I didn't even know this was out...it's pretty good though. you see it?

i didn't even know this was out...it's pretty good though. you see it?

Attached: swamp thing.jpg (480x480, 63K)

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effects are good main characters and story is boring though not surprised it was cancelled quick

I finally got to watch it since every faggot was mad that it was being cancelled
the practical effects for one scene (the hospital) is really good but other than that, its really bad

i've only seen the first episode so far desu. the main girl is beautiful and the production values are great. it has a very good atmosphere and effects. i'll keep watching for now. i liked doom patrol and titans too.

Each episode has been worse than the last unfortunately
Maybe in the end it won't be good at all

Attached: Swamp Thing (6).webm (720x324, 2.86M)

Are you kidding? The show's garbage. Same with Doom Patrol and Batwoman, it'll all be cancelled soon.

>bringing up a show that hasn't even aired that is on a different network and with a different studio entirely

Hrmmm it's almost as if you have loyalty to a company...

>a DC Univerese original

Attached: 1329658946000.jpg (475x475, 17K)

Its enjoyable so far. Actors are meh but the production value for the show is outstanding so far.

These episodic shows are bad and you know it. These days, what the audience consider great is just mediocre, and what is great is cancelled for being to far ahead of its time.

But it's not episodic

I like to add, Swamp Thing should've been a Netflix show written and directed by Alex Garland, someone who actually expressed great interest in the property.

A ten hour movie cut up into one hour show spread across ten weeks IS episodic.

In that it occurs in episodes, sure

But each episode doesn't form a standalone part of the story, they're all just installments of the season arc, it's not onster of the week. If it's episodic vs serial than it's much more serial.

>A ten hour movie cut up into one hour show spread across ten weeks IS episodic.
no that's the opposite of what is true.

If you want to get technical then what do you call episode 2 of Swamp Thing or any other show? Episode 2, part 2, series 2? No, you call it episode 2 because that's what it is.

Yes, I want to get technical
Words have meanings faggot, if you don;t know them don't use them

You didn't answer my question.

doom patrol was pretty good

I forgot to add, a series of anything is an installment of several EPISODES that make up its seasonal program.

they're better than just good

I didn't answer your question because like you it's uninformed and pointless

Let's just be real here, Swamp Thing was canceled not because of the tax credit debacle. No, it was canceled because it sucked. No body cared about the show other than the fact it brought money into the pockets of its producers.

Doom Patrol, Teen Titan, and Batwoman share a similar fate.

Why do all DC shill threads start with
>"So I just finally watched this and it was great. Thoughts?"

Is this a meme that I missed? Cause I only see DCfags ever do it, but they do not constantly.

(show fucking sucked by the way)

>Need wiki to back up your weak sauce

Come back when you form an opinion of your own little boy.

*put my hand on your head and use it as leverage as I get up from my chair

I'm basically swamp thing in a shitty apartment..at least he gets fresh air

>says Swamp Thing is "great"
>loves Coon Patrol and Titans

Opinion automatically discarded. If I wanted to see transexual faggots buttfuck and it be called "kino" I'd go to r/DCucks

>I'm right if you accept my bullshit as objective fact instead of objective fact

Attached: 97eb4afa-2cf4-45fe-864c-9a7d6cb5d7cb.png (732x600, 206K)

Attached: Swamp.Thing.2-1.webm (698x802, 2.99M)

Attached: Swamp.Thing.2-2.webm (536x816, 1.78M)

This desu.

Wasn't it cancelled because it was just too expensive and the dc streaming suck balls?

this looks really good for a tv show

Actually looks better in low resolution.

Attached: Swamp.Thing.2-4.webm (930x600, 3M)