Weird food you've seen on tv shows.
< This abomination was featured in The Office
Weird food you've seen on tv shows.
< This abomination was featured in The Office
I saw Charls eating them
Peanut butter and celery is actually surprisingly tasty, fuck the raisins though
I tried PB and celery the other week. Shit is gross.
Dude Celery with peanut butter is great. Never tried raisins but its not the worst thing I've seen
>you will never guess what is it
Some bladder
my mom would make this for me all the time, it sucks
s0iboy/roastie detected
Who the fuck has never had peanut butter and celery the raisins add an extra hint of sweetness which is also nice but I would never eat celery without some kind of sauce or topping on it shits fucking nasty
so just eat the peanut butter and raisins with some bread or something wtf
you have no excuse
Peanuts are gutter tier trash food, the only reason to eat peanuts/peanut products is if you are poor. Thankfully I am not so I don't need to eat that garbage.
>The Office
Ants on a log is so much older than the Office.
You are obviously a dumb ass zoomer.
kek disgusting
are you just coping with your serious peanut allergy?
t. allergic subhuman
Pity the fool ain't had no ants on a log.
>fuck the raisins
Raisins are good. Change my mind
peanut butter is amazing and i feel bad for europeans who do not eat it
nyeh nyeh muh seniority
fucking plebs
You could go make a sandwich, but in addition to eating unnecessary carbs you're also just eating fluff that turns into a dry sticky ball in the back of your throat. Celery + Peanut butter is a god tier texture game. It's mostly like eating peanut butter that's been salted by the water of the celery, but the real fucking show is in that combination of crunchy/snappy celery and creamy peanut butter.
Not the healthiest but I'm sure it tastes good. Cream cheese in celery in the style of OPs pic is pretty good too.
I actually do that quite often when I'm lazy, I just split some hotdogs in half, out cheese inside and microwave them. It's pretty food breakfast, with some nice bread
You have to be 18 to post on this site.
peanuts are the number 1 nut change my mind you fucking faggot. Walnut and almond tied for number 2. Macadamias can fuck right off.
its pretty tasty no doubt they just have shit brands so when they try its not worth it
lmao peanuts arnt nuts you fucking MORON
green pistachios are king, faget. peanuts can take second and almond tied with walnuts for third
Nope, not allergic. Peanuts are simply low quality shit with a god awful omega 6/omega 3 fat ratio and too much phytic acid which lowers their already meager nutritional profile.
The only nuts worth eating in any serious quantity are macadamias and cashews. Walnuts are ok if you like the taste but I personally don't like them except for as a garnish in some dishes.
Wojak's big brain
>Americans and their """cuisine"""
>just add heavy carbs lol
Fat fuck zoomer detected
its shit
>hot dogs are cheese is "american"
Pretty sure that started in Europe hundreds of years ago.
>not brazil nuts
Brazil Nuts are a fine choice for their selenium, but they aren't really a "sustenance" food, more of an eat or two a day type thing. Macadamias and cashews are suitable for a significant amount of calories.
>I don't eat bread
wow what a freaking loser
imagine depriving yourself of things do you can try and fail to be in shape
I'm in shape and I eat bread all the time
not gonna trick myself that I eat healthy by eating disgusting shit like celery and raisins
I pity you, fool
Ants on a log is a preschool snack of choice.
I've always hated raw celery though.