Other urls found in this thread:
>meanwhile there are people on this board constantly spamming alita threads every fucking day
pure horror mate
wow this looks like shit
An example of unwavering loyalty.
wat am i looking at?
Holy hell. Should I have seen this in theaters? Was it good?
No it wasn't.
It was meh
But there is no your mother.
Best film of the year.
>first HQ rip
Yes, and?
Not when Endgame and John Wick 3 exist
endgame is shit infinity war is better
Not really, you would be fine watching it in your home
yes, it was a good theater experience
you'll find the only people who trash it are the spergs who hated the fact that there was a general here
A bunch of shit
Is it watchable with that 1XBET shit all over it? Cant believe there's not a single good torrent without ads...
Give it a while and they'll pop up. Don't watch that ad infested wank.
She's alive bro, don't you see, nothing scary about this since she's alive
I liked the part where she had a passionate hug with a black guy. You could tell they really loved each other.
Do the part where she slices to the dude's face off
i'd hike through venezuela to smell her fart muffler
Requiem for a Dream, indeed.
Jenni-fu just can't catch a break in this damn world.
>flopped so badly even the scene doesn’t give a shit
Has this ever happened before
imagine sniffing evas panties for a thousand years
based 1XBET
Anyone see the brain and think, "Well that gets rid of the surprise when they get to Zalem."?
Nothing new
the FCC loves violence
best line in the movie?
>Sweetheart, you are.
The movie makes just about every manga plotline inviable going forward. So the (never happening) sequel would have to be entirely OC.
Kenan Thompson is incredibly handsome
Are there no good quality rips yet?
dishonest cinematography at its fullest.
>Kenan Thompson
Who is that?
that looks comically shit though. no wonder with a pg-13 rating
I thought this scene was fucking hilarious. The eyes moving around was pure loony toons.
Only with shitty watermarks all over it.
Wtf why did they delete this pic?
no matter how many threads you make about it, I'm not gonna watch it until it drops in HD
nice try but Cameron had enough pages of screenplay to make a trilogy, only gave the first movie to rob
>alitards think this is shocking for a PG-13 movie
This just tells me every other company are pussies in not pushing the boundaries of PG13.
Not especially, no. It was alright. Would have probably enjoyed it more if it hadn't been shocked here quite as hard.
that looks so fucking stupid lmao
obscure reference
>he lets a handful of weirdos on an azerbaijani carpet weaving forum dictate his enjoyment of films
how dare they show shitty cgi of pictures an elementary kid will find in his biology handbook
Well, after having dozens of generals and being praised all the time I expected it to be a lot better than it was.
he looks way younger than her
I liked the part where he ranted about the Jews and pounded the table so hard it split down the middle before gassing his cripple father as a burden on the state.
>a robot gets dismantled
Why would that not be considered pg13 or lower?
I unironically have no idea what shit film that is and I don't care
>General is banned here so you can only make occassionally threads on here
Lmao, what happened to that raid you faggots promised
Trannies can only talk, never anything more. Pathetic
LOL you faggots are still trying. Most toxic general here and that's saying something
It was good, abvove average definitively
[Spolier] doesnt help that average now a days means marxist propaganda
lel, they try to make a new thread almost everyday and it always fails. it's so fucking patheitc
It was meh. Majority of board thinks this on all threads. Only ONE (1) THREAD SAYS OTHERWISE AND THAT IS THE TOXIC /ALITA/ GENERAL THAT WAS BANNED HERE
you sound like that kind of retard who needs validation to like something
glad you're not a fan
>try to make
Why are we trying?
We create.
what do you mean fail?
like reaching bump limit?
you spent that thread arguing about box office crap instead of le healz xd bullshit. jannies refuse to 404 your threads anyway
The shit they got away with in that show.
I miss the creativity of it, but the acting or lack of for a large part and weird plot killed it.
