How is it even physically possible to commit a school shooting with a bow and arrow...

How is it even physically possible to commit a school shooting with a bow and arrow? Why didn't someone just tackle or punch him?

Attached: kevin prison.jpg (1347x829, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He was standing on a balcony
>Dude why didn't they just catch the arrows lmao

they weren't allowed to bring guns to school so they couldn't defend themselves... ironically enough
also was getting beat up and perhaps raped in prison really worth owning his mom

Literallly who?

>children should bring guns to school

stick to anime buddy, you obviously don't have a brain for good movies



How many arrows did he even have?

maybe not the more "urban" ones if you know what I mean

one quiver

Attached: kevin sets up for gym class.webm (1920x808, 1.69M)

could say the same thing about mass stabbings, but they still happen.

Bow and arrow are lethal as fuck though. I bet with the right kind of arrowhead one of those would absolutely tear you apart.

Attached: rocket-hollow-point-arrow-tips-2-pieces-1_277201814726401337.jpg (1024x683, 70K)

Just stand directly underneath the balcony. There's always a dead spot where he couldn't shoot. It's stupid.

I really hope there were men in the prison who were fucking that mouth.

Not immediately.

did none of the kids have cell phones, you just need to call the swat team and they'll put a sniper bullet in his chest. shit, once I was playing around with a water gun that looked like a gun and some faggot called it in and the entire US army was called in to deal with it

Pretty sure it was just juvenile detention he was in, at least until he turned 18

Attached: kevin prison.webm (1658x808, 2.95M)

nah man it was a psy op the cops would have just waited outside to gun down anyone trying to run away like with parkdale shooting

I guess so. But I mean if there are arrows out there that can down a fucking moose I'm sure a 100 lb teen gets ruined really quickly.

It's not a school shooting its a school arrow you fucking idoot

i mean you still shoot an arrow

A school loosing?

It's missing the point entirely. School shootings are just the suicide by cop for edgelords. Blame the media.

I guess he was shooting from the top of those grandstands. That may be why he dicided to do the massacre in the school's gym class room

Attached: kekuhaupio1.jpg (1600x1068, 634K)

ah yes, nothing could go wrong with arming hormonal teenagers with weapons

It's not called a "school firing" so that wouldn't apply here. Fuck off Lindy.

A school arrowing?

Attached: We.Need.To.Talk.About.Kevin.2011.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG[13-43-52].jpg (1920x816, 104K)

We Need to Talk About Kevin is really just a more classy "evil kid" movie. It's in the same vein as The Bad Seed, The Good Son, Orphan, etc.

And that's what happens at the end. He turns 18 and he's about to get transferred to an adult prison.

That's why he ain't that smug at that point anymore. He knows he's gonna get fucked in the real prison.

But his head is already scarred up horribly, I don't feel like he was having a good time in youth prison either
In my mind he was losing his smug because he came to realize just to what extent he fucked himself to own his mom and how it may not have been worth it

a bullet shoots out of a gun, a cannonball shoots out of a cannon. an arrow doesn't shoot out of a bow, it's released from a bow string

>suicide by cop
Then why didn't they try to shoot him?

Attached: We.Need.To.Talk.About.Kevin.2011.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG[13-55-20].jpg (1920x816, 124K)

>the kid shoot up and kill kids
>let's destroy the parents life/his sister and say nothing about the system/bullying/teachers
If you do the same for the parents of the shooter, how that make you different by the same kids who bully that kid?

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Attached: are you proud of me mother.webm (1280x539, 2.86M)

An arrow is loosed.

He was clearly unarmed giving up there

*and giving up

it's not like that stops them usually

archers don't stand in one place and shoot you from a mile away like in the movies kiddo

Attached: historically accurate archery.webm (800x450, 2.68M)

More like just pick up a desk or something to block shit.

Yeah I think he realized his whatever "master plan" he had was't a great idea in hindsight.

based Lars poster

Attached: I guess he never missed huh.webm (1280x539, 2.45M)

That's quite impressive

Where are they going to find desks in a big open gymnasium?

