How do they keep actors sober enough in shows like Mad Men where they drink a lot of whiskey and other alcohol?

How do they keep actors sober enough in shows like Mad Men where they drink a lot of whiskey and other alcohol?

So they drink a lot of water too or something?

Attached: mad men.jpg (480x325, 28K)

fake alcohol user, jeez

No way. It looks just like the real one. Juices etc don't look real enough. I would notice it.

Apparently not. Because it’s fake. Sometimes it’s real but it’s mainly apple juice or some other stuff.

Let's just agree to disagree


i bet you think actors on film are also having real sex without a condom for every real sex scene too whats it like being officially retarted

more important, how do they keep actors alive when they are getting shot? They must have a whole hospital on notice for films like saving private ryan

let's not go to stupid hyperboles. Drinking is way different than those. And harder to cheat because you see see them drinking.

But you see people get shot in movies all the time!

Attached: 323255.jpg (399x400, 15K)

Its iced tea mix. It's always iced tea mix.

You dumb asshole, the drink is CGI.

That's why the are actors, because they can "act" drinking.

ILM pioneered computer generated liquids back on the set of A New Hope, milk isn't pink. They CGId that stuff

maybe it's real alcohol but the actor is CGI.

Did they drink for real in the past?

>what is a stunt double?

Only rocks and sand.

Yeah, which was a big problem and caused a big controversy when the Great escape released.

They were drinking real moonshine and Donald Pleasence, who played Blythe drank too much. It's why he went blind, due to the pure alcohol and had to write it in as a reason for his loss of sight, effectively dieing while escaping

maybe the real alcohol was inside us all along


I bet you think strippers like you too

Why wouldn't they? Women love money, i give money so they like me.

user, a lot of these actors are juilliard trained professionals. they can act through the alcohol, they're no amateurs

based retard