Come join us. It's free of charge. Kool-Aid is on the house.
there was never any serious discussion about any sort of raiding
if there was it would've been within a very small minority group and I was not aware of it
that being said, I see nothing wrong in continuing to make threads as long as they aren't in the general format
we should be allowed to discuss the movie on Yea Forums as we please
we adapt son
as long as there is an Alita thread on top of Yea Forums and that pisses you off, I'm happy
the IMAX was insane
only people here that hate are the ones annoyed by the discord trannies in the general(understandable)
also mice are not people
just what this thread was missing
It has SOUL
>all the sequels would be OC
>nun uh! Cameron wrote a bunch of OC already!
I will never stop being amazed at how retarded these threads are.
Cartoon violence has no real limits.
you two are normal. you can stay
have sneed, alitcel
LAMO'ing at you. Sorry kid, theres always the sequel.
Good lad, not long now.
Its not a good movie but its a good experience. It has plot structure problems of cramming in unrelated shit and introdcing the "world" but its worth watching. If anything it was better in theaters for a single viewing than it will be on home video
That's fine. Remember that scene from Ghostbusters II, though?
Tight tooshie
Depends, are you a weebo?
There's no blood and Gore, it's just body parts.
Also, what happened to her brains/eyes after Alita killed the dude?
By this standard, the junkyard scene in Brave Little Toaster should've earned an R rating
There are grown up men out there that thinks this is good
Autistic people and spics aren’t considered “grown up.”
Because in America "they" want to desensitize our young to violence while making sex seem extremely taboo with anything showing ANY amount of nudity being R Rated. This is part of "their" plan to make our young more expendable warriors that fight and die without reproducing.
Quite sad really.
Fuck I'm the same person, what do I do?
I'm not implying to shit up the board by the way, but I'm sure some people are annoyed at the mere sight of an Alita related thread no matter what it's about
I was among the original posters in the general
I acknowledge some of the stuff was super autistic, but you see it's like loving a dog, it might be stupid but you know it means well
You love it and it loves you back
never had a dog by the way, so I guess /ALITA/ was like my puppy
and now Yea Forums killed it and I'm super pissed about it
Why did he keep the hands?
So did this leak? Torrent where?
better than anything that came out within the month
For purposes
Up until the urbanization of the late 1800/1900s people witnessed quite a lot of violence in their day to day lives. I bet you've never had to butcher or dispatch a wounded animal. People are just fucking soft these days and feminism is a root cause, but overall you're not wrong.
Captain Marvel came out 3 weeks later user
Based Jimbo telling the MPAA to fuck off.
>implying i was one of them
>anyone who doesn't hate the movie or the fact that there was a general MUST be one of them
try again retard
>replying to your own posts with based
Snee-G 13
>I know all of Cameron's work is OC
Oh, so you've read it all? Dumbass
hannibal tv series
Maybe it's because I'm used to R rated stuff.
Maybe it's because I have only a passing knowledge of what passes as PG-13.
But is it just me or is TV getting more violent? watch a slasher movie. You see early evening TV. And you can barely tell the difference.
Oh and I do realize "TV's too violent nowadays!" is a very boomer comment to make.
She's 34
msm's endgame is to make you desensitized to violence and faggotry
Is that boyfriend or something?
The movies plot locks off basically every manga plotline. So it’s either OC or nothing.
>Keean Johnson (age 23)
>Rosa Salazar (age 33)
>you've never had to do kill anything
You sure like to assume from your projection based computer.
Also, that still doesn't excuse the irrationality that blood gore and murder is okay but sex is not. It is literally top 3 for "Reasons why our people are mentally fucked." Kids grow up today and are unstable because of this.
sex is a 4 letter word user. good christian mothers like me can't possibly expose our children to such profaine acts :^)
The only time blood/gore/murder really trips MPAA ratings is when it seems realistic or psycho-sexually charged.
Neither applies to this thread, of course.
Still had to cover the female buttcracks with blood.
The show had to be canceled because the FCC regulates via complaints, people complain about literally everything, and as a result there was nothing they could show by the end except homolust.
Thus the show didn’t “get away with” anything.
no, housebound freaks still have to wait longer
>generic disney flick with waifu bait is the best film of the year
real shitty bait, man
It literally felt exactly like an ever so slightly more mature cyberpunk disney movie with waifu bait.