Most of the recent mass shooters were taken alive.

why didn't he just dress funny dye his hair,do drugs and listen to weird music like everyone else?

Why people were so mean to her?

Are americans really like that?

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I would go gay for Kevin

This bow would be less than 25 pounds draw weight and barely lethal

bullying is an inherent part of society
if you don't make it so your child can withstand the pressure and they go to prison you have to replace them

It's a redneck school shooting.

I think the movie makes the massacre seem far more lethal. I think in the book it's under 10 people and they don't all die.

youer mam is loosed after I'm done with her.

Kevin wasn't bullied. He was just a psychopath.

>"I based my shooting style on real history"
>no historical recordings of archers running through battle lines like spastic retards shooting 20lb bows that won't even harm a barely clothed peasant

He's an incredibly attractive lad, wish he went to my high school

Attached: kevin midriff.jpg (1191x745, 284K)

Because she's ugly

Do they show the arrowheads he used? What draw weight would be lethal? I know medieval longbows were like 100+


He was white.

Haha imagine if Ezra let you handcuff him like that haha that would be hilarious

>telling literally 400 students to stand DIRECTLY UNDER THE BALCONY
>LITERLLY thinking there is enough room under the balcony for 400 human beings to stand
>LITERALLY JUST fucked up his own arguemnet
lol (lmao 2) ;)

>ah yes, nothing could go wrong with forcing hormonal teenagers together in a confined space for 12 years, with or without guns

He did nothing wrong (except not realizing procreation is about creating progeny and not getting a friend/enabler in a wife)

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>this thread again
>no lars poster trying to push that debunked video
well this is a first

People have literally no memory of secondary/high school if they think introducing any amount of guns into it isn't going to cause far more deaths than it would prevent.

You want the nerdy kid who accidentally let slip that he was a furry in front of a pack of bullies to have a gun at all times?

The book is a bit more nuanced, makes you question how much of it is Kevin being just an evil kid, and how much is his mum's fault for the way she raised him.

15 year old school girl did a "school shooting" with an axe in germany. so why not bow and arrow

It wasn't a school assembly, moron. He killed kids that were there for gym class.

There were like 15 in the book I think

there used to be rifle shooting classes in schools
maybe parents need to not let their child be an edgelord

wow that would be weird haha, who'd want that lol

Attached: We.Need.To.Talk.About.Kevin.2011.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG[14-24-21].jpg (1920x816, 92K)

Next Donald Trump over here, nice thinking with those bike locks! What was it you wanted to show me and your little sister outside again?

i disagree

Archeryfag here, even a 30lb bow will shoot through a person at close range. People are made of water.

Boomer here. I graduated high school in 2000 and we had archery classes back then. I assume that's been phased out though.

hmmm yeah i didn't know what to really make of it since it seemed to shy away from any statement regarding the overblown disconnect with him and his mom. i mean that shits real but not to the point where the kid is some cold conniving fuck jacking off in front of his mom because she didn't hug him enough. Relative of mine sort of went through it and he's just a piece of shit not some murderer.

>I guess we really did need to talk about Kevin

Such a cringe film

maybe in burgerland, that explain why USA has so many fucking school shooters.

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haha imagine pinning him against the copcar like this that would be crazy

Attached: kevin copcar mating press.webm (1920x808, 1.19M)

We Need to Talk About Ezra

Attached: ezra kissing tranny.webm (720x1192, 2.96M)


Only when he was a young and hairless twink like this though.

I wish he would wax more occasionally as an adult, he has such a cute little chest

Attached: hit me in the face.webm (1078x526, 326K)

Ezra is dare I say it, love and life

Attached: w1b3h4[1].jpg (560x710, 38K)

yes, he is perfect

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seems kinda homosax

Ezra is beyond your timid definitions of sexuality

Maybe people shouldn't be cunts. Maybe that fag wouldn't be a furry if everyone was walking on eggshells.

