This won an Oscar

This won an Oscar

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Which one ? The movie was good btw.

Dafuk is a „slumdog“??

It's a good movie.

is was good
fuck off with your racebaiting thread

Rightfully so

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was good aside from the cheesy dance number at the end

>a movie LITERALLY set in india
>not expecting a dance sequence


I'm not race baiting I just find it interesting it's mostly forgotten. I liked it

DO poo in loos really do that to street kids? just blind them? wtf?

A dog from the slum

does Yea Forums hate this movie? i thought most people here liked it

The old times. When every race had their own women if this movie were launch in 2019 the girl were gonna be a white.

yep, they are considered vermin, you can kill them with no repercussions, often get used for organs and a favoured passtime is tying them onto railtracks and watching.

I'm surprised they don't use them as sex toys.

Not really. Its exactly the same as every other bollywood rags to riches story. They make like 100 of them a year.
The only difference is this one got noticed by the west.

Post better ones.

>Its exactly the same as every other bollywood rags to riches story. They make like 100 of them a year.
difference is that slumdog isnt 6 hours long and doesnt have pointless dance scenes outside of the end credits

There aren't better ones. There aren't worse ones. They are all the same.

this move was my introduction to Indian people. before it, I knew India was a country but I didn't knew how the people from there looked or sounded like.
I was not impressed

>The only difference is this one got noticed by the west.
It's a British movie...

so did suicide squad.

don't Indians hate it?

Then post them. Don't talk shit unless you can back it up.

Just a reminder that Oscar's are given out every single year, even in the event that there aren't any good movies.

Movies make India seem nice.
Then you find out Indians just shit in the street.

>what a coincidence: the movie
peak reddit

mostly assblasted indian directors who have made similar movies and havent gotten recognized

reddit actually hates this movie because of how it protrays india

They wanted to cast a bollywood actor for the lead but they were all muscle bound posers so they got a guy from sadiq khan's London instead.

I never bothered watching the movie.
How does it portray India?

feel good movie of the year for white liberals. Of course it won

Mongrels love rags to riches stories because it makes them think that it'll happen to them. Even if it did they would blow the money in a year's time anyway.

>what a coincidence: the movie

You mean literally every scripted movie or TV show ever.

as a third world slum, hence the name

Oh so the truth.
Not surprised reddit hates the truth.

>movie criticizes india for how they treat the poor
>the actors who played the poor kids only got 200 dollars

Do check out 'The Three Idiots' if you guys liked Slumdog Millionaire

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It was better than the Moonlight and Argo movies

I asked an Indian if they liked it. They said they hated it but that it was an accurate reflection of India. Any Indian bros want to attest to it's accuracy?

it's not even the worst movie that won an oscar
but it is really mediocre

>They said they hated it but that it was an accurate reflection of India.
So that's why they hated it ?

They never told me

was there even tough competiton that year? i enjoyed it desu

India superpower 2020

2008 was the last good year for movies

i'm looking at the other films that qualified for that year and apart from the dark knight and the wrestler everything else wasn't worth a second viewing, this film was up against curious case of benjamin button... slumdog deserved the win, sorry

He's a contrarian looking for (you)s
Slumdog Millionaire was a fine movie. As for Oscars, meh who cares they're usually bullshit anyway


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poos are sub human. why are you surprised?

I like the main actor. Lion and Hotel Mumbai are good too.

The environment is real, but the story is a fairy tale and it also has the usual cinematography gloss.

Indian women are legit the best

They love white guys as well

They cook good food and a lot of Indian women have really cute feet

That happens.

No, it won 8 Oscars.

Watched it on the plane while I was flying to Hindustan recently. It's an okay movie, but it's pretty baffling that it won Best Picture. Nobody ever talks about it

why would you gf a girl who has been raped/prostituted

Not much, how are you?

Indians think there is nothing wrong with their country. They despise criticism.

friendly reminder that India was literally cyber-bullied into putting an end to public defacation

And yet the poo still isn't in the loo...

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better than green book.

And was it a success? I very much doubt so. Poos love their poos, can't live without it

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Parts of India really are like that. To think the movie happened in the biggest/best city in India should put things in perspective. India is really a shithole, there's no other way around it, but it's MY shithole and I'll work my life away trying to improve it.

i enjoyed this movie to be honest tho.

Boyle has never made a kino after Trainspotting. Prove me wrong.

I really want an indian gf so bad, but they only either marry other indian guys or white guys. You have very little luck if you're not either.

imagine the smell