Zoomers can’t conceive of a world without infantile capeshit where entire city’s are destroyed without seeing a drop of blood
that's jennifer connelly you faggot
we all know you'd hit it if you had a chance
it was meh
That's a human with a cyber body
Did you see it in theaters?
>t. man posting in a thread about a movie where there is also not a single drop of blood
He is but his wife is still 5 years older than Rosa
That doesn't invalidate his statement
There's plenty of blood but the cyber blood is blue, the red streaks on her face in the posters is dog blood
He didn't fly so good.
>only watched by autists and spics
>6th highest grossing film of the year
I'd love to see your math on that
so not a single drop of blood.
>being proud of ignorance and apathy
okay user I hope that works out for you
and it still flopped
cause the autists, spics, and chinks watched 100 times each
>hey man where's my cut
I saw it between 45 to 50 times at the theater. wish id kept better track
Living human minus body and trapped in a box
is about blood, gore, nudity, and language.
and it still flopped
There’s lots of blood in Alita
Pretty much the only thing that kept it from being rated R is that the blood is blue instead of red
>so not a single drop of blood.
Based retard
that and the fact all the violence is obviously fake and cartoony.
>posts a streak
>calls it a drop
his gf irl is 5 years older than rosa
ffffffuck she's still alive
Based retard
>arguing over semantics
what's it like being autistic?
alita is NOT cute
all dem keedz
these "semantics" are what separate an R rating from a PG-13 rating.
jesus christ you are actually this stupid
so rating conventions are yet another thing in the stupefyingly long and rapidly lengthening list of things you understand absolutely nothing about
you have some blood spurting out here
you have to run it frame by frame to even tell, and its such a ridiculously small amount, considering, that it isn't even remotely notable.
Hole shit she looks fucking disgusting with those bug eyes and pig nose face and thin mint lips.
You'll have retards here say it was a great film but there was a huge marketing campaign to make up for how terrible it was expected itwould do and people feel for it. After all that it didn't make a great amount of money either.
400 million gross compared to its 200 million budget.
you have the big autism
>i'm going to attempt to make myself look like an expert on things that are well known to cover up for my ESL failings
just stop dude
>when he starts projecting
Please stop for your own health. Are you the 70 iq Russia?
whats your endgame here?
>i learned a new "I win" word haha XD
i want newfags to leave
no one cares about your opinion faggot
>84 posters
>172 replies
Why are alitacel trannydiscordniggers like this?
>man with no arguments continues replying for completely unknowable reasons
>everyone has to post once and leave
here's some threads from the catalog, newfag:
>131 / 36 / 75 / 1
>168 / 42 / 98 / 3
>109 / 55 / 43 / 5
>111 / 16 / 55 / 5
>blurring the Primavera
>but this level of gore is fine
I fucking hate the U.S. This level of systemic hypocrisy and absolute ignorance for both logic and reasoning makes me want to kill myself.
>you have to run it frame by frame to even tell
not really, it does happen fast but it's easy to see without any frame by frame
anyway I was only pointing out that your statement was wrong
Now this is based
>cut person in half
>both halves are away from the camera
>a tiny black spurt shoots out of one side
>DUDE HOW WAS THIS RATED PG-13?!?!??!?!?!?!?
The operative point is all the violence is cartoony, quickly cut from, and very non-gratuitous. what little blood there is in the movie is either barely visible or blue.
but its an alita thread. every single one of these threads are either mindless spam of worthless memes made by literal retards or idiotic pre-lost debates like this one.
it was only fine because no one had complained about it yet to the FCC. Now it is not fine.
also, fun fact, the FCC doesn't regulate cable. So literally anything could be shown on any cable channel without consequence.
Bros, I started reading the comics after watching the movie. I've never read a comic book in my life. I start crying like a little bitch...