That's actually pretty tame by modern Ezra faggotry standards tbqh

Attached: playboy1080p.webm (1920x1080, 1.16M)

imagine looking like that

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God he’s so sexy

It must be like being a really hot girl, but even more so, because there are plenty of hot girls, but very few men who look that good

He's only got like 15 arrows lmao


well, those recurves come in 20, 25, 30, and 35 lbs. ive got a 30 razorback, its a fun little toy.

School was originally designed to get those little shots out of the way in the first place, you underage fag

He’s like some interdimensional mog where he’s prettier than my gf and also extremely handsome

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Why did his Mum give birth to him so late? All of this could have been avoided if she had him earlier on.

True, don’t older mothers have a higher instance of autism in their kids?

>Why didn't someone just tackle or punch him
Then there wouldn't be anyone left to sue and take instagram pictures, you fool!

I want to sodomize this faggot until his asshole bleeds

Tell me more/elaborate user

dont bother try explaining something to americans by the time you explain it to them and they finally understand it they have already been shot


I wonder if he did things to his sister

I would wax him so he had no body hair first, but he can keep that outfit he’s wearing in that .webm
I’d lock him in chastity. Strap him down, put those legs in some spreader bars so his hole is nice and open, then I’d just fuck him with different things, stuff Sharpies and dildos and flashlights and random objects up there until his asshole was really sore and open. Then I’d fuck him until I was about to cum, but pull out beforehand and jerk off onto his chest and torture his cute little nipples while rubbing my cum into his skin until he was crying about how much he wanted to get unlocked and cum.
Then a horde of black men would come into the room and each have their way with his hole until it was actually torn and bleeding. Only once the last one had seeded his ass until it was gushing with semen would I unlock him and jerk him off until he finally came. Then I’d feed him all the semen (his, mine, and the niggers’) and make sure he swallows it all.

>horseback archers of mongolia

It’s not a Kevin or Ezra thread unless someone talks about how they want him to get blacked

Attached: kevin mommy.webm (1500x630, 2.92M)

Attached: kevin bullseye.webm (1920x808, 2.71M)

god he's so beautiful ;_;

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>if you know what I mean
You mean niggers?

I watch modern media, everyone knows only blacks get shot by the police. The police practically have MCdonalds on standby if the suspect is white.

Is this the dude who holds a sword at the blade and just uses it like a club with using to handle to hit people?

is this shit worth watchin

Absolutely, it's literally required Yea Forums watching

Attached: 04.17_we_need_to_talk_about_kevin.jpeg.jpg (1100x618, 139K)

Don't watch. It is really bad. The movies is all about trying to show how evil Kevin is. You learn nothing from the movie. The movies just show to you how bad a psycho can be.

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yeah, it's a pretty good movie
consider that the guy who told you not to watch it attached an anime girl image to his post

Kill yourself you pansy pussyfooted weeb

I want Ezra to fart on me

I want him to suffocate me with his thighs!

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>extremely hairy chest
>no hair on legs

i know its gay pride month because you homophobes are embracing this wonderful faggot so wholeheartedly, its almost touching

Not really. He didn't include the hundreds of times where he failed.

No matter how much revisionist newfags zoomers try to say otherwise, he's always going to be /ourfaggot/

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I wouldn't call that extremely, and he probably shaved for the shooting, you fag.

nah I'd just tank those arrows i could definitely take fifteen arrows into my body and still not die. you know how hard my bones are? I'd just block all the arrows with one of my arm bones

the far side of my arm, away from the veins so my blood is safe

Pffft he's probably z-targeting.

books good because of the twist that due to the format couldn't be done in movie form


Legs aren't shaved, it's just the weird angle/fishnets making the hair look more faint

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>mfw zoomers dont even know that rifle classes were common

He was a complete moron and was oblivious to Kevins psychopathy. Having this character played by John C Reiley wasn't a good idea either. I don't like seeing "le funny men" in serious roles (except for Robin Williams in One Hour Photo).

