Who was in the wrong here?

>Kubrick was on the same page with Nicholson and treated him with respect but was always critical of Duvall. This was part of Kubrick’s plan, it seems. As Vivian Kubrick has confirmed in the commentary in The Making of The Shining, Stanley Kubrick deliberately bullied Duvall in order to enhance the insecurity of Wendy Torrance.

>He can even be heard in the film saying to the other crew members while she is standing right next to him, “Don’t sympathize with Shelley.” Kubrick would often put intense pressure on Duvall, saying she was wasting everyone’s time on set, and basically that all of her ideas and suggestions were worthless.

>The result of this abusiveness can be seen in the famous baseball-bat scene, which was done in 127 takes (the scene with the most takes ever with spoken dialogue, according to Guinness Book of World Records). Jack Nicholson is menacing Duvall, and she is swinging a bat at him in distress. Duvall was crying between takes and her hysteria was quite real by the time the director found his money shot.

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wtf what happened?

Kubrick was one crazy motherfucker, wasn't he?

His movies aren't even that good either. All that work and the Shining is still a boring piece of overhyped shit

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>faggot jew is a sociopath
color me surprised

>jewish director torments shiksa on set

woah ! stop the presses dude !

>he hasn’t seen Paths of Glory

Tarantino choked out the blonde chick in Inglorious Basterds himself because he wanted her to actually black out on camera

127 takes of a scene with just her in it or with Jack? How is it that she's the only one tormented about it, it's not like she's the only one working on it. The crew, co stars etc had to do it 127 times as well.

You know that Kubrick was very much of anti-jew and even talked shit about them?

Absolutely and i don't think we will ever have anyone like him as director anymore.

This is why Kubrick will always be the greatest director of all time

No he didn’t.

A face like that can be convinced of anything.


Based buzzwords using faggot.

Kek. his shit transcends shitposting. You might as well chime in Leo DaVinci couldn't paint for all the impact that statement has.

source and proof?

If Kubrick wanted the scene to be perfect why not just hire a better actor? Just get a woman that can act as distressed as he wanted and it would have spared everyone so much pain.

>sucking a dead guy's chode because people say he's good instead of deciding for yourself

Here's a fucking protip you dipshits: generally if it's popular, it's not quality. Because quality isn't marketable.

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But that made it worse for her. He made it seem like she was wastign everyones time with her hack acting, simply because he wanted her to break down.

>Because quality isn't marketable.
You're a fucking moron dude.

t. Captain Marvel fan

Get fucked

You are a very special kind of idiot.

he just wanted alone time with her feet when they weren't flailing about

He knew Jack was as crazy as he was

>Quality isn't marketable.
Who says so? It's absolutely retarded. Accessibility is marketable. Quality is irrelevant to the marketability.

Who gives a fuck about the Box Office dude. I'm more interested in the films that people will be talking about in 20 years. The TSPD Top 100 is a bunch of films that all range in success.


Some were huge successful films like The Godfathers. Others were straight up flops. And yet afterwards they've become insanely influential. I bet few will be thinking much if anything about Captain Marvel in 20 years, but people will still talk about a good film like Death of Stalin.

Thanks for the link. Great website.

>tfw kubrick mindbreaks your waifu
it's not fair bros. i could've saved her.

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This meme is lame when you consider Shelley kept working for years and years after.

I've never understood if she's a waifu material or plain uggo.


She's to males what Adam Driver is to females.

That's the appeal.

If she were a better actress then Kubrick wouldn't need to have forced method acting on her.


She's like japanese beauty standards of neoteny and fucked up teeth extrapolated to a white woman

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