They obviously did that to avoid an R
what point are you even trying to make
It's such a great manga, I'm so glad the movie was so good and still mostly accurate to the comic because it's getting a lot of people to read it
Hannibal was one of the few television shows that almost made me puke, Jesus Christ those effects are still terrifying
that there is nothing impressive or noteworthy about the amount of "violence" in alita and it is pretty far away from the "limits" of PG-13.
And yet, they chose to censor the Boticelli painting.
What makes you think that they needed to have an "impressive" or "noteworthy" amount of violence and how is that a criticism of it?
The manga is extremely violent and they kept most of the actions in the movie but they just avoided showing gore in order to have as wide of an audience as possible because the violence has no real impact on the story.
>msm's endgame is to make you desensitized to violence and faggotry
Well I guess they won then.
Did the jews win this one? There's a lot of violence but almost all of it's happening to cyborgs? Do I hate or love jews for making this?
>the jews, the jews
what are you even talking about
negro, its one of the common bits of (false) praise lavished upon this awful movie, as its designed as a counter to people pointing out how tame it is compared to the manga.
>Single blue eye
sick Undertale reference
what part of "the FCC regulates content in response to complaints" is eluding your grasp?
I mean holltwood jews lmao
I don't think anybody's praising it for avoiding an R but there is quite a lot of (false) criticism about the movie not being hyperviolent as if that has any impact on whether it's good or not
Like is Rosa a kike woulndät be surprised if she was.
So your logic is that Jews run Hollywood but the only way to make a violent movie is when they aren't involved somehow?
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
i feel like i should have watched this in theaters
>ultraviolence is one of the most notable characteristics of the source material
>remove it in the adaptation
>try to keep everything else
>lose all contrast
you've heard this all before. why do you keep choosing to die on this hill?
you made an extreme statement (not a single drop of blood) which I simply showed you was incorrect
that seems to have triggered your autism for some reason
now that you're wrong and extremely angry, you're trying to steer the conversation into something I never engaged in, saying I'm losing a debate I never started
you are the retarded one my friend, please go away you're wasting everyone's time with your room temperature IQ
Rosa's half French half Peruvian
p should have ask the eight ball about the flight plan
>man who combed the movie for instances of violence accuses other of autism
Jaws was a PG.
is it true the united states take passive action on burden of the states by making it hard to impossible to get real help outside of debt?
I'm telling you you're a jew. I think I'm supposed to be a man of God and I think you're not thinking right.
I'll defend the movie as a whole but I don't really care about whether the movie was up to your standards of violence or not
The jewnited states of murika does absolutely NOTHING to help their PEOPLE. The do however send endless aid ro Israel. Worthless state.
Why are you so obsessed with Jews
what about the wall? did she break the glass wall?
here you go with some lame deflection
and I see you have no objection with the retard part
you really are a profound imbecile
>pff, I don't really care
>t. man who's spent an hour defending the level of violence
why does the left eye look like a mouth with no teeth?
>did she break the glass wall
You tell me, this is her at one of the Alita premieres
I was about to say something nice about jews but you changed my mind with your stupid ass fucking comment. Fuck Jews.
I really want to tell you I'm sorry though..
You're arguing with multiple people apparently, the only thing I've done is prove that there's blood in the movie and that they deliberately avoided an R rating
Just hate the Jews in general
sorry for what
That was before pg-13 existed you summerfag swine.
I watched this the other day and didn't get whether it was meant to be someone in particular or just some random person.
so you're pedantically arguing the same thing i am.
that's swell.
its supposed to be jennifer connely's character, but shes such a complete non-entity in the movie that you forget she exists if she's not on screen.
Well I obviously don't want to hate kikes. And sometimes, when I pull on it hard enough, I rip the skin.
Maybe, but you're arguing that it's worse because it's not R and I'm arguing that the violence has little bearing on the content or the quality
Lol is this real?
Why don't they just make a Reddit board?
Good movie. Worth watching when it comes out in better quality. Seems like a movie everybody on a mongolian anime board would like.
one of the main kinks of the manga was the contrast of gally against such a harsh, brutal, and ultra-violent setting. So toning the violence way down to safe PG-13 levels means what remains is overwhelmingly and emptily saccharine.
