirate movies anymore you cunt. why would i desecrate my brain and spirit with jewish basedsumer feces.

Attached: 1b338ec1a229ba4fab6dca1b77320dd3.jpg (564x564, 45K)

>Know that it's going to be shit
>Still pay to go see it

Stop. Doing. This.

Attached: 1493988551726.png (711x664, 314K)

We heard you when you posted this in MiB thread that already exists

he just cant help himself

Attached: 1560030701215.jpg (960x960, 172K)

stop kidding yourself goyim. you are dying in the middle east for Israel first.
some things simply take priority over others.

a big production like this was likely influenced by the studio to a large degree.

>you have to see it to believe it.
i'm not gonna watch your movie tessa

>The albums of the last few years are probably the ones you shouldn’t listen to. Let good music shape your brain, not promotional campaigns shape your brain. (Incidentally, the same is true of cinema: i find that Hollywood has declined so precipitously that virtually no Hollywood film of the last 5 years deserves to be watched…why in heaven would anyone waste 2 hours to watch “Spiderman Chapter 623” or “Star Wars Episode #welostcount – The Return of the Return of the Return” when there are so many good films made in the previous 100 years that people haven’t seen yet? The last sequel that was worth watching was Godfather 2, 42 years ago, or the Road Warrior, 35 years ago). If we thought more highly of ourselves, we would not watch bad films and listened to bad music just because they are publicized.

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>the cinematography was boring and amateurish, i dont know who is responsible for this but they should be fired
The film has already been made; the cinematographer cannot be fired at this point

>MiB 1 was good
>MiB 2 was mostly naff
>MiB 3 was good
>MiB 4 was shit
Only odd numbered MiB films are good.

>just fucking nuke hollywood, please
Cool it with the anti semetic remarks.