God what a hottie, it’s amazing how well he pulls this off

With some good makeup this man could play griffith

Imagine smashing his skull against the concrete until his brains splattered everywhere
Faggots must die

>america completelly bans weapons by 2025
>black gangs start carrying bows and arrows
Just imagine

Xe isn't a man, xe is a gender-neutral

Attached: 1541730281535.jpg (988x634, 69K)

i don't think you've shot a recurve bow before.

It's actually really easy to catch arrows out of midair. Especially if it's only one archer.

is this a documentary on elliot rodgets? Can someone post scenes of bow killing if they exist

We had co-curricular .22 shoots weekly, then competed in .308 shoots annually, but I went to a private school. Gave me a healthy respect for firearms despite being in a cucked country.

It's a movie, and the .webm of that is here:

John C. Reilly has done plenty of dramatic work

same can be said about bullets, you need to aim for the CNS

I really want Ezra and Tilda to do another movie together desu

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that’s why the edgelord starts shitting himself when he is about to go to big boy prison

why did he stop growing his hair out and being mega pale and clean shaven? he looks like a jrpg villain...

He's growing his hair out again, it just was being constantly cut for movies for a while

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remindet that his dad isn’t his real dad. 2 white parents making a hapa kid

ITT fags who have never used a bow
With practice you can fire a 40# recurve roughly as fast as a manual action firearm, and inside of 30 yards the arrow might as well be teleporting to the target, the flight time is imperceptible. If you try to rush somebody with a bow and they have an arrow nocked or you are standing more than 10 feet away, you're about to fucking die. Those fuckers kill animals that are much tougher than you, and that's with shot placement that doesn't even need to be as precise as legal hunting calibers.

Was Kevin meant to be attractive in the novel as well?

There was a rifle club at my school but very close watch was kept
There was an older student supervising and often a member of staff
The guns were kept under close watch


>Kevin, (now 14, skinny, pointy faced but with brooding dark good looks) stands hunched in the centre of the room, his trousers round his ankles, beating himself off fiercely. A half empty pack of “land ‘o lakes” butter sits on the side of the bath.

Attached: are ya winning son.webm (1920x808, 1.37M)

an attractive psycho is more intimidating than an ugly incel

this is so funny out of context

six of one, half a dozen of the other

so fucking use one of the dead bodies

the chad embrace

Mate, you don't know about Kevin?
We need to talk.

God I wish that were me

haha I know. Imagine getting on top of him to handcuff him and he lets out this little whimper as you place your foot on the back of his head

okey, xe's perfect for griffith


Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

American kid: *opens fire on entire school because of some black kid's banter*

and then what happens?

Attached: kevin copcar zoom.webm (948x656, 689K)

That's not why I almost did it. The kid was actually Puerto Rican.

>those arrowheads
are those fucking target arrows

that's not historically accurate cause that's a carbon fiber bow with chemically synthesized bowstring

I agree with you, I think Ezra is possible one of the most beautiful humans alive right now

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I've got a 40 lb recurve and it puts field tips into solid wood at 40 yards

>Why didn't someone just tackle or punch him?
in the book he locked them in and did it from the balcony. they literally had nowhere to go and no defense.

Even if there were only a few kids, if it's 90 degree, very easy to stand on the edge and fire directly below

How much sex do you guys think he has? Does he have sex like 10 times per day?

how? there are no machicolations

We got our Guts and Griffith. Now we need Casca to complete the trinity!

I like the girls that plays dora in the new dora movie

Boner Moner obviously

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There are numerous accounts of single archers moving through the battle to kill a leader or lord though

Reminds me of myself when I was a wee laddie

The most unrealistic thing I find about the film is that the mother had alot of years to go to a psychiatrist to ask if there was something seriously wrong with his son but still she didn't.

I don't have the smartest parents in the world but that is what they would have done if I was like Kevin

>Read the plot synopsis

Jesus christ is this supposed to be a comedy?

It's certainly comical at times

Attached: kevin chicken.webm (1920x808, 1.46M)

I think about that daily

Attached: kevin midriff.webm (804x808, 1.49M)


what twist? I read the plot summary on wikipedia and it reads exactly the same as the movie, only difference is at the end he gives the mom the little sister's glass eye

does he know how sexy he is?

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You can take down a bull moose or fucking polar bear with Walmarts cheapist arrows. More about the bows draw weight and the tips/broadhead being used.

The literal definition of shoot includes both bullets and arrows?
Like what the fuck?
You shoot an arrow.
You're shooting a bow.
Shut up.
Fucking square.

I mean I guess but 30# is the LOWEST I've gone when someone pisses me off.
Theres a reason 40# is the minimum legal draw weight for whitetail

Apache style
Gloves on such a weak bow
Bracing arm isnt straight.
He could have killed more more accurately if he corrected this bs.

Oh I know.
They only travel around 200-300 feet per second and can have spring loaded razor blades.
Dont be a punk bitch and just snatch it out of the air.
Looking for a little challenge, catch it in your mouth or with your ass cheeks.

I'll shoot you too if you try and reply to me again shithead

As fast as a manual action firearm huh?
And inside 30 its imperceptible?
I mean fast yeah, but mine is 65 and I shot for a couple hours today. Hundreds of arrows. Probably at 30, 40 and 50 yards. Theres a solid gap.

freakin robin hood over here

Doesnt really matter though.
If that's meant to be at least #30 or higher, you'd be fucking people up still.

Yeah but he's so cute, it worked to his advantage when people saw him coming - they didn't expect to be murdered by a cutie

Attached: kevin bow.webm (1920x808, 2.95M)

I can't tell if you are being a smartass or honestly asking.
That's probably my fault.
I dont know what the balcony he is on is like, but if it's just a flat plateau with a 90 going down, you could easily lean out to hit people directly against the wall below you.
Also solid vocab.

Try it
Punk bitch

As much as I like the idea, far from it. That's not too far really.

Meant for you

Sure they were, and the NRA cares about gun rights

I wouldnt say just zoomers were unaware though. I'm 69 and never knew of anyone having them

>setting up a perimeter of about 12 feet
>letting the perp walk toward you arms down for more than half a second without shooting him
hmm this movie doesn't seem very realistic

who did it better?

he was high up dumbass. the kid studied archery, knows the most advantageous spot in a terrain.

Why did God give such good genes to such a retarded moronic imbecilic monkey?

That's neat
In the military service in my country you only shoot once on the very last day of training, shit sucks

based and redpilled

Plot twist: Ezra is God

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Fire one of those at me and see what happens, pussy. I'm going to snatch it out of the air with my right hand, pull my HK45 out with my left hand and cap you right between the eyes.

a lot of those are not fatal at all
arrows cause very little disruption inside the body compared to bullets
if you don't hid a vital organ or fracture the brain you ain't killing shit, and to do that you need to stand still, not shoot like a retard and hope out of 5 arrows one of them is a killing blow.

>cap you
What if I'm holding a watermelon? Will you be able to concentrate on the arrow to catch it? Will you even be able to take your eyes off the watermelon and look at the arrow?

Haven't seen the movie but in the book it's more told retrospectively by the mum about her life, her self admitted shitty parenting when it came to Kevin and Kevin's spergy behaviour. It's told as if the rest of the family is alive while she's retelling the story and at the end it's revealed that they were killed before Kevin went to the school. Book was probably 6/10 but if you're into that sort of thing it's worth a read

Shut up, she cute

I will.

As always, shitty greasy hair
He should try and wash himself, sometimes

Nah, but keep seething
He smells fine, just doesn't overwash his hair, see:

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How many ezra posters are there and how are they coping with him being irrelevant since losing flash?

>not being in capeshit anymore means you're irrelevant
Know how I know you're a plebeian zoomer?

He should have always stayed an indie actor, the fact that he did capeshit was a major disappointment and I hope he never makes that mistake again.

Attached: stanford-prison-experiment1.jpg (1284x856, 305K)

You get the indie roles because your famous from all the capeshit.
He's not going to get any acting gigs, theyll all go to prime twinks like Chalamet.
No one wants an actor who got thrown out of his main gig for being too queer for hollywood.

I wouldnt shoot you.
I'd just drop you.
Punk bitch.

What if the watermelon has had a bunch of grape soda funneled into it?

>You get the indie roles because your famous from all the capeshit.
No zoomer, you get indie roles because you're an established actor who has already done indie roles like he has (assuming you've even seen any of those movies which I'm sure you haven't, because if you did we wouldn't be having this conversation).
>No one wants an actor who got thrown out of his main gig for being too queer for hollywood.
Not sure if trolling or just legitimately unaware, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're uninformed - if the rumors are true (and they're still rumors since none of this is confirmed by Warner), Ezra wanted a different take on Barry Allen, a more serious less quipshit version of the character, and WB didn't want that so he WALKED, was not fired.

fuck off and go watch more movies

That's an actual sword technique though, user.

Huh, never knew they made another movie about that. Is it better than the Brody/Whittaker one?

Im trying to save you from your obsession ezra poster. He's a dead end now soon to hit gay death of 30 years old and all his roles will dry out.
If what you say about him walking is true then he's pissed off some of the main studios and will definitely get more roles.
Move onto a different twink, you get nothing for loyalty.
Ive only seen we need to talk about kevin and perks of being a wallfower out of his indie stuff. He was good in both but he'll never get a role like either of those ever again.

Robbin' in the hood

No, that's Green Arr- you know what, fuck it, next

It's great, definitely worth a watch:

Just fuck off retard, why are you even in this thread? Why would you come into a Kevinkino thread to ruin it with your autistic husbandowar shitposting?

Addendum to add: you act as if I'm not capable of liking multiple actors. I do like Tim, and Tom, and pretty much every pretty boy twink working right now because I'm a lonely faggot with no friends who likes to look at pretty guys.
I just like Ezra the most because he's who I grew up with. If that makes you seethe for some reason then I can't really help you.
thanks for ruining my night I guess

Your only angry because I speak the truth.
He's not going to get any more roles, the new rotation of twinks is coming in and the cycle of dropping most actors when they hit a certain age will continue. Your aged out by 25 unless you get an oscar.
>thanks for ruining my night I guess
your too invested. Im only playing with you.
I like ezra too but I honestly think he's not going to get any roles.
> I'm a lonely faggot with no friends who likes to look at pretty guys.
join the club

it's almost as if blacks commit most crimes

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American thinking
>if we armed all our teachers and students, there would only be two deaths, not twenty

Rest of the world
>we don't want any children to die

You should watch the other movies he's been in then, he's talented enough to continue to get work. You'd know this if you had actually seen everything he's been in. Directors look to previous work when seeking out someone, that's unironically how he was cast for Flash - Snyder saw Perks and wanted him as Flash.
Watch Afterschool, watch Stanford Prison Experiment, and try to say he doesn't deserve more work. Because if you liked him you'd want that instead of being so fucking negative.

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>Some guy who takes shitposting medieval manuscripts seriously.

Ezra hasn't really been a twink for a while now, he's more like an otter nowadays and looks great

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Imagine going on a school shooting spree just because David Duchovny fucked your mom.

Thanks for reminding me of that

Attached: californication.jpg (1061x1067, 227K)

I should rewatch the first few seasons. They were fun.

Used to love imagining Duchovny fucking him like this

Attached: californication3.jpg (969x1473, 317K)

here's a .webm too

Attached: Duchovny'd.webm (500x407, 1.03M)

When will his sex tape leak already? There has to be one with how many people he sleeps with.