Thus, the level of violence affects the content and quality.
Hence the "WAS" you illiterate bitch
there were paid shills for a little while. shills like Yea Forums because it allows them to present themselves as a much larger number of people. the shills bailed once the flop was in.
reddit and discord are almost completely different and I'm sure there already is an Alita board on reddit
>7th highest grossing movie of the year
not sure how that works
An Alitafag and a turncoat? Pathetic.
If you don't unedstand DER JUDEN you don't understand anything.
I mean why didn't they ditch Yea Forums and just go to Reddit. It would have been better for both.
Lol there are no paid shills on Yea Forums, stop thinking Yea Forums and Yea Forums is bigger than it is.
Ok but there's a lot more to the story than contrasting a cute girl with hyperviolence, that's just some surface level stuff
God i wish that were me in that box
it helps to actually look at the numbers, instead of parroting meaningless headline statements.
nope, that's the main payload of the source material. her vs the world. if the world is tame and not all that bad, then her struggles aren't impressive.
They didn't want to ditch Yea Forums, I think they got forced off the board because a janny broke the rules and some autists threw a fit about it
>it helps to look at the numbers
Yes and the numbers show that the only movies that did better were from huge franchises, aside from the most profitable movie ever made in China
Basically just
>hehe yeah just look at our harvested organs
was hitler someone who wanted everyone to do their best that took it too far?
I picked up a 3 day ban for calling out those viral marketing faggots in their never ending shill thread a month back. Someone really should cut that jannies pay.
All of that violence is still there in the movie but they just cut away from it or tone the blood down
>one thread at a time on an underwater basket weaving board in the sphincter of the internet
>viral marketing
so what you're really saying is making less and costing more than pokemon, which objectively flopped, means alita didn't flop
why would you bother with such a transparent lie?
This shit hole is the creator of viral memes.
at least you aren't trying to claim there's no marketing on Yea Forums
>she beats someone to death with her bare hands
>kicks someone against a wall so hard that their head comes off
>still dripping blood off her hands until the scene ends
>man gets impaled in the bar
>dog gets shredded and Alita paints her face with its blood
>Alita gets dismembered and but manages to impale the villain with her arm and then snap it off inside his head
>villain gets set on fire
>Alita kills people in various ways in self defense during her motorball tryout
>motorballer gets cut in half
>motorballer gets thrown into a shredder
>someone gets sliced in half
>Hugo gets stabbed and Alita has to cut his head off in order to save his life
>Chiren gets dismembered while still alive and ends up as a bunch of living organs in a box
>Grewishka gets cut in half
>Hugo gets dismembered
not even a comprehensive list
memes /= marketing
Tell that to the jews at monster energy.
its like reading from a marketing pamplet.
whats missing is all the casual background violence and all the gore. without that it just looks like a marvel movie.
I rec emailing hiro about that. the one who did that sort of stuff was caught, but also
>it looks just like a marvel movie
Ok now I'm convinced either you didn't see Alita or you haven't seen a Marvel movie in a long time
It's really fascinating that you think the all Jews are working together and controlling everything
someone post the edit from early
>y-you didn't watch it!
well, you held to actually trying to make arguments for a lot longer than you usually do.
Nice straw man you're building there.
If you saw Alita (which I assume you did) and you've managed to sit through any of the more recent Marvel movies, then you wouldn't be making the argument that they contain the same level of violence
I'm not the one who keeps bringing up the Jews
I see you are now resorting to a strawman argument. I can never tell if you people are doing it on purpose or if you simply can't read.
looks like a shitty fan movie off youtube
You missed out on an incelkino
Get the fuck out of here, tourist
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
you said
>without that it looks just like a marvel movie
And I said that's incorrect because to me they are obviously different, I don't know how you think that's a strawman argument
why does Yea Forums pretend to like this shit
Nobody's pretending user what would be the purpose of that
Marvel movies "get away with" similar levels of violence as alita and don't try to act like that's some feat. You either recognize this or you're simply delusional.
Even as a fan of the movie I can admit that this scene is not great to look at
Yea Forums doesn't like it
If you look through the "generals" you can see the vast majority of people who praised it in are not locals here and even most not from this site at all
Ok then why don't you provide some examples as I already took the time to do
>human with a cyber body
How exactly do you think you can prove whether someone's a local or not and why do you think that it's the "vast majority" who aren't
Do I need to explain the difference between a cyborg and a robot?
mostly because I'm sufficiently confident in my assertion to not need to artistically spam a checklist at you. also because if you have a problem with my assertion, you have the burden of proof.
also because your checklist serves only to prove my argument, as all you ddi was list all the times the movie wasn't ultraviolent.
its entirely moot here, considering most "cyborg" characters are full-replacement.
>I have no proof to back up my argument but your proof is actually my proof so now you need more proof
weird way to argue
"full replacement" doesn't mean that they aren't humans with human brains
Friend, the issue you're running into boils down to the fact the movie was not sufficiently violent to contrast alita, or to make her struggles seem meaningful.
This fact won't go away no matter how much you shitpost at it.
no again it wasnt...
Ok but the point of the story is not just contrasting Alita with other things, and I found her struggles to be very meaningful so if you didn't get that out of the movie then I don't know what to tell you
The fact it has a human brain means absolutely nothing in terms of whether or not destroying it is somehow more violent. All you see is metal being crushed. Anything beyond that is interpreted by the viewer.
>pic related: another human with a cyber body
It was legit actually good.
It's not the violence it's the difference between a robot being destroyed and a human getting killed in a painful way
Most robots don't scream for their life
One again, there is no difference between a robot with a human personality and a human personality in a robot. Both give the same effect and both are easily digestible for kids.
3D was pretty enjoyable while high
But you can watch it at home. The movie is more genuine then most of the shitty PC propaganda/lazycash grabs that’s being cranked out
friend, considering the movie lacks any conflict with a central antagonist, the entire point falls to alita vs the world. if the world isn't sufficiently nightmarish/violent, then the movie lacks any real center, and it just looks like a marvel movie.
more of nyssiana's belly would have been gud fuck you rodriguez you HACK
my man. I smoked in my car before going in to the theater each time I saw alita. best combo ever.
Eiza Gonzales is a babe
>he doesnt know about the plastic surgery
What does that have to do with my opinion on whether or not she's attractive
It was pretty entertaining at the very least. There are a few scenes that made me go 'I love this movie'.
Her beauty is literally artificial.
is that from mars attack?
the bluray did it finally got release?
Again, what does that have to do with my opinion on whether or not she's attractive
No not until July 27 but a good rip just came out
to a T
That scene isn't disturbing until you actually realize what it'd be like to have that happen to you.
You're fully aware of everything that's happening to you, yet your brain can no longer send signals to anything other than your eyes, heart, and hands. Your body is literally gone, you can't talk or scream or cry out in pain. You're literally just a brain in a jar and there's no way for you to end the horror you're in, unless your heart or brain dies of old age. And given that they can literally replace your brain or heart once it fails, you're just stuck in an endless hell.
I don't think they were aware of what was going on while they were being hacked though. when nova makes his deal with chiren, he takes over vector instead of just continuing to talk through grewishka. I assumed its because he wanted the conversation between him and chiren to be private.
my bad, I replied before reading all your stuff and assumed you were talking about hacked vector being killed by alita
>good rip
It's a lot better than anything else that has come out so far
its pretty common for children's franchises to have that type of "disturbing if u think about it bro" sequences.
no, its still shit with watermarks and embedded ads
...and outside of these threads no one pretends 1xbet is a good source for anything...
I assert the alita generals are 1xbet shills.
Yes it literally is the best version of the movie available right now
Nobody's claiming it's bluray quality
1xbet shilling confirmed
Being able to tell the difference between a shitty orange tinted camrip and a 720p video does not make me a shill
acting like 1xbet is acceptable quality for anything, ever, is what makes